Forex Growth Bot

Forex is just like blackjack. Bots are like guys who claim they can count cards. Some are like Rain Man, others are like Sloth, from the Goonies. It’s up to you to understand how they work and what exactly they’re doing. The question of whether or not to let them trade on their own depends on what it is exactly that they’re doing.

Hi JK…its so nice to have you here with all your good and positive attitude…

I"ve been observing some winning trade became lost, so some FGB users keep wondering either they will let robot do the job or just close them manually… so do you guys think that we should drive the robot or just let it run autopilot…?

They aren’t magical market readers - there is a specific planned sequence of events that occurs upon each tick of data. The EA analyzes market data, compares it to a set of conditions laid out that trigger market orders, and either waits it out, or performs an order or close.

If you don’t understand how the bot works, then why are you using it? I say this, not from the perspective of a seasoned trader, or from the perspective of someone who dislikes bots, but from a sane desire to see people not hurt their finances. Blind faith is fine when it comes to personal convictions. In the cold, hard reality of Forex trading - blind faith seems a little stupid. Just a little.

[li]How does this bot work?
[/li][li]What strategy does it employ?
[/li][li]Can you understand and execute the strategy on your own?

If you can’t answer those questions satisfactorily, then you need to educate yourself enough so that you’re comfortable with all the answers, or get a refund and hold back from trading until you know what’s happening.

I’m a programmer, and the more I learn, the more I love the idea behind Expert Advisors. They allow the trader to separate strategy from psychology, and give us a powerful tool with which to make money. They aren’t shortcuts to Forex success. If you don’t understand how it works, then you can’t possibly understand how to use it correctly.

If you’re willing to gamble with your investment, then feel free to let loose with a bot that you don’t understand. If you’re interested in investing intelligently and working towards success - sanely, responsibly, and diligently - then do the groundwork and understand both the bot and the market. Answer those three questions, and then double check. Backtest with unadulterated data, forward test on demo accounts (multiple accounts at different brokers.) Try trading the bots strategy on your own to see if they make sense.

To answer the question: Don’t put it on Autopilot. Trust your own judgment unless or until you understand the EA strategy. I have no idea how FGB works, and I’m not saying it’s good or bad - I’m not making any judgment on the bot itself, because I’m hugely [B]not [/B]qualified to do so. Hopefully I can insert a little common sense into the discussion, though.

Well, I tend to be a bit conservative by nature so I would certaintly entertain going partial and at least no that I bagged 55.5 but I am certaintly NO expert.

FGB Indicator put in a SELL signal and I bought immedietly on this first Arrow (even though my Bolli Bands,RSI did not support it) THEN I went short a Second time after this first sell arrow when all of my other indicators said “go for it.”

Toddling along combining FGB Indicator and my Trade Strategy.

Keep you posted and GOOD LUCK!


Personally I think it is prudent to always keep your eye on ANY trade whether it is manual or bot.

There is no strategy running that is 100% correct whether Bot or human.

The good news regarding Forex Growth Bot is that she seems to be always closing at around -30 pips now but there were issues with her before not closing if your server went down or pc crashed.

These are just my early observations so take what I say with a grain of salt!



Hello JRowe,

I replied before you(or just did not see your comment from my email acct.) but must commend you on your insightful comment.

I believe this Bot relies heavily on Elliot Wave theory (amongst other things) but am still wrapping my brain around that one.

Warmest regards and WELCOME,


those 2 eu longs are +10 and +11, I would have been happier to take some off the table. I am having a hard time decideing on my threshold and its made worse by the 2 week gap in my data. I could look at eugene’s trades but I want to see how much fgb is leaving on the table, as well as how much the trades are closed at. So the only answer is to watch and observe than I can come up with reasonable numbers.

What I think I will do is set up a demo along side my live account and let the demos run. I will be able to guage what trades are taken or not based on the price feed. I then can compare how much am I winning or losing by letting fgb run till she closes them.

Hey, Johnnykanoo good to here from you
and now the rest of this post will be written in iambic pentameter!

So far my report for the day is

  1. Went Short instantly with First Signal Sell Arrow-1.3805-1.3785 for +20pips (even though my personal Strategy did not support that timing.)
  2. Went short after the 1st Sell Arrow when my indicators confirmed such a move, 1.3823-1.3803 for +20 pips
  3. Second Sell/Signal Arrow went short at 1.3787- Open Trade
  4. 3rd Signal/Sell Arrow have not done anything due my indicators not backing the move and I think the run is waning.

My highly complicated and mathematically viable “Don’t put all your Eggs in one Basket” Theory sprinkled with the Law of Murphy seem to be working at least. (ahem)

I am in the same boat as you regarding your thoughts and observations as to how much FGB will leave on the table etc. AND am thinking of exactly the same appoach regarding letting the Demo run with live acct. for comparison.

