Forex Buy & Sell Trading Signals

Wow, what I missed here? :smiley:
Don’t want to jump at any war in between but interesting post that caught my eye too at first here.

gsantri and iqyu5an is really really respectable and professional traders.
I live in the same town with them tho never come meet face-to-face directly
just saying as saw their names, not an important info right? LOL

Let’s keep trading

Utah… Well…

We thought you start the site for helping Newbies who struggle to trade in the retracement areas. A real time alert. But what exactly happened? You turned to a Forex Money Maker’s signal seller.

Do you know months before here have been many experienced traders who start a Skype group for discussing and Trading FMM Signal in real time. They help all newbies with FREE of cost. They helped me a lot. You took same idea to make money personally.

You said your trading style is same as FMM Style. Don’t you. Then You mentioned but little difference in entry exit levels. You can manipulate his entry exit signal 5-20 pips. Anyone can understand with a little common sense.

Did you re-read your older posts. Read it again…

You came here as a newbie. Asked questions like a newbie. After some days you act like a 10 years experienced trader.

Didn’t you ask once what is Price Action? Don’t you know what is PRICE ACTION after a decade of trading experience?

Didn’t you ask to FMM how to find the Shrot term and Medium term signals? Didn’t you understand how they filtered after 10…?

Then you trade according to his signal. After making some pips you change your charts like Round Bottom and Top Bottom etc… I know you are trading it with demo. Why you didn’t post your lossing trade chart and a breakout trading chart?

Once a member asked you why you don’t start a twitter account to post trading signal real time. There are thousands of experienced traders giving free signal and recommendations almost free of cost. I followed and copied almost all market analysts.

Even they losing money and blame Merkel speech,Sarkozy speech, Obama speech, Fitch, S&P, Bond Yield and Heavy raining above London city make Euro Crash etc. etc… They will find anything to prove their loss.

There are many in facebook who start a trading group with great trading system which is working very well most of the time.

Why don’t you start one?

If you have a great system why you don’t start a new thread and post signal to prove your signal strength and profitability?

If you can prove your profitability of your system with at least 50% winning rate and 1:2 Risk/ Reward Ratio, we will join your site. Start a thread and post signal there in real time for at least two weeks. FOREX MONEY MAKER will take a vacation to help you.

Don’t blame FMM when Newbies make mistake. When they hear about Forex and the immense profits they google and find baby pips. They don’t have the patience to read and learn. They just search Forex signals in babypips and came here. Most of the members came here like that. Then they eager to trade with the signal. Everybody ask how the signals work, breakout work et.etc. like you…

FMM Stress this signal can understand very easily if he/she is some what experienced trader.

You took one of FMM hater’s previous post. That guy is ditto of you. Same experience like you and like your behaviour.

FMM from germany/uganda/nigeria/ lebonon? Why you change your location to United States after mentioning you from Turky?

Are you patient trader? Why you mentioned you take profit with 20 pips which is makes you double your account every month?

You don’t know the world. You thought you can cheat all newbies here. It’s ridiculous you start a website to sell FMM signal and make free money. There are Incredible Sites teaching and helping traders with a little one time payment for a lifetime. I will show you many sites and groups with great trading Ideas and Trading systems who give you signal almost free of cost If you want.

Don’t come here with your little knowledge and SCAM. You don’t know how to cheat people. You are very newbie into the SCAMMERS world. Check some scammers site and learn from them.

Good Luck on whatever you doing.


FMM we appreciate the great contribution you are making in helping out new Forex traders. Very disappointed to see how people can be so ungrateful for this wonderful service you are providing. Needless to say you are rendering this service for no reward or monetary benefit. You put your time & effort everyday just to help out struggling traders. I thank you from the bottom of my heart & hope that you will continue providing this mentoring for a long time to come.

Meanwhile, locked position EUR/JPY +10 pips, buying from 99.90
Usually at this hours is the false break of the day trend. if true, I’ll looking into selling pairs.

