Forex for you for me

Let’s roll the dice!

The forex market depends on mentality. If you work with a positive mindset, trading will be much easier for you. And if you think trading is very hard, then it is very difficult for you.

I hear this a lot from traders both expirienced and new. A positive mind set is not the be all and end all of trading.

You just cannot be positive and hope that will make you money. The market could not care less whether you are prositive or negitive, if you don’t understand how the market works you will still lose money.

It’s like thinking you are a good tennis player having never played tennis. That is unrealistic and in fact quiet delusional.

Positive mind set is only effective if you have the skills to back it up.



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Seven for me…

Forex is for every trader who is ready for the challenges that it comes with. Educate yourself properly because that is how you will get to know your strengths and how you can make use of the opportunities that the market offers.

How to understand “how the market works?”

The question is like learning how to learn.

For better understanding, what are the key skills other than being calm during an open trade? Do you think that psychology is being overrated by instructors all around the world wide web? What else a new motivated trader, who already has a professional background, consider focusing on?