First experience going live

If profit then beginner’s luck and if loss then room for improvement.


It was a mess. I was going thinking that I can do it, I can do it, I can do it…I can’t do it.

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The first experience is always very important for work. My first experience was not the most positive, but all the difficulties were able to pass.


The first time experience was more of a mess and less of earning, but yes, if one keeps practicing, then success can be achieved.


yeah right! practice makes you better everyday, just keep on practice.


Frankly speaking man, that was one of the toughest time of my life. I was hesitating a lot whether to open a trade or close on. But I did try my best to hold myself which obviously didn’t work. Lol right? But when the time passed I found myself in a comfortable place. Since then I didn’t look back for a second. :nerd_face:

Oh man, I was so excited to start trading with live account and there were so many emotions going in my mind and I was trying to control myself which actually worked and I had a very small profit on first try. That got me bit greedy so I made 4 losses in row after that.

you should just take it as experience and it’s good that you have learned from it.

No problem, it happens with most of the beginners. Just learn from it, control your emotions in the future and you’ll definitely get better at it.

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I think it is best, assuming that you are happy and confident with your demo trading, to ease into live trading with small risk.
There is no risk in demo trading, hence the psychological challenge when going live.
Accepting risk is most important and accepting losers is all part of the probability game that we play.
On this point of the psychology of accepting losers and probability - I would advise reading the book -
Trading in the Zone - Mark Douglas.
And always trade with a % that you ’ couldn’t care less about losing’- Al Brooks.

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My first day of real trading is horrible. I opened two trade and end up in loss for both trades. However, in my second day, I earned $10. It was a great felling for me.

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lol, a good feeling indeed

It was one of the most difficult moment of my life but also one of the happiest.


Thank you.
Yes, I am aware that it happens to the beginners. I was just relieving the memory of my first time going live

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That must be a motivation for you.

Trading is a psychological game. If you trade lives first, there can be many kinds of problems. May put pressure on your psychology. If you try to learn, you will be from demo trading and if you can, you can open a cent account. If you go to live trading first, you may have a mental problem. And because of this live trading, you can face a lot of losses. So, in my opinion, you have to do demo trading first and you can learn a lot from it.

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It is good to know that you were ready, but unfortunately, it can happens. Pick up the pace and keep it up and you will be fine.

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