Forex for the first time

Hello my fellow investors! I’ve been trading crypto and the nasdaq for a little over two years. I have always thought about learning forex. I have had friends in the past become very profitable from their due diligence. I would like to start learning as soon as possible.

Oh nice! Do you stock pick? And as for crypto, do you trade mostly alts or just the big 2? :slight_smile:

Hello and welcome, You can start your learning from this website. Learn Forex Trading at School of Pipsology - here you will find from basic to advance level resources to learn.

its a good advice but beginners should finish this school level minimum for 3 times, otherwise anything can be useless when trading in a real.

Hello to the community. You are already a trader. So, it won’t take long to learn forex trading.

I started a long time ago, and read all about the Forex Market, also I have gone through the Pips school of BabyPips, which helped me a lot.