Finance Newbie in Western Australia. Keen to learn as much as possible

I’m struggling a little bit in the Preschool.
Mainly when it comes to the details. But the concepts I seem to be okay with.
I think I’ll just keep going on with it and hopefully with enough repetition it will make sense.

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Welcome to the community, @bn1980. It gets easier and makes more sense as you go along. Just ask away and I’m pretty sure other members will help you out.

I think for beginners, and many inexerienced traders it doesn’t get easier or make more sense. It took me several years to reach a consistent breakeven profitable level.

And did I have to put the extensive learning time in throughout to reach that mountain top. Rhetorical question.

Sorry I meant understanding foundational knowledge and application. Success in trading is a totally different ballgame. I agree with you, it will definitely not come easy.

Welcome! Take your time learning and if you need any help, don’t be afraid to ask. We’re all here to help each other. Good luck!

welcome to baby pips , never skip the learning session , you can keep continue learning as well practicing at the same time.

I went through the school maybe like 3 times when I was starting out cause there were some concepts that were just super confusing to me. :sweat_smile: If even going through these concepts over and over again doesn’t clear things up, I’m sure the members here won’t mind helping you out. :blush: Good luuuuck!