I have an extensive experience of trading forex and have finally decided to transform my passion into a full-fledged business. I have a good track record that can be seen. since the inception of this system, 84% win rate for 7 weeks is all about following the Tech, fundamental & Market trend. Its not just only buy/sell through EA. All trades are being taken in accordance with the prevailing market conditions manually. I encourage all of my people to try my service on a demo account for free. Please find out in trader list with aspirex
Thanks & regards
Wow… A whole seven weeks of data?
That puts you right at the top of the food chain.
THanks master tang, there is no one perfect so am I, but i am trying hard to save my followers money and earn them a better living.
No thanks. Too many open positions and no stop loss.
dear DAZ DD is only 37% its the part of strategy which is being monitored.
dear all
today 300 + pips u can find out my zulutrade ID (aspirex)
why are you taking so many trades at the same time. Why are you still on demo? Would you trade the same way if you were trading your live account? Are you kama spot under a different name? LOL
ref to gkawa22 questions, No.1 on zulu is also on demo moreover my real performance is 729% gain can be viewed at myfxbook with aspirex findout
, moreover i open 5 t 6 position initially and thereafter if i feel market is favourable i again open more on market dip to get maximum profit for my followers,u can see my DD is on lower side i.e 30% , i am working hard to get into top 100 and thereafter top 10 so hopefully u will understand that followers will follow me soon by the grace of God.
I wish you the best anumalik. Keep up the good work and the followers will come.
Thax Gkwa 887% profit gain on real account, I would warm welcome decent followers to follow me on zulu
aspirex System | Myfxbook
Now ranked 303 on Zulu
ZuluTrade - Trader Performance - aspireX
impressive results!
small risk - small gains. how come nobody is still following you yet?
Maybe most people realise that scalpers are not recommended on Zulutrade. Most of those greens will actually be losses on followers accounts after slippage. Trailing stops are also not supported by Zulutrade, and he says in his description that he is using them.
I forgot to add, the worst trade of -500 pips means that he didnt have a stoploss and Zulutrade force closed that trade.
thanks DAZ now got ranked 260
ZuluTrade - Trader Performance - aspireX Hopefully will be soon on top 100 very soon
DD is on low side. Simulation is also available to check the performance.
1008% profit gain since 17 may 2013 on real account it will gives better picture.
aspirex System | Myfxbook
working to serve you better
if you check out the trade - these pips are on XAU/USD pair - and we all know that the gold pips are higher in number due to the conversion.The accounting is different.
Nobody can force or will ever force a trade to close, except for the trader itself. zulutrade cannot close it itself, as it is an IB not managing the trades. As for the stop/losses, ive seen in my following practice that some traders are ok with not putting them - meaning they know what in what direction the market will go. As for other even with tight stop/losses have lost again. It depends - very subjective. See, for the followers there is a way to go around all this - put the zuluguard and sleep save and sound at night.
thanks eddymo for understanding
Sure, anything you do not understand please feel free to ask me
it is easy to misunderstand things…i didnt know anything from the beginning and talking to others, even the most ‘stupid’ stuff I asked.