Forex Education - How long does it take?

Im sorry but you have “studied” for 2 years and never traded with real money?:joy:

Learning by doing is 1000 times more worth than doing 200 hours of theoretical thinking and “what if” scenarios.

I didn’t jump right into it like the 90% of the traders but i learned sooo much more trading with real life money.

The psychological aspect is at least as important as the things you’ve listed.

I don’t even know how it is possible to start with trading and to stay 2 years delusional in a theoretical paper trading bubble.

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Stop promoting a course you cavemen

Learning forex is different for everyone, and there’s no fixed timeline. It depends on how dedicated you are and how quickly you pick things up. Some traders get the hang of it in no time, while others take a bit longer.
I’d suggest, apart from spending time learning things from books and videos, that you start practising on demo accounts and continuously engaging with traders on forums like this one. And if you ever feel overwhelmed, I highly recommend exploring copy trading. Personally, I’ve been using it for a while now with positive results. You can start by exploring platforms like zulutrade and pelican then decide if this method of trading suits you or not.
Remember, your journey in forex is unique, so explore various methods to find what works best for you. Keep learning; stay adaptable.

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Training will take different times for each person because each trader is individual. Some learn quickly, others slowly. Some people have analytical thinking, some don’t. Someone is greedy and therefore will lose deposits very quickly and for a long time, but someone is disciplined and has endurance - he will start earning money faster.

  1. Start with the Baby Pips Learn Forex, it is pretty good (what I have seen so far is).
  1. Use a demo account until you are competent.

  2. Find a good training company and a patient and competent tutor.

try and find 3 using the website called forex peace army

Hey! So, diving into forex is like jumping into a deep pool; it feels like you’re never fully ready. I’ve been at it for almost a year, and here’s the real talk: 3–4 months might get you through the basics and a bit more, but forex is vast and ever-changing. Practice, patience, and continuous learning are keys. Stick with that demo account, join trading forums, and maybe find a mentor. There’s no finish line to learning forex; it’s more about the journey and getting better bit by bit. Keep at it, and don’t rush the process!

It is better to start your training with a demo account. And it is there that you can test the found trading strategies, since it is far from a fact that the first strategies you come across will work profitably. And when the demo account has positive transaction statistics for at least six months, then you can try to open a real account. And each trader will need his own amount of time to do this.

I thought the same - I get that we shouldn’t jump straight into real money on day 1, but spending 2 years without ever placing a real trade seems like allot. I don’t think any education would spend that much time without ever getting your hands dirty :slightly_smiling_face: