Five Levels!

Forex Market

For Ex (Addicts) Market

No wonder I’m doing so well.


My daughter just told me about a girlfriend she has that will not leave the house without her cherry lip gloss.
I asked my daughter for some to try it. She is out.

She could have told me that earlier.

I’ll be right back.

Mmm… It’s shinny and flavored too. Mmm…


Honesty is your best quality. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thx so much Hobbit!

And good trading to you too! i have been watching your weekly posts on you acct - Keep up the good work : )

I can just see you at the meeting now…

hahahaha :smiley: this thread is spiraling out of control. :stuck_out_tongue:

…this thread is spiraling out of control. :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s the chap stick! :smiley:

Want some? :stuck_out_tongue:

Good stuff :cool:


I just got the chocolate flavored.

Whoa dude…


I just reread the five levels, I think I just back slid one level.

I think it’s the chap stick…



It’s the chap stick! :smiley:

Want some? :stuck_out_tongue:

no thanks look at what it has turned u into

see what he thinks of u!


It’s the chap stick! :smiley:

Want some? :stuck_out_tongue:
no thanks look at what it has turned u into
see what he thinks of u!

aaaaahhhhhhhhh my posts aren’t working now I’m just starting to look like a fool with a cool avatar. oh well it could worse:D

Add this to the other side of QUOTE]


[/quote] is what you need.

LOL, I love the posts. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi Pipgod ,

That is a very good post. :) I guess I am now in the beginning of level 2. 

Just started live trading this week.... and just like what you said in level 2 .... I take lots of trade .. and lost lots of pips .. hehe ( starting with 1500.00 and now my account balance is only 600.00 ... and that is only using 1 mini lot per trade !! ) I am just so so so amaze :eek: by your guys that have wonderful result in the thread post your pips ... I think I have nothing to post yet cause I did not  make any pip so far ... 

but is has always been fun to read post from you , pipkid , traitor , hobbit and others. Those post will at least ease my frustration when the trade is not going my way , it never have ...

Anyway, I guess I have pass the stage of searching a miracle indicator and just "borrow" a system that is posted by james and I am using it now. but I guess the fisrt think that I have to fix is my dicipline. :D 

I have to work during the day ( living in australia ) so can only trade at night … will try to contribure more to this forum or join your guys for a chat when I got time … :smiley:

till then , happy trading to all …


I like this post too - i am not even on the scale at all - maybe preliminary to level 1.

I have decided to rest from live forex right now and continue practising the demo till i am better at it. I have gone back to share trading where i daytrade and am quite successful at it. This allows me to replace the money lost in forex trading.

I see humor here and i will add my bit.

Today for me is ABUSE DAY.

I was abused for not taking an aquaintance home after they phoned me in the middle of the night. They were drunk and should have taken a taxi. But they had no money!:stuck_out_tongue:

I was abused by someone for not bringing them a carton of milk straight away because they had spent all their food money on marijuana.:eek:

A paint sniffer came to my door and abused me because i had no money to give them as i used it to put petrol in my car. I was called a hypocrite.:mad:

I was abused because i did not take someone to a funeral because i was right in the middle of my sharetrading. It did not occur to them that they could have asked someone else or taken a taxi.

I took a lovely lady to a waterfront cafe and i was abused and called a *****monger and she a slut because we spent the day together.:rolleyes:

Oh well, setbacks occur.

I will continue to trade.

Regards, Tymen Wortel, Perth, Western Australia.

Oh well, setbacks occur.

I will continue to trade.


A truly wonderful post pipgod!

I can only hope Stage 1 doesn’t last much longer for me :wink:

Thanks to avarice786 for resurrecting this thread & thanks to
pipgod for posting it (twice???)

It is a great read & so true. I feel I am teetering between level 2 & 3.

Tried the “chap stick” system, just needed tweaking with a
10 day simple… :lmao: