Finding Consistency

To find consistency in the profit we must learn to adopt different strategies. You can’t use a single strategy for a longer period. You must be dynamic and creative enough to change views, adopt different strategies. That’s what I think.

Simply comprehensible.

How is everyone’s consistency going? Had a rough start this month (mainly do to some bad habits I have been working on)… Today on the other hand, I will make up for all loss this month and put me into the profitable range, with much lower risk might I add :). Hope everyone else is on the right track and is slayin’ pips like kings!

Hi All,

How’s everyone doing? Its been very busy lately…work and all (that’s what happened when you are multitalented I guess lol) so I haven’t really actively trading this week but I will catch up next week. Hope all is well for you guys… Dont worry myfxbook will stay there either I blow this account out or if I stay consistent :slight_smile:

[QUOTE=“PipNRoll;619947”]Hi All, How’s everyone doing? Its been very busy lately…work and all (that’s what happened when you are multitalented I guess lol) so I haven’t really actively trading this week but I will catch up next week. Hope all is well for you guys… Dont worry myfxbook will stay there either I blow this account out or if I stay consistent :)[/QUOTE]

Better keep your account up and keep improving your English :p. I like to see how I compare to my competition xD. Hope all is well :slight_smile:

Good Questions:

It all depends. If I will take a guess, I would say a lot of traders are focusing on daily or even weekly either in pips/profit/percentages. I think to those who are a swing trader or even a position trader, they are probably looking into monthly, quarterly, or even yearly. Not everyone is the same. To me it doesn’t matter. Even if I only come out at least 20% guarantee this year. I will be more than happy because I know I can bit that Mutual Fund manager who handle my retirement fund as an example.

Also, keep in mind to those who currently hold a career/businesses and who have been working for the past 20,30,40 plus years from a regular jobs, they are looking at trading forex as a means of additional income (if any) to hopefully take more vacations etc. Not everyone wanted to owned a hedge fund company or handling other peoples money (personally I don’t) I think having a plan out and knowing what would you do (realistically) if you ever earned a penny or more trading Forex has to be in your plan not just how you plan your trade.

It is really fascinating to see what else can you do aside from Trading Forex …and you might find other hidden skills that you don’t know about. Life Balance is everything…

Welcome back, PipNRoll!

You made some excellent points, indeed worthy of an FX-Woman:

  1. not everyone trading Forex wants to own a hedge fund;
  2. many people look into Forex for additional earnings, not as a full-time job;
  3. a good work/life balance is essential, and that also goes for trading;
  4. not every trader is the same.

On behalf of the collective, thank you for guiding us, once again, through the darkness of the Forex Forest.


I am sure everyone knows that…its nothing knew but thanks for the kind words :slight_smile:

Hello PipNRoll,
I am sure that they did, but you have a way with words, which makes your points come across more forcefully.

Keep us posted on your progress, and we will too.

Happy trading.

Do you ever have those moments when somehow every trade you place is a wrong one even if, you know that it should, could off done that? Well, this is one of those moments for me… and it sucks lol

Not good so far… but what can I do. We still have a few days to go before the end of the month. Still at the -2% currently with some loses that are floating.

Hope everyone have a better trades for the past weeks more than I did. Losing weeks/months are always there but just learn how to better manage it. In which, I am currently “managing” it. Good thing I have a backgraound in “organization skills” lol… oh well.

Hello PipNRoll!

We were just wondering if this thread was on its way to the forgotten abyss of past threads!

I am having a very good month! I am keeping my drawdown steady and in check, my profits are steadily rising, I am investing in longer-term trades, returning to using entry orders, and generally feeling happy with my trading.

I am confident that you too will, by ‘managing’ a seemingly slow or low point, will then bounce back once conditions return to be more favourable to you…

Chin up !

I’m jealous of the organizational skills xD. All my stuff is organized but it’s not always easy to find the exact document I want to find quickly. I have several of the same documents named similarly. All begin with the date, but if I change the original, I re-save the new version as corrected, fixed etc and often save them in different folders… I’m not sure how to combat this?

From your words:

" Even if I only come out at least 20% guarantee this year. I will be more than happy because I know I can bit that Mutual Fund manager who handle my retirement fund as an example."

So just keep your overall losses smaller than your overall wins and you should be fine! :slight_smile:

Except this is now your full time job and you have all your money on few trades then you should be on the right road already! :slight_smile:

But what am I talking about!?! You know it already better than me, don’t you? :wink:

So keep calm and when all go wrong, just take a step back, even a couple of days can make miracles…imagine few months! :stuck_out_tongue:

I am just keeping these thread quite and I don’t want these to become overly so famous around here lol I make enough enemies as it is… No need to add more :slight_smile: but as always, I am just kidding! I will keep post and update from time to time… It’s good to see the real progress… [B]The good, the bad, and the ugly[/B].Showing your results, not only the winning parts but also the losing part and how you deal with the drawdown, loses and winnings. What I have found for myself is that, I will get 3-4 months of good trades then next month it starts to get some losing streak and I expect that this month. I just hope that not as much of a lost…

I need to be in " The Zone " again like the first few months …

I am glad your trading is going well keep it up and stay focus!

Lol you need to use a pink and purple sticky notes so you can see it better and maybe use some sparkles? That always helps…

I think you should go and sign up for a bootcamp to learn those " organizational" skills. It’s a very especial task force like the Green Beret…

Why join the military when you can “train” me without brainwashing me? Lol

Thank you Trasimaco!

Yep, those are my exact words. Although, I also said [B]atleast 20%[/B] so that means it will be my minimum lol. Let step back for a second. If I do not have any floating loses and where I currently at right now Year To date of 58% and we are not even half way done of the year. If you are in my shoes, are you going to stop trading right now at these rate because you already made atleast 20% or will you keep going to see if you still get a few more atleast?

I am most certain that many of us will want to get more…Who doesn’t? You want to milk that market out for as long as you can but still have to put stop on the minimum of 20% just to come out positive for the year… I don’t know, what do you guys think… Should you stop at this rate or keep going? I want to know your ideas…

Trading is only part time for me. I like my full time job and I won’t give that up just yet. Love the people I work with and what I do but I also like to trade… I know decisions… Decisions… It’s good to have options:) Hmm which one…

To train you, my asking price is at a higher cost :wink: military is free and they will even teach how to clean toilets and floors, iron your clothes, those are very important " skills" and you can apply that into trading :wink: yeah, you look like you need one lol :wink:

Hello PipNRoll,

I think that a lot of us here would like to ‘milk the cash cow’ as much as possible! However, there is a point that you make, which is valid, that is having a target, which is absolutely good and proper: this is more to protect yourself from over-trading…Just like your target of placing no more than, say, twenty trades a month (I seem to remember)… You could place more trades, but with that comes increased risk of losses, of course, as much as of further gains… However, if you think you can get more than the annual 20% without damaging that target, then go for it! We are all behind you! And please tell us how posting on this thread will make you enemies??


Keep trading when you are doing well and you know what you are doing. Not point to stop. You will be just missing good opportunities.

Stop trading and take a break when you are losing. Something is wrong and you need to refresh and regenerate.

This is my opinion at least.