Finding the right broker to work with is the first step

Finding the right broker to work with is the first step to a successful Forex trading career, but there are just so many brokers out there that it can be difficult to narrow down your search. Of course, you could go around opening accounts with tens of brokers and trying them out, but it’s much easier with Top Forex Market companies to help you pick only the best brokers. I’ve found this list immensely helpful in my search, and I’ve already been trading successfully for almost a year now.

95% of forex ratings are paid ones and yours is not an exclusion. Unfortunately the only feedback traders can rely on is forum discussions, which unfortunately is also not free from paid marketers…

Very good view. It is very hard to find a good site that offers a better opinion on the forex broker. Most sites are paid for by the broker that offers.

What is the list? Trying to have useful info for others and myself. Most lists or rankings are biased considerable. If you have real experience and can share or rate it always happy to hear that. 301 Moved Permanently

Best of luck.

Oh, don’t think these websites provide the truthful information. I’d doubt in their honesty a lot.
The other way how would Instaforex and other similar companies take the one of the first 3 positions??

The rating for me doesn’t matter when choosing a broker with a fine reputation. The most important thing is to find out if a particular broker of your choice is regulated. If brokers are regulated, your funds are safe. I think we should focus more on that.

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