First Priority in Trading

Mindset and market analysis get the most priority in trading as I believe.

Agree this it the approach I follow. Before I traded without trading plan but later I understood that intuitive trading has serious impact from emotions.

Capital preservation is about playing it smart. You’re in this game for the long run, and you want to make sure you have money left to play with tomorrow and the day after that. So, while you’re aiming to make profits, you’re also making sure not to take too much risk and lose everything you have

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The markets are designed that you have a 92% probability of loss for 92% of the time, leaving a window of opportunity being 0.64%, most people trade within the 8%/8% trying to net out a profit, I just target the 0.64% but it takes using some unique tools and processes to achieve it, there will be no one else here doing that I can assure you.

And a cup of coffee is definitely a must to get things rolling with a smile and a little laughter.


emotional control


Yes, emotional control is an important aspect. We must continue to build our strategy on in order to manage our emotions.

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For sure, it’s like an ongoing adventure to create a strategy that tames our emotions and helps us make smarter choices.

Market analysis was my first priority, is my first priority and will remain my first priority.

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A positive attitude can turn a storm into a sprinkle

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I guess sooooooo. One of the most important ones.
I’ve heard it from so manys. Analysis is reallyyyyy important.

A little positivity can totally flip the script, making even the toughest situations more manageable.

Maintaining risk management is my first priority all the time because my trading capital isn’t significant and from my experience, I can say that bearing profit on average is impossible without maintaining risk management.

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I think learning first is my priority since I am still very near the zero knowledge line.

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For sure! Starting with learning while you’re just starting out really sets you up for solid growth and expertise down the road.

Keeping a tight grip on risk management is my top focus, especially since my trading funds aren’t massive.

What strategies do you use, considering that risk management is your top focus?