The more comparison the better which is why I have my two Demo acct.s one with just the FGB and no interference from me and second with me using the FGB Signal, FGB Bot and my manual trading system combined.



Hi guys…
I just purchased FGB, and I have some difficulties to put the bot to my VPS…
Can you guys help me please…

PS: I only put 2 bot in my VPS which is Fish Forex Robot and Steady Winner…FFR this months gain a perfect winning but steadywinner is so terrible…

Hi Duke,

Unfortunately I am unable to help you but I have a suggestion.

If you log into the “Members” area at The Forex Growth Bot site you will see a link for a Service that installs Bots (all Bots, not just FGB)

Because I did not have a clue regarding anything to do with VPS I had the tech. get my VPS Site in order and install the bot there.

I knew enough from the manual to install FGB myself on just my PC but feared I would mess things up without some assistance when it came to the VPS.

The Service is remote so the tech. just does everything for you.

It is just a suggested link by the Forex Growth Bot site.

Good Luck!!!


I believe it costs about $40.00 (U.S) but felt it was definately worth the money.

Even though yesterday was a rough day for our FGB (but not for the FGBindicator) here is my Tally for Thursday and today, which concludes my official 1 st week of two days with FGB.

So on the Demo 1. that is only FGB trading solo we have


No Trades

On Demo 2. With FGB Indicator, FGB Bot and me manually trading the signals we have.
(-65 pips, + 134 pips) (+69 total)


+2.10 (yes, I had a cowardly chicken moment)

Have a great Weekend,


Hi, first post here.

Sorry if I missed this point, but does FGB automatically open AND close trades on the basic version? All I do is watch and maybe manually close?

I’ve only been trading for a few months and this would be my first EA… kinda scared to be honest. I hear the more people buying a robot, the quicker it stops working?

once you set fgb up it will automatically open and close trades for you. Allthough fgb’s exits leave alot to be desired. I’ll give you an example. my last two trades where both +50 and +51 an are now hoverring around -25 for the weekend. I was going to clsoe them manually and didn’t so who knows they may stay losers or they may claw there way back up.

It is a good ea though just a little crappy on her exits. I am working to resolve that problem for us. By next week I will have a game plan.

I notice her typical stop loss is 24 so I am considering a take profitr level of +48 and a break even at +24. I will mess with these numbers and keep you guys posted.

Have a good weekend.

Welcome danny,

FGB does automatically open and close trades.

There was a glitch (that has been fixed) that if your pc crashed or lets just say if you got disconnected then FGB would lose track of trades and folks had to manually close.

With the Forex Growth Bot is a seperate free indicator called Forex Growth Bot Indicator.

I have two Demo’s running on two different brokers.

One of the Demo’s is me opening and closing trades with the Indicator signals(and my own signals of RSI, Bollinger Bands,MacD and Candlestick reading) and the Bot trading. Sort of a team effort.

The second Demo is just the Bot with no intervention from me UNLESS there is a crazy glitch (like the one listed above that was fixed)

Now, one thing that is always important to evaluate is Risk/Reward ratio.

There are many Bots out there running with crazy numbers which have them closing out trades after they are down around 300 pips!

Risking 300 pips to gain 50-100 is absolute insanity!

My first day with the Bot was not a good day BUT it closed Trades around -30 Pips and most gains seem to be the equivelant or more. (even with losses on my second Demo acct. which is just the bot it is only down -19 pips due to its making a nice +40 pips.)

Forex Growth Bot has more losses than other Bots BUT peoples accounts seem to be growing(and it is listed on other sites in the top three for account growth with live trading) well because the wins are solid and they are not getting wiped out by one loss or two loss’s of 300 pips and bad money mgt./lot size etc.

Beware of Bots that say 98% winning trades when they have crazy risk ratios like 300 pips.

Now as has been mentioned before on this forum.

Get a VPS
Demo the Account
Examine the principles of how the Bot Trades
Why not use the indicator as well and back up your learning manual trading?
DO NOT USE REAL MONEY first just DEMO! Please!
The same Bot will work differently with different Brokers and different PC AND different VPS. (this is true of ALL bots and all manual trading as well, many factors, like spreads, execution speed etc.)
No Trading system whether human or Bot is 100% Win.

Even with verification of sound trading practices from a Bot I would still be keeping a watchful eye and checking in on its activity.

Study manual trading and the principles behind things such Candlestick reading, RSI Indicator, Bollinger Bands, MacD etc., Elliot Wave Theory or what ever you so choose.

I personally think that we should change the thought process of EA/Expert Advisor to EA/Expert Assistant!

Would you let any human just take control of your finances and not check in?

Bernie Madoff was not a Bot and destroyed peoples lives (of course he was a master of lying to people when they did “check in.”)

Be prudent and be hands on with your money.

If you want to treat an EA as a slot machine that is your choice (please don’t take this as my insulting you personally danny, I am just trying to make a point here)

The Forex Growth