Any tips for healthy food when I’m dieting?
Just count calories. You can’t beat thermodynamics.
You can calculate your Total Daily Energy Expenditure here:
Vegetables have a very low caloric density, so it’s very hard to gain (or [I]not[/I] lose) weight if the majority of your meals consist of vegetables.
I’m new and thought this was a joke… then I saw it was off-topic so I realised you needed advice… I’d say fish, like salmon, low calories and keeps you full
Good luck with dieting and forex, you’ll need it with both
Dont forget to cleanse ur digestive system for every 10 pounds you lose. Just drink natural lemonade for 2 days straight, you’ll surprise that you’ll lose another 2-3 pounds in no time.
This is some of the stupidest advice I have ever heard.
Veges, fruits, lean protein such as salmon and tuna, milk, sweet potatoes
As jadd said, at the end of the day it’s really just counting calories. I don’t believe it really matters what kind of food you eat, but more veggies and things of that nature just have low calorie counts so you can be full from them while keeping the total count low. Active sports like running, swimming or basketball are great for burning more calories so you can either be ahead on your diet or eat a little extra that day (those 3 in particular because you do them solo if finding people to be active with is hard. I go to the gym 3 days a week just to shoot around)
As for actual food, I think dieting is really easy if you can manage to cut out just 2 excessive things from your diet: Liquids and desserts/snacks. Juices(replace with actual fruit), smoothies, coffee, cookies, pie, chips, candy, etc. Just stick to water and more food (milk is kind of an exception. Kind of.) Stay low nuts, esp peanut butter, and ‘meat link’ foods like hot dogs and chorizo. I believe turkey is the meat of choice by a lot of people on diets. After you make certain cuts, you’d be surprised at the number of things you can still eat (like bacon!)
Finally, I heard that for every 3000-3500 calories (I forget the actual number) you lose below your maintenance level, you lose a pound(.45 kilo) and for some people having that more tangible countable option is nice. And don’t forget that as you lose weight, you have to reduce your maintenance level as well.
I know this is old, but try eating 5 small meals instead of 3 larger ones. After that, trade one small meal for a snack, then a second one. Drink lots of water. LOTS. Dual purpose, helps you stay fuller and helps flush your system.
Many people push an all or nothing diet, but I think that is a way to fail. Give yourself rewards. 95/5 system. Every four or five days, if you like pasta, then have some pasta. If you want a piece of cheesecake, then know you can have it. Denying yourself makes sure that you will eventually fail.
That being said, this is advice I gave to all my clients when asked when I owned a personal training gym. They are right about the calories, but some are better than others. Better to get your calories combined with nutrients that you need, rather than empty ones. And there are MANY MANY alternative ways to make a food healthy. For example, just look up recipes for healthy pizza or hamburgers. You would be surprised.
Depends on your goals:
Do you want to lose weight?
Do you want to gain weight?
Do you want to build muscle?
Do you want to be healthy?
Also it depends on your current condition:
What’s your body fat percentage?
Do you have any food allergies?
Do you have any heart\blood problems?
You asked the most vague question that can be asked, so you should expect a vague answer, and my vague answer is: Change your lifestyle, not your diet.
Practice a martial art
Sleep well
Sub out 1hr of tv for 1hr of reading
Almond milk instead of dairy
Tons of water
Amazing grass green superfood (google it)
Amino acids
etc etc
I am on “Sea Food Diet”… I eat what I see… Lucky enough, I haven’t gain any pounds of weight. I blame it on my genes not jeans lol
I thought that “The See Food Diet”, is where people gain weight by just looking at food.
Anyway, you can try the Twinkie diet.
Some really good thoughts in here. I just assumed he meant dieting to lose weight, but the questions in the next post which were asked were absolutely correct. WHY you are dieting is just as important.
P.S. did you have any luck?
Hello! your posts here are very relevant to health and fitness. According to a medically inclined friend, foods rich in protein and in Vitamin C are the ones that must be present in our diet especially when we want to stay fit and healthy.