how will you know if you have found the one?
Probably when I make profit on every singe trade, with blinkers on…
And no, it does not exist unless of course you are hinting you’ve got it?
Well it doesn’t exist.
Find me a trader that says they’ve never lost, and I’ll show you a liar.
There are certain methods/systems that traders can use with strict discipline to be a winning trader, but there is no holy grail…
You’ll know when you’ve found the holy grail when you see pigs flying and hell has frozen over.
As Ivanic said, every trader will lose on some trades, the trick is how you manage and respond to losing trades. The key to successful trading is hard work and discipline, along with admitting that you don’t know everything and always learning.
Can you define holy grail in your own mind?
I know that it’s something that works for you but I guess it has to be profitable also. But how profitable is profitable? is there a way to compare your system to others?
You will be disappointed in try to finding of any holly grail in forex trading .Your regular work with patience is the only way to become a good trader who will make reasonable earning from forex. May be some time you get high profirts by luch but thereis no holy grail , become practical trader for go a head.
Its just a difficult question or at least the question itself goes against how life works in general. Do you think there is a perfect woman/man? Is this question related to your personal circumstances? If you approach it from the point of view that you will find a single strategy that is perfect all the time its not really linked with reality. Also grail is IMO linked with your personal financial situation. I went to a business conference where there were some hedge fund managers pitching strategies that will earn about 10% a year with a sharpe of 1.5. This is lovely if you have a personal portfolio of 10 million dollars but it useless to pretty much everyone. There is a really crap fact that making money is a lot easier when you already have a boat load of it.
Grail is in the eye of the beholder i suppose. Trading is also a job, you need to enjoy it to be good at it.
I believe there is a “holy grail”. But I also believe it depends on your definition. It may already exist and has yet to be discovered or it has been discovered but is not out in public view. The market is made by money, money is traded by people, and people are predictable. Therefore I believe the market is predictable. People say the market is always changing and adapting. I believe that’s straight bs. The rules in which to play the “game” have to be learned through observation, sufficient evidence, and a resilience to learn the “right” rules the market plays by. In my opinion anything is possible if you set your mind to it, so do not be discouraged by common mythology. The more trades I lose, the more I learn and the deeper I get into learning what is valuable in the markets eyes.
The Holy Grail: there is none. Understand that and you will be prepared to do the work and be willing to adapt. A holy grail implies a static condition.