Can I double £300 by Xmas
I have being lurking on babypips on and off for years. Trying new strategies on a demo account blowing it or killing myself with trying to trade in a full time capacity whilst working and raising a family.
I came back a month ago and read Ballers trade journal which motivated me to take a different approach to trading. If not checked out it is well worth a read. (I tried to include a link here however apparently new users cant include a link. You can find it on the trading journals). You get to pick up on his laid back approach, his poor taste in pizzas (Domino’s all the way for me). There’s also an Eastenders episode half way through.
Anyway I was given a few quid (yes im from the English land) from Xmas’ and birthday for a couple of years and thought sod it lets do this thing. So since trading a demo account for the thousand time, I have opened up a live account with a massive amount of £300.
The challenge is to double this by Christmas.
The strategy; well this is a little loose at the moment however it will begin as;
- 10% risk max on each trade. It’s an unwise and large amount however my view is its £350 I can afford to loose and isn’t required for bills, if I am to have any chance of doubling by Xmas then I need all the help I can get
- Risk v Reward ratio - None. I spent weeks once trying to perfect the perfect risk to reward ratio where this was dictating the stop loss position. Baller has made me realise the stop position needs to be dictate by the chart and the technical analysis. The profit will be determined in the same manner.
- Don’t focus on instant responses - be happy to leave trades open for days or weeks if needed
- Limited amount of time searching for trade opportunities. I used to love the idea of being a trader in front of the screens all day. Not workable. So following advice from Richard Kirvo, follow the trend and as the Baller said follow the big boys
- Group pairs into up or down trends on the monthly
- Drill down into the daily / 4 hour / hourly to find an entry point in the direction of the monthly based on the support, resistances
- Place the stop loss far away from the noise. Long stops and let the charts dictate the stop loss. The stops might be put above the last support line, or even above the last 3. The stops will also be an area, not a specific point.
- Take profit where ever it seems sensible. Let the chart dictate and ignore the risk v reward ratio
I am creating this journal for my own purpose to keep myself motivated and have a history to try and remember what might have worked well or not. Let’s see how it goes. Feedback and comments are welcome. It might be nice to feel part of the community.
Screen shot of my last Demo account which gave me some confidence to go for this