Forex Buy & Sell Trading Signals

Great thread doesn’t mean good forum.
Great trader doesn’t mean good person.
…and so on

just saying

Well… At least FMM made the effort to post Everyday… He earns nothing but did everything for free… So his effort is greatly appreciated.

Utah, lol…Let’s put this all aside. And please let me ask you a simple question. Who needs money from monthly subscriptions when they are able to acquire the same amount for one’s day of trading based on their own signals? Let me help you with that, there are 2 choices. One is that you extremely greedy to the point of doing damage to your own time management efficiency. Maintaining a website, explaining your methods over and over, evaluating and trying to correct other people’s mistakes caused by their lack of experience, etc, and all for what, 50-100 bux a month? lol, … Second choice is, you are a charlatan! You know that your methods are no good in the long run if you would to apply them to yourself; you are really in the business of selling snake oil charms…

I personally believe that your “yankee wired brain” is not able to process somebody giving something of benefit to all people away for free. As you equate everything in life with dollar signs, you are probably missing the most important question, #why is FMM’s thread here for all of the world to see?!

Please, reflect on your actions!

P.S. I have written everything above as i would tell it to a brother of mine, or a really good friend…I think that all this drama in you is caused by you realizing how valuable FMM’s method is and that’s it’s FREE, OMG, sound the alarm, lol!

Hello fellow traders, since argumenting and claim-reclaim the market system is not in my trading plans, I tried to be out of it. But while market is closed and this thread seems continue to go to the wrong directions, let me phrase opinion. OBJECTIVELY! Let me give credits where credits is due no matter what emotions you have will be (I’m emotional free from forex trading :P)
And to be hatred or loved in this market personally, also not in my trading plan. So be it :slight_smile:

First of all, yes D*MN you utah if you true want to sell these signals when you get it free. I already express that right?
But personally, what Dan did in this thread must have credits too helping people how to trade LIVE, once again LIVE!, that FMM doesn’t provide (if you don’t know).
And as an IT person myself, I don’t want to judge completely what konan said above. Maybe his money management rules, invest to from where you got from. I personally didn’t put my IT business money into forex because it needed to pay my team and myself. I put my individual money into forex market and the profit/loss will be mine personally too.

This thread belongs to FMM as TS (Thread Starter) and he have the rights about the forum (I have and maintain 2 forums, so generally the rules would be same). While I don’t see any rules in the first post, not expecting it, basically what TS wants is the rules to this thread specifically as long as not against the main forum rules. The “No Chit Chat” rules actually against the main forum rules. That’s what forum is made right? Please do check-and-recheck again :slight_smile:
But the main points from him are,

  • You can’t reclaim, resell or other commercial use without his permission (fortunately I did my permit bofore creating twitter and MT4 tools before even it’s not for commercial use)
  • No email address allowed, is most absolute true. Basically you should ignore people who post it utah, tho nobody respond my cynical “spectators” word.

And, that’s enough opinion from me!
War of words will take you nowhere.
[li] FMM asked utah to leave, and utah asked to not mock him again in here? Done? Not yet.
[/li][li] Utah asked FMM to do live trading session about his system and strategy, so as utah did regardless with fee or not. Done? No. But wait…

Why don’t you use zulutrade and join the FMM trades?
Maybe, just maybe, I found 2 Signal Providers that I doubtly is not unrelated with our FMM here:

Encouraging utah to do the same too, with or without FMM signals and let us know the results :slight_smile:

What do you think guys?

Once again, I tried to be objective here. Googled, forex search, and my experiences in online community solely express without subject emotional bond. I have nothing to against you both, and tried to see the problems clearer from two sides of a coin.

Cheers and Enjoy,

Dan, wth, one day you are saying that “FMM’s RT’s really work”, and another day you literally tell the man he is scamming us somehow, lol, makeup your mind will you!
This is really sad, that a man of FMM’s knowledge and expertise has to put up with this much disrespect and trolling. Only on internet I guess…
@longtongorp, I was talking about time management, not money management…

What are you trying to do my man? How does this look… You pm people here, from this thread, to give you their emails and then you refer them to your for profit website…That alone is insane , lol, even if your signals have no relation to FMM’s what so ever<—I would have to check out that claim btw—Why not make your own separate thread in the first place son?

Btw, not slinging any mud, I just don’t understand these actions, you’re a very complicated guy Dan ! XD

Our schools kung fu is stronger then yours, Dan! XD I dunno man, make another thread, I wish this didn’t turn out as it did.


dude why don’t you just leave this thread alone now. obviously FMM does not want you here. just leave and let the thread be. you are putting too much garbage in the thread now. There are people who would like to stay here and follow some nice discussions regarding trading not garbage.

I will say my WORD and WALK.

For Traders not to be cheated and deceived by any outer created info that have nothing to do with the fact, been fabricated by an illussional person. And, to not explain again everytime some hater want to revenge and bring back the nonsense past post by an illussional person and his company with.

The atmosphere here is totally unbearable just because a Scammer, Betrayer, Thief, whatever bad words found describing his reality can apply, decided to spoil our unity and great thread communication among members just in the name that babypips moderator is polite, gives full freedom for the different opinions and thoughts but this is no longer the case here. There are no opinion left when a Scammer is found and cross the red line. When A person tells you get the hell out of my house and you want to stay then this is stupidity and forcing the fight which will send you running on your “4” but here the authority is with the site moderator who have to disallow any person from posting useless comments on a member thread when the later do not want that. No Question Asked. Full Stop.

When I get informed, read, hear…face to face or by message, letter… any remark or even criticize from a respectful person in my personal and business life, I fully take his/her words into consideration if it’s a real built up remark and might change improving my word accordingly because nobody is above criticize even me, and such high understanding people who know how to criticize without offending but just to improve your work when some errors are found, those are people worth to listen too and maybe change some of your plans when necessary.

Will be more clear here, Honest and Straight Forward, into the point as this is my natural behaviour and attitude, Pardon me Traders if some langauage is somehow offensive(toward the Scammer) but sometimes being hyper when you read or listen lies, crap… makes you express deep feelings naturely with no limits since it will be coming from deep inside. I’ll say the following:

You are a Weird, Trash & Crap(too much compliment for you) who do not know anything about Forex & Market Trading but like many others his type who find a popular figure, then track his work and try to steal copy same contents or words or attitudes, then I really feel deeply sorry for such people.

Your Truth is this: You came here as newbie, know nothing or very little about the forex world then start digging inside to see how you can know how to get my Daily Signals & Analysis Info, asking questions about that especially in private messages, having within your mind one goal, to try finding the answer in anyway to then sell it as a product to make money from but when you saw yourself failed badly you changed your trick to “want members emails to let them better understand my strategies in life trading” in the target of emailing each to say you have created a website and selling the signals for 29.97$ or an internet bill and for more Scam saying this offer is just for first 100 people, just as scammers do.

You crap need help, you create illussions around yourself as imagining having members with you, pm you, calling you each minute…LOL Wake Up Fool, you had created an imaginery world & living in which is full of wrong beliefs but just imaginations in your mind, people are not living there…LOL Life is here on Earth, not in complicated mind.
Some other Scammers do the same but who have a website and they wish to get much more traffic to their site, so they come and post on a thread or forum that they see it generating huge traffic.

Moreover, All your words are trash, you put yourself in a picture of an experienced trader & trying to show yourself better than the other newbie trader & a bonus trying to sell them my posts contents. Who are you to showoff yourself better than the others here, you are just a crap your words mean nothing, effects in nothing, you’ll not cheat anyone. You copy everything I say, even my way of writing, words, everything you try to copy. You are a mental retarded abnormal person with full respect for those people that have this defiency from birth. I can see and feel this in your words from time you advanced your steps of turning my posts info into business, you started creating & surrounding yourself with fantasies, you’re living in a mental illussional world.

Traders, Read Well, to make this brief " This person is pretending to be a person he’s not" This is reflected in many manipulated sentences leading to I’s. Who are you to say “I did this and did that” then say “I help you with live trading but pay a fee”. Instead of wasting time pretending to help others for a fee, go trade your account if you have one at first.

Because you challenged my patience, hoping my morals and values are an always prevention against Scammers, Trashes like you, then When my Daily Signals & Analysis are nothing but pivot points, & your system is the best and different…Crap, then why did you PM Me this in reply to your question of pairs correlation(Posted my answer to you later on here on this thread for others to benefit too), if you do not know about Correlation, what do you know!!:

“Thank you so much FMM. Always helpful as usual
You’re the best.”

And this: Thanks again FMM, you ARE the best on Baby pips. Hands down…

And this: Euro/Usd This pair is on uptrend, retracement at 1.3180/90, as swing buy

My question is this. I notice that you usually start the day around the main pivot or S.5 or R.5
However on this day you put the swing buy at S1.5
Can you tell me how you what caused you to put it so low? It was a perfect signal, I’m just scratching my head on why you adjusted it so much.

Thanks FMM.


And this: FMM, I’m sorry my conversation with Konan got a little crazy today. I respect you and everything you are about, and I was simply trying to defend that.
Keep on posting, you are wonderful.


What are all those messages consistently asking for help and how I get my posts analysis if you already have your system and call yourself an experiened trader, which only exist in your fantasy mind.
If you say, you were just lying to reach your goal then for sure nobody want to believe a lier or make business with because today he’s with you, tomorrow he betray you.

Actually, Konan had suspicious feelings toward the scammer recent activities and warned me about it, his feelings are right before things happen, high instinct Konan.

But, I did not imagine that a person will come here with full vulgar like face to face act to steal my signals for commercial use in any manipulation name. A member here(don’t remember name) had at past asked me to use my Daily Signals & Analysis for facebook or twitter use I think but as free stuff ofcourse, and I welcomed that, did not disallow that but totally cheered because it will not be used for commercial but for a member to come here as a rat then pretend to be the cat in his mental fantasy world & manipulate my posts contents for commercial use then NO & a Trillion No, this is Higly Refused.

This crap is trying to cheat you traders by this “helping in live trading” illussion, when ForexMoneyMaker provides you at market open or new daily candle open with Top Accurate Signals & Analysis before any market move had happen then this is the main successful pill. You trade successfully my strategies when you become a Good Trader other than that is Trash Talk.

Many selling signals tell you Buy at this price with TP & SL, but when you adapt that at live trading you see that many times if the signal goes right sometimes, at middle of some loss before turning around at end most of the time it reaches SL before TP even sometimes profit reaches lets say 30pips where TP is 40pip(at certain price) but market turn to SL hitting it and result in your loss.

While with ForexMoneyMaker the price levels are very clear and you rarely go wrong when joining the swing or breakout because TP targets are at least 90% hit, and if not then my stratgey of breakeven is introduced from 50 pips down to 20pips which makes you not turn your profit to loss like many selling signals do.

I had introduced recently a daily trading tip of market sentiment which is an alternative of an instant second buy or sell live trading(because I have no time for that), so you have more assure where market is most possibly going…

Even at some recent days when available, had told traders here to buy currencies vs the dollar because market will close higher and that’s what happen, but do not cheer myself all day/night like others and can not always post live since Not a chit chatter to hang on forums, no time for such crap.

My strategies are purely Real Easy & totally FREE, don’t be cheated my any scammer. For example: Friday post says Euro/Usd swing sell at retracement 1.2580/90 with Tp1… What happened but market had bounced twice from retracement marking 1.2582 as high, to go down to around 50pips. ForexMoneyMaker posted this info at new daily candle open while market had done the same after more than 12 hours time.

Test my strategies, trade them, do not listen to craps, enter a swing order even if with micro lots or demo account, you loose nothing, set your SL as my strategy say, easy 50 pips is no bad from one pair.

Do not wait for any person to trade your account or tell you to buy or sell in live trading, never think that a Top Trader will trade your account as he/she trade its own, the trader will be busy executing an order on his/her own account instead of yours(if you share a managed account or such stuff) or only be a minor goal.

What about going to friday Gbp/Usd analysis, retracement at 1.5610/20 for swing sell market bounced many times from this price level to reach more than 50pips(this is the 60pips the Scammer talking about difference, told you he’s full of manipulative words just to create an illussion maybe some traders believe him…) before going to record at 1.5633 which was within my analysis and to the exact decimals too, Traders who used in my signals and analysis well know that am talking the Full Truth since My Work talked and our awesome results so far too…

The problem with many newbies that they want to become Great Traders bt. day/night, they do not want to Read Read Read Forex Strategies from Experts if found here or on other free forex sites, they prefer listening to Scammers that always say "You can’t trade alone with no help and fees… or they develop a habit of LOSS before it actually happen and that forex trading is too difficult.

How do you expect to become a WINNER with a Looser habit and mentality in advance??!! Change your mind set to “I AM A WINNER, CAN SUCCEED IN THE MARKET” Even if there will surely be obstacles but you can step on jump and continue the journey to a successful end making money from your own trading not relying on any person.

No Real Trader hang on forums all day in the name of live trading, telling others to buy here and sell there. Had you ever listened of any Expert Trader doing so?? We are busy trading, analyzing charts.

People who hang on forums are failures. Who would prefer sleeping on a forum posting charts or chit chatting All this pivot points fantasy is a LIE, all brokers have it as he say, some sell it as he say, then why are you here all the time hiding somewhere waiting for the time I post my Daily Signals & Analysis to quickly make a glimpse at and copy paste it you thief.

Instead, since you live in an illussion world pretending being a person you are not, go to the brokers lines you talk about or your systems you talk about, stay far of this thread get lost…

Told you get out of my thread, you go to hell not keep posting your trash. Don’t you have friends to hang on, no society obligations, no job, no goals, nothing, but just to hang on here(soon upside down), to wait for my and other members posts to reply and to try steal members money to pay for your Scam Signals.

I advice you go make for yourself a life.

Ask yourself traders for a second, how he’s a trader(before being good or bad) when he sleep on this and maybe other threads/forums day/night waiting for my post or others ones to jump in and reply just to get attention.

Isn’t it supposed to be at a trading day, a trader TRADES his account, then how he have all that time to post his trash or correct my typing mistakes, your only job you “might” fit in.

Read Well Traders, all those people they name themselves traders who sleep commenting all the day on forex sites forums are no traders, at that time they most be reading price action, analyzing market movement, buying selling not commenting on forums, those need help, searching for it like any newbie, they spend their day posting their comments because they do not trade, don’t know how. Do not read them, they are nonsense, they need trading help much more than you need.

What ff news are you talking about crap, do I at first see your nonsense site, all forex sites even brokers have the news as a free stuff, but very few analyze it as I do, ofcourse your trash site not among.

Had advice traders to look at and read the Real News from Real Forex Reputabe Websites as Reuters, Bloomberg, RTTNEWS, & some others… When I have the Gold, I go to the Fake Gold. When I am afford all those Top Forex Websites who publish only the Fact True News and also in deep details, you want a Real Trader to read third-fourth-fifth hand sites that copy paste trash from other sites, twitter illussion suspicious accounts and talk me to talk you useless forums.

At time this ff trash & others its type are posting 1000 fake news per day, the reputable forex sites as ones I mentioned are busy searching for the Exclusive True News to publish few from many other facts found, not many crap fake news from few real ones sites like yours post.

But I understand at what you, them, your both kinds meet, you all meet in making money money money by turning other property to a business and who’s saying the truth, posting Real Forex Strategies that Work and are for FREE, you attack, how not if people like me with no commercials exist, how will your kinds live…

The’re never a Chemistry of “FREE and Money”, it does not work.

ou Scammer want somebody to help you before you pretend to help anyone, I mean help you in extensive mental care before helping you in trading. You’re nobody, just an Illussion, left in garbage of life.

You want to attach me to any site or member or account or social community, then Great if am responsible of all sites to .net to .comcomcom to to to… and also for any person that want to use ForexMoneyMaker name for any account kind the more Great, you’re continuing your Scam and your thoughts are for the garbage. I believe in haters words makes no difference.

Even if I am responsible of everyone who writes ForexMoneyMaker Word through the whole net, you have nothing to do with my ****, because there’s no hurt in that but you scamming others hard work is the main hurt to others.

Reputable People never talk about themselves, people are who talk about and judge. Stop imagining & talking about youself as if a big **** thing. Go see a Psycological Doctor, you need one much, this thread is not to excersice your psycological problems.

I’m Fully Proud of my Real Name & Country, when it’s the right moment, I’ll reveal both if necessary.

As a public figure, I am responsible of what I say and well know that as much as you become popular as much as you find more haters along Lovers.

ForexMoneyMaker never comeout to showoff himself as the God of Signals because this is not the character of a Top Analyst & Trader. Despite each day there are high achievements as traders know by results which became natural, but I do not put it in spotlight but rarely because I have no time for that. My work talk for me.

A Real Trader or seller of any product don’t have to make offers like this(which are spread wildely through the net, nothing new scammer) if trusts the product being sold when the person have a reputable background of being successful, in this term his/her name talk instead not offers. People trust and buy any product due to the brand name, ofcourse some people buy some brands just because its price is cheap or in an offer, this is why Reputable brands make offers from time to time but this is an occassion not a base where Scammers do it(as a basic). Some Scamers became good in manipulating their marketing & advertising of products(sooner or later they’ll be caught, just matter of time they bet on how much people they can cheat & deceive) but ofcourse not like a newbie Scammer of “first 100 people…”

A person who do not know how to be himself & build up but instead copy others actions then not worth any look at or give any attention whatsoever.

Let us fight such people nonsense actions because they are thieves stealing other people hard work just like thieves who copy the original CD Album of a Famous Artist or A Famous Director Film Video in purpose of getting easy illegal money.

Those people put me on a high sensitive level because what more should a person hate or be cautious of in life than Criminals, Thiefs, Scammers, Spammers, people with 2 faces…and about the latter people with 2 faces are too much disgusting and some are found here on this thread other than the trash himself.

No bad more than a person that shows not with nor against you because I believe in life when you are in critical moments there’s no other than White or Black, you’re either this or that, pretending being a middle communicator is a LIE. A Real Men or Women must have a Clear Strict Decision. Not manipulating one or turning around…

I fully hate Manipulators who talk about you Great face to face to then hit you and talk badly about from behind your back or in your absense.

I prefer a person that tells me a Straight Forward, ofcourse in a respectful way that “You Are This, I Think of You like this, I think you went wrong here or there…” than a person that clap for me in existence to offend me in absense.

There’s are no middle choices in crucial moments under being democratic name or such Lie Words.

If you were at time of Lord Jesus Christ era, when Our Lord was crossed, offended, attacked, judged…You have no other choice than being WITH or AGAINST. Judas Iscariot is an example of your end when you want to play in between the ropes as a middle choice, being with this then going to that then trying to comeback to get forgiveness of your sins.

By the way, when you crap write about the Lord, do not ever name him by “Jesus”. The Lord is not your childhood friend to call or name like that.

You say “Lord Jesus Christ” and if you’re from another religion and do not believe in the Lord then you do not post a name or any related religion info.

I fully respect any person religion when you respect my religion despite I do not understand other religions beliefs and obligations…When there are no Logical Proven Facts behind…

Traders, I’m going to find an alternative quick solution if a thread owner is not going to be giving the full rights and authority to prevent scammers from posting trash on the thread.

@FMM, I think Utah is kind of mentally hurting, and so I didn’t want to be real harsh this time around in criticizing him, maybe it is bad karma. Some of the things he said to you are really shocking to me…Like a student going off at a university professor in his own amphitheater during class…

Please do not take it too much to heart as internet is packed full with people like this…The expression is: “Do not feed the troll!” by giving him reaction and attention.

