First week live

Well I just finished my first week on my live account. Made some stupid mistakes, made some good trades, had a panicky moment (when the platform froze on me) but still finished up 7.5 % of my account value. I followed my money managment rules, and the emotions were not as strong as I expected ( I was even brave enough to leave a trade open all night, with a stop loss, of course) so now I just have to continue on, and refine my skills, ( and keep my profits!)

Good trading to all!! :slight_smile:

Good luck and happy trading !!

[B]Good for you that you obey money management rules!! [/B] :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

As long as you trade only 2% or less of your account, you have little to worry about, since you know that if you hit your stoploss, you will live to trade again!! :slight_smile:

Watch that freezing of platform (thats one good reason for a stop loss!!).

Make sure you know very well how to reboot the computer and load again without fuss.
Platform freezing is more common than you think!! :eek: