Finally, official introduction :)

Hi everyone,

I’ve been posting in babypips for a while until I realised that there’s this “Introduce Yourself” subforum. So I thought it’s a good time to finally introduce myself.

My name is Tomas, I am 30 years old, originally from Lithuania and currently living here as well.

My trading journey began in 2010. Just a few months before turning legal age (18) I went to a free live seminar about forex trading, hosted by a broker at their office. The seminar lasted for 4 or 5 days so it was a pretty good value but of course back in those times I didn’t understand what role brokers actually played in this market and that you can’t get anything good in this world for free. But in those times all I cared about was boosting my ego because being the youngest attendee in the seminar hall felt great for sure.

A few months later I opened a small live account at that broker, which was funded 1/3 by me and 2/3 by my parents. They agreed to invest in me because I made a nice powerpoint presentation to them on how I’m going to make millions soon. Of course that didn’t happen and I blew my account.

Between 2010 and 2021 was the time of part time trading and learning. Not continuously, but from time to time. No results yet, just increasing my frustration and living in a dream that one day things will change. During this period I also worked as a web developer and also attended a university (international business). I also traveled to over 40 countries, lived in 5 of them: Croatia, Thailand, Singapore, Australia, England.

During this time I also met a soulmate woman with whom we’ve moved to live in a small province of Lithuania where nothing is really happening and yes I do get bored because I’m originally from the capital city, but at least my mind is not disturbed, I can focus on work and it’s great to be far away from the rat race of the big cities. Also it was ridiculously hard to find rental apartment in this “exclusive” small town - it took us 4 months and only after getting interviewed about our struggles on the national TV (!) and local newspaper we managed to find something in here. So we should feel blessed to be living here, haha. Having said that, we probably won’t live here forever, but for now it does the job.

In 2021 I met an actual professional trader who was in the markets for 30 years and 17 years in forex specifically. I learned from him 1-on-1 in live market conditions. After a while I gained professional understanding about how this market works and became consistently profitable. Now I trade exclusively the professional side of this market and I’d never look back into trading the retail side.

In this forum I will mostly be the guy who is talking, not asking, because honestly I think I’ve already asked all the possible questions during my 13 year trading journey… Nowadays I’m mostly fighting with boredom while watching the charts all day, and it feels extremely lonely and emotionally taxing. Recently I’ve started managing capital for investors as well, I thought it will improve my mood but it doesn’t really, it only brings more stress. So I do want to talk and connect, and I hope that somebody will be listening and it will be valuable for them. So feel free to ask, and you can also send me a direct message with your questions and I will be happy to answer.


Yes your feedback will be appreciated over the years

Thank you for taking time to share your story! Looking forward to hearing more of your trading experiences. See you around!

Welcome to the community, Tomas. We’ll surely be here to listed and learn from you. Hope to hear more from you.