And thank you for these 2 long posts as one can learn much about currency trading reality by reading them , heh.

My parting gift to the forum…

Quote from FMM private message “It’s a pure mathematical formula that I have a PHD to had worked on and created, this is why you see my price levels signals and analysis are very accurate to market price before many hours from the actual happening while others can only reach some pips close at best.”

PHD… Here are his price levels today, notice that it is posted BEFORE he posts his. I simply pasted Pivot Points. R1.5 R2 R2.5 S1.5 S2 S2.5 Which are his short term and MT TP1 TP2 Tp3.

Pardon me if the pairs are not the current up to date pairs on this thread. I have not been following it as of late. A successful trading system requires more complexities than this thread can provide.

I did a “PHDs” work in under 5 minutes, including posting time with charts…Anyone can do this. PHD my…

Let’s see if FMM shows you his trading records, or trading in real time. He never will. But, mysteriously he has plenty of time to pounce all over people on this thread.

Goodbye all. Make your own luck.


Looking forward to your analysis!

Hello Traders,

Forex Signals & Analysis for 25th June 2012:

Short Term Signals:

Usd/Chf Buy at 0.9525/30 then 0.9510/15 then 0.9480/85, sell at 0.9590/95 then 0.9610/15 then 0.9630/35

Euro/Usd Buy at 1.2515/20 then 1.2490/95 then 1.2465/70, sell at 1.2600/05 then 1.2615/20 then 1.2655/60\

Medium Term Daily Signals & Analysis:

Usd/Chf will base on uptrend, if bases above retracement at 0.9540/50, as swing biy with Tp1 0.9590/95 Tp2 0.9610/15 Tp3 0.9630/35 while as breakout sell with Tp1 0.9525/30 Tp2 0.9510/15 Tp3 0.9480/85

Euro/Usd will base on downtrend if bases below retracement at 1.2580/90, as swing sell with Tp1 1.2515/20 Tp2 1.2490/95 Tp3 1.2465/70 while as breakout buy with Tp1 1.2600/05 Tp2 1.2615/20 Tp3 1.2655/60

*I warned of turning this thread into rubbish talks by a mental retarded pathetic Scammer but since the Thread Owner have no authority anymore and the moderator not respecting his rights then first step will be cutting my post contents to the minimum but you can still find it on my New Created Facebook Page named ForexMoneyMaker/Public Figure where today post was revealed from a while there and will only be revealed completely(Retracement, TP Targets for all pairs, News Releases, & Market Sentiment) there from now on since I’ll get rid of such Scammer from stealing my posts info to make it a business despite that as it’s still new and in construction process, there maybe still found some intruders and scammers as the trash one scammer here. But later on only the real members or friends will be allowed to have the share of my posts.
Ofcourse Facebook is for FREE too…LOL
Pardon me Traders for being late but was in hurry to set the my facebook page fast even with minimum construction.

Bad Luck Scammer. Go continue playing with your toys as in childhood years, there’s where you belong Junk.
Go search for another person to steal his/hers post contents but while digging be sure to forget yourself inside…LOL
Oh, remember TROLL to not pay your site fees next August, you’ll have no money for that because nobody will pay for signals that can have for free with bonus of news releases analysis and market sentiment…

Have A Great Trading Day Traders

how do i find you on facebook? I’ve searched that name real quick and didn’t see anything.

Hello TracknTrader,

Simply Enter ForexmoneyMaker into the search tab, you’ll find some others with same name but I am the one with “Public Figure” under ForexMoneymaker name and the picture is still “Question Mark” by default…LOL
Later on will design the whole page.
Like the page for me to know you to filter you from Scammers.

Same for all other Traders here.

Good Luck

this is thread started by FMM, i think its impolite to posting something out of topic :58:
@FMM what is your facebook page, i search but cannot find it, please post the url :13:

I cant find your facebook page?@@ My facebook name is Steven Kah :slight_smile:

i only saw 3 link, dint get to find a public figure. any link FMM ?