PS: THIS LIVE ALERT IS NOT FREE. YOU HAVE TO PAY… your internet bill!! :smiley:

(run before FMM tell me again this is not a chit chat thread LOL)

At this point, this is beyond funny…
First off, the entire trading community would laugh at me if I tried to sell FMM’s signals. Why? Because his signals are based off of the most common floor trading indicator, Pivot Points. Does that make him a “Scammer” because he is ripping off Pivot Points and calling it a “Trademarked Forex Money Maker Daily Signal,” when in fact Pivot Points were created decades ago?? Therefore, he is saying he has cornered the Market, and owns 15-20 pairs Pivot Points… I mean “Trademarked.” In fact in a Private Message to FMM he referred to his signal as being “a PHD created it.” What a lie…

Please see the picture below. His short term signals are based off of S1.5, S2, S2.5 and R1.5, R2, R2.5
Anyone who would attempt to sell such silly information would be crucified in the trading community. Unfortunately those who fight back on this forum are simply afraid that FMM will pull the plug, therefore they show their support by fighting.
Well, there you go ladies and gentlemen, I have just empowered you to obtain your very own personal signals each day…
Below is a Pivot Point example of the USD/JPY. Go back and look at every post of his signals and you will see it matched up to the chart.

Secondly. There are one billion ways/methods to trade Forex. I am constantly asking questions of my peers, to understand how they read Price Action. Trading is counterintuitive, it is not like Kindergarten. Asking questions is a clue of a successful trader. Not asking a question, due to ones pride, and to appear all knowledgeable is the sign of a weak trader. When was the last time you saw FMM admit fault? hmmm, me too.

Lastly. I did not come and blast my website to everyone on this forum… I politely asked “Would anyone be interested in a technology that would deliver REAL time trading signals?” I was bombarded with requests and emails (emails I never asked for, all I asked for was a Private Message). The HUGE amount of interest showed me and everyone here that REAL time is what the traders in this thread are craving. I then took time to hire developers and morph the site (established 2007) into a real time site, this costs money. Hiring people costs money. Developing a website costs money. I didn’t force anyone’s hand to sign up, I simply offered it as I saw it was a need. I just simply offered what we had built, and I am surprised of the lashback, just because I was trying to cover the cost of building it.

You are welcome for the Pivot Points coaching.



Your signals and analysis are much appreciated my friend. Keep up the good work. For those of us who aren’t fooled by the craftiness of men, we saw right through “utah2342” anyway. His speech is slimy. I’ve been calling him out for weeks now. He gives the room a “dirty” feel. He doesn’t belong. Good choice. Looking forward to your signals this evening.

Hello Traders,

Forex Signals & Analysis for 21st June 2012:

Short Term Signals:

Usd/Chf Buy at 0.9400/05 then 0.9380/85 then 0.9335/40, sell at 0.9505/10 then 0.9535/40 then 0.9570/75

Usd/Jpy Buy at 78.75/80 then 78.40/45 then 78.05/10, sell at 80.00/05 then 80.25/30 then 80.80/85

Euro/Usd Buy at 1.2625/30 then 1.2590/95 then 1.2540/45, sell at 1.2770/75 then 1.2800/05 then 1.2855/60

Gbp/Usd Buy at 1.5625/30 then 1.5585/90 then 1.5520/25, sell at 1.5800/05 then 1.5840/45 then 1.5900/05

Medium Term Daily Analysis:

Usd/Chf is on downtrend, retracement at 0.9470/80, as swing sell with Tp1 0.9400/05 Tp2 0.9380/85 Tp3 0.9335/40 while as breakout buy with Tp1 0.9505/10 Tp2 0.9535/40 Tp3 0.9570/75

Usd/Jpy is trying to base on uptrend, above 79.30/35, as swing buy with Tp1 80.00/05 Tp2 80.25/30 Tp3 80.80/85 while as breakout sell with Tp1 78.75/80 Tp2 78.40/45 Tp3 78.05/10

Euro/Usd is on uptrend, retracement at 1.2670/80, as swing buy with Tp1 1.2770/75 Tp2 1.2800/05 Tp3 1.2855/60 while as breakout sell with Tp1 1.2725/30 Tp2 1.2590/95 Tp3 1.2540/45

Gbp/Usd is on uptrend, retracement at 1.5685/95, as swing buy with Tp1 1.5800/05 Tp2 1.5840/45 Tp2 1.5900/05 while as breakout sell with Tp1 1.5625/30 Tp2 1.5585/90 Tp3 1.5520/25

Usd/Cad is on downtrend, retracement at 1.0195/05, as swing sell with Tp1 1.0135/40 Tp2 1.0115/20 Tp3 1.0075/80 while as breakout buy with Tp1 1.0235/40 Tp2 1.0260/65 Tp3 1.0290/95

Euro/Cad is on uptrend, retracement at 1.2920/30, as swing buy with Tp1 1.2975/80 Tp2 1.2995/00 Tp3 1.3030/35 while as breakout sell with Tp1 1.2890/95 Tp2 1.2860/65 Tp3 1.2830/35

Gbp/Cad is on uptrend, retracement at 1.5980/90, as swing buy with Tp1 1.6075/80 Tp2 1.6115/20 Tp3 1.6165/70 while as breakout sell with Tp1 1.5925/30 Tp2 1.5885/90 Tp3 1.5830/35

Aud/Usd is on uptrend, retracement at 1.0150/60, as swing buy with Tp1 1.0245/50 Tp2 1.0270/75 Tp3 1.0320/25 while as breakout sell with Tp1 1.0120/25 Tp2 1.0090/95 Tp3 1.0045/50

Aud/Jpy is on uptrend, retracement at 80.50/55, as swing buy with Tp1 81.80/85 Tp2 82.15/20 Tp3 82.85/90 while as breakout sell with Tp1 80.05/10 Tp2 79.55/60 Tp3 79.05/10

Nzd/Usd is on uptrend, retracement at 0.7930/40, as swing buy with Tp1 0.8000/05 Tp2 0.8020/25 Tp3 0.8060/65 while as breakout sell with Tp1 0.7905/10 Tp2 0.7880/85 Tp3 0.7850/55

Euro/Jpy is on uptrend, retracement at 100.50/60, as swing buy with Tp1 101.90/95 Tp2 102.30/35 Tp3 103.25/30 while as breakout sell with Tp1 99.75/80 Tp2 99.15/20 Tp3 98.50/55

Gbp/Jpy is on uptrend, retracement at 124.40/50, as swing buy with Tp1 126.00/05 Tp2 126.45/50 Tp3 127.60/65 while as breakout sell with Tp1 123.40/45 Tp2 122.70/75 Tp3 121.95/00

Chf/Jpy is on uptrend, retracement at 83.65/70, as swing buy with Tp1 84.85/90 Tp2 85.20/25 Tp3 85.95/00 while as breakout sell with Tp1 83.05/10 Tp2 82.50/55 Tp3 81.95/00

Gbp/Chf is moving sideways, buy at 1.4870/80 with Tp1 1.4910/15 tp2 1.4940/45 Tp3 1.4975/80 while sell at 1.4870/80 with Tp1 1.4800/05 Tp2 1.4775/80 Tp3 1.4730/35

Usd/Try is on downtrend, retracement at 1.7990/00, as swing sell with Tp1 1.7835/40 Tp2 1.7795/00 Tp3 1.7725/30 while as breakout buy with Tp1 1.8010/15 Tp2 1.8060/65 Tp3 1.8120/25

Gold is trying to base on downtrend, below retracement at 1609/10, as swing sell with Tp1 1584/85 Tp2 1574/75 Tp3 1558/59 while as breakout buy with Tp1 12629/30 Tp2 1639/40 Tp3 1655/56

Oil is on downtrend, retracement at 82.35/40, as swing sell with Tp1 79.80/85 Tp2 78.85/90 Tp3 76.85/90 while as breakout buy with Tp1 84.55/60 Tp2 85.85/90 Tp3 87.30/35

We have Very Important News Releases Today for the Kiwi, Euro, Sterling, Loonie, & Dollar Currency;

  • NZD GDP: Buy Nzd/Usd if 0.7% or better while sell if 0.3% or worse

  • Euro German Manufacturing PMI: Buy Euro/Usd if 47 or better while sell if 43 or worse

  • UK Retail Sales: Buy Gbp/Usd if 1.5% or better while sell if 0.5% or worse

  • CAD Core Retail Sales: Buy Usd/Cad if -0.1% or worse while sell if 0.4% or better

  • US Unemployment Claims: Buy Usd/chf & Usd/Jpy if 360K or better while sell if 395K or worse

  • US Existing Home Sales & Phily Fed Index: Buy Usd/Chf & Usd/Jpy if 4.60M or better for the first or/& 3 or better for the second while sell if 4.56M or worse for the first or/& -3 or worse for the second

*Market looking at crucial moments today after FOMC & Bernanke who mixed cards without giving clear direction despite pairs closed higher(Vs Dollar) just to keep its current trends until some serious news comes out from EuroZone Countries regarding bailout programs.
As usual try not to hurry things, wait for the good opportunity at retracement to trade or if market kept going higher sell from above because of very possible reversal since market is nearing an overbought zone if not within already while buy the dollar on dips.

Have A Great Trading Day

Hi, FMM… Remember me ? XD 5 of june…i burn up my account because of trade with big volume without stop lose…after that, i promise myself dont do silly thing again and i will trade according your signal and learn FMM signal from you… After few week of rest time, now is time to come… After this lesson, i should have good discipline in trading… I really wish can learn more from you to achieve my target :slight_smile: …Do u mind help me check excel file that i do? A miracle dream that i wan to
achieve :slight_smile:

Dear FMM where is gold and oil medium term analysis?
I request please add 1 more SILVER please sir it was very helpful for us.


Looking at current movement and uncertainty trend, I’m off the market after banked daily target 50 pips (profit +100 pips, loss -50 pips).

Hello Traders,

Forex Signals & Analysis for 22nd June 2012:

Short Term Signals:

Usd/Chf Buy at 0.9455/60 then 0.9400/05 then 0.9355/60, sell at 0.9635/40 then 0.9665/70 then 0.9750/55

Usd/Jpy Buy at 79.40/45 then 79.05/10 then 78.70/75, sell at 80.70/75 then 80.90/95 then 81.50/55

Euro/Usd Buy at 1.2450/55 then 1.2415/20 then 1.2300/05, sell at 1.2695/00 then 1.2770/75 then 1.2830/35

Gbp/Usd Buy at 1.5510/15 then 1.5475/80 then 1.5375/80, sell at 1.5725/30 then 1.5785/90 then 1.5840/45

Medium Term Daily Analysis:

Usd/Chf will base on uptrend, if bases above retracement at 0.9530/40 as swing with Tp1 0.9635/40 Tp2 0.9665/70 Tp3 0.9750/55 while as breakout sell with Tp1 0.9455/60 Tp2 0.9400/05 Tp3 0.9355/60

Usd/Jpy is on uptrend, retracement at 79.80/85, as swing buy with Tp1 80.70/75 Tp2 80.90/95 Tp3 81.50/55 while as breakout sell with Tp1 79.40/45 Tp2 79.05/10 Tp3 78.70/75

Euro/Usd will base on downtrend, if bases below retracement at 1.2580/90 as swing with Tp1 1.2450/55 Tp2 1.2415/20 T3 1.2300/05 while as breakout buy with Tp1 1.2695/00 Tp2 1.2770/75 Tp3 1.2830/35

Gbp/Usd will base on downtrend, if bases below retracement at 1.5610/20 with Tp1 1.5510/15 Tp2 1.5475/80 Tp3 1.5375/80 while as breakout buy with Tp1 1.5725/30 Tp2 1.5785/90 Tp3 1.5840/45

Usd/Cad will base on uptrend, if bases above retracement at 1.0250/60 with Tp1 1.0350/55 Tp2 1.0375/80 Tp3 1.0455/60 while as breakout sell with Tp1 1.0185/90 Tp2 1.0130/35 Tp3 1.0090/95

Euro/Cad is moving sideways, buy at 1.2910/15 with Tp1 1.2965/70 Tp2 1.2995/00 Tp3 1.3025/30 while sell at 1.2895/00 with Tp1 1.2860/65 Tp2 1.2830/35 Tp3 1.2790/95

Gbp/Cad will base on uptrend if bases above retracement at 1.6020/30 with Tp1 1.6085/90 Tp2 1.6110/15 Tp3 1.6160/65 while as breakout sell with Tp1 1.5875/80 Tp2 1.5940/45 Tp3 1.5910/15

Aud/Usd will base on downtrend, if bases below retracement at 1.0080/90 with Tp1 0.9950/55 Tp2 0.9910/15 Tp3 0.9795/00 while as breakout buy with Tp1 1.0190/95 Tp2 1.0265/70 Tp3 1.0325/30

Aud/Jpy is on uptrend, retracement at 80.50/55 with Tp1 81.45/50 Tp2 81.95/00 Tp3 82.35/40 while as breakout sell with Tp1 80.00/05 Tp2 79.70/75 Tp3 79.00/05

Nzd/Usd will base on downtrend if bases below retracement at 0.7895/00 as swing with Tp1 0.7780/85 Tp2 0.7745/50 Tp3 0.7635/40 while as breakout buy with Tp1 0.8005/10 Tp2 0.8070/75 Tp3 0.8130/35

Euro/Jpy is on uptrend, retracement at 100.50/60, as swing buy with Tp1 101.60/65 Tp2 102.00/05 Tp3 102.45/50 while as breakout sell with Tp1 100.05/10 Tp2 99.80/85 Tp3 99.10/15

Gbp/Jpy is on uptrend, retracement at 124.70/80, as swing buy with Tp1 125.95/00 Tp2 126.35/40 tp3 126.95/00 while as breakout sell with Tp1 124.35/40 Tp2 123.95/00 Tp3 123.35/40

Chf/Jpy is on uptrend, retracement at 83.70/75, as swing buy with Tp1 84.55/60 Tp2 84.95/00 Tp3 85.35/40 while as breakout sell with Tp1 83.30/35 Tp2 83.05/10 Tp3 82.50/55

Gbp/Chf is on uptrend, retracement at 1.4900/10, as swing buy with Tp1 1.4970/75 Tp2 1.4990/95 Tp3 1.5045/50 while as breakout sell with Tp1 1.4845/50 Tp2 1.4810/15 Tp3 1.4775/80

Usd/Try is on downtrend, retracement at 1.8100/10, as swing sell with Tp1 1.8130/35 Tp2 1.8170/75 Tp3 1.8270/75 while as breakout sell with Tp1 1.7920/25 Tp2 1.7850/55 Tp3 1.7795/00

Oil is on downtrend, retracement at 80.55/60, as swing sell with Tp1 77.35/40 Tp2 76.65/70 Tp3 74.55/60 while as breakout buy with Tp1 81.65/70 Tp2 82.95/00 Tp3 84.05/10

Gold is on downtrend, retracement at 1586/87, as swing sell with Tp1 1546/47 Tp2 1537/38 Tp3 1510/11 while as breakout buy with Tp1 1602/03 Tp2 1619/20 Tp3 1634/35

We have Important News Releases today for the Euro & Canadian Dollar:

  • Euro German Ifo: Buy Euro/Usd if 107 or better while sell if 104 or worse

  • Cad Core CPI: Buy Usd/Cad if 0.2% or worse while sell if 0.4% or better

Take Note Traders that today Economic Finance Ministers of EuroZone Countries will meet today which can hold an effect on the Euro Currency

  • The Big Question today will be is this a correction of recent upward market movement or a reversal as explained in yesterday post of very possible reversal due to market been in overbought zone??
    The answer will be with continuation of market prices fall or a retracement as swing to confirm the fall later or the market might correct yesterday move by covering the previous candle as a bullish movement, will wait and see, trading the retrace at first.
    A further Tip can be trade the movement toward retracement tightening your stop loss if market decide to continue the fall with no real retrace.

Have A Great Trading Day & An Exciting Weekend

Thanks for giving valuable signals which are like GOLD to me. Please help me in understanding the trends today since EU & GU is hardly moving where the Yen crosses like USD/JPY, GJ, EJ & CJ are in bullish momentum as of now which is the start of Euro session open. I am seeing that in some of my indicator of 4hour chart, EJ is in bullish state with the price ranging upto 104 as the next level, GJ touching 127 in the next target. Can you please let me know how can EU become stand still & EJ going up like the rocket speed,
Do u believe that EJ & GJ can go up even when EU & GU are trending downwards,
Kindly advise on how to put up a trade in these volatile scenarios as I am basically a Yen crosses day trader,


Lovely detailed post describing the simple full truth. Thanks to you and who liked this post.

But I ask you and others not to waste your time on replies to SCAMMER ridiculous posts that carries only one purpose, hurting the other and bite the hand that feed him.
It’s disgusting how all SCAMMERS & HATERS meet at same point, introduce a nonsense post just to revenge because I lost them much money since I revealed their truth before they use my name to make business.
I understand your bad feelings but I hate SCAMMERS, SPAMMERS, & all who steal other people properties or ideas or inventions or creations or…
A Creator hard job of years can’t be badly wasted just because a Scammer decided to steal his work by an easy copy paste then use it for business matters.
The Creator rights are untouchable and would always be defended by rules and laws.

There are much important people in life to read their inspiring words and care about their person than haters words & illegal actions.

Read Philosophical Awesome Words to widen your mind and knowledge growing yourself.

Think about the families & kids who need help and try to volunteer in anyway possible according to your abilities, physical and financial.

Remove the unnecessary, Keep & Add the necessary.

Once Again, Traders don’t reply to nonsense Scammers who spend all day/night waiting for your post searching for his name introduced to use as an excuse to come out and offend you and by the way(main goal) advertise for stolen product.
I know might have open by this post the door for hater replies who take advantage of babypips rules that do not prevent Scammers posts unless there’s a clear offend & make it easy for long lasting replies that are simply nonsense and lead to nowhere but just to spoil our thread atmosphere.
Anyway, behind everything bad there’s something good as I believe and things can’t be kept running like this if no authority is found for the Creator, as you must understand my message…

Right. You see where we reached in this world we’re living in. No Morals No Values left. People bite the hand of who feed them.

Just a description, but As if a Father grow out his son/daughter in all ways for long years, for the son/daughter to leave and forget the father in his end years.

Thanks for your Nice feelings, Kind Compliment & Support.

Exactly, Your instincts & sense were higher than mine…must work on my own…lol

Hopefully, not a single person get fooled with Scammer illusion words creating fantasies around him to drag people to his Scam site.

Honestly, I had my doubts and feelings after his suspicious private messages which I’ll not reveal because my morals & values disallow that like you understand.

Good you learnt from your own mistake but unfortunately that had big consequences on your account.

Sometimes listening to the high experienced traders prevent you from big mistakes.

I do not understand what do you mean by “excel file you do”. I’m not an excel programmer…lol, search for one instead to fulfill your dream.

Pray for Lord Jesus Christ on a daily basis, maybe I get the sign and your wish becomes a reality soon.

Lord Jesus Christ is always with Me, You, Us all.

Hi Krishna,

It’s normal that USD/Jpy goes up just as Usd/Chf When there’s risk aversion with a strong dollar and usually strong yen as both are safe heaven currencies.
But due to BOJ intervene in the market if verbally or by selling the yen this risk aversion don’t work perfectly but wrongly sometimes as had been on friday, which lead to Euro/Jpy & Gbp/Jpy reflecting the yen weakness not the Euro & Gbp power.
When a currency is very weak it gets sold against all other currencies which results in suck movement against correlation equation.
But after sometimes as days for example it’s corrected by the first following upward or the latter correcting downward.

This is a free tip for traders to trade such market movements instability waiting for stability to occur as natural market correction.

Good Luck

Happy Party & An Entertaining Night for all

As I mentioned in my previous post, if the hatred and name calling “Scammer” continued, I would be back to defend the work I have put into this thread as well.

FMM, Can you really call me a “Scammer”?? When your system is entirely based off of a simple indicator?
I believe the main reason you are so frustrated at this point, is simply because someone called you out. It didn’t take long for me to figure out you were just simply ripping off Pivot Points and posting the price levels, I also won’t share your lying remark in Private Messaging, with this thread, there is no point to doing it… You ENTIRE system is based on Pivot Points, and YOU are copying/pasting and posting to take credit. Your “product” is based on a simple indicator, my “product” is navigating the market in real time, allowing traders to see my successes and most importantly how I manage losses and mistakes, to finish the week profitable.

There are some “Forex Money Maker” android apps out there with terrible reviews, but I will give you benefit of the doubt that those are not yours.

I will once again post an example of how you come up with your numbers…

My attraction to this thread was seeing if FMM could be highly accurate trading intraday swings (as I have always only been a long term to medium term trader), and have been mildly unsuccessful in trading multiple intraday swings. I personally, even to this day take on average 1 trade per day, and this week I took 2 profitable trades yielding GOOD pips.

Well folks, I found that his signals are flawed, and are simply just a regurgitation of Pivot Points, and I know there have been many traders here who walk away unsuccessful, I have seen this first hand as a member of the thread. This was my only reason in seeing if traders found value in seeing real time trades.

Also, engineering market systems myself, let me unveil another piece of information to the traders here regarding your “Accurate” system. Has everybody heard of the “Spaghetti thrown against the wall” analogy? Well, here it is… If you take 2 handfuls of spaghetti and throw it against the wall, at least a few noodles will stick.

The flaw I find with this thread, is anyone can call out 15 price levels a day on 15 pairs, and be right at least 2 times… Have you noticed that if someone mis-trades a pair, FMM jumps all over them??? He says “NEVER DO THAT AGAIN,” or “Why didn’t you trade that other pair???” Well, his messages never come in real time, they are always after the market closes… If a trader traded every pair he signaled, they would “Get Killed” as one post says in this thread. FMM does suggest traders only trade a handful of pairs, but then he counters his own advice by ripping a trader apart because they traded the wrong pairs…

My case in point is his system is flawed. And, he will never trade real time in front of you, simply because he wants to appear perfect as the “Master” of the FX market. It would be wildly impressive to see FMM trade his own system in real time, while keeping risk under control. The R:R trading his system in real time is highly unfavorable. Risk 10 to make 2.

The equivalent to your signals, is somebody re-writing a book that is already widely known, and then offering it “for free” to the public with their name on it… Last time I checked, you were not the creator of Pivot Points… Funny thing is that you really believe I only trade Pivot Points, excuse me I mean “Forex Money Maker Daily Signals”…

A major part of my own system involves the 4 Hr chart and a mixture of Moving Average indicators which are highly accurate. However on GBP/USD Friday, I took it short off of the Daily Pivot midpoint. I just checked and it was around your “Daily Signal,” so I guess this makes me a “Scammer”??? You don’t own any price level within the market. And, to say you are the owner of 15 pairs’ Pivots is beyond ridiculous in my mind.

It will be nice to give up the responsibility of correcting your daily signals (see past posts), someone else will need to do that now that I am gone… Good luck.

Traders, take a look at the chart I posted, this FMM is definitely not calculating this on his own, anyone can do it.

Good day.


Hello,this sell originated from the nice signals of the FMM.

With yours help, I want to clarify if it was my mistake to have sell here or i did the right thing but it was not my day.

Thanks FMM, your signals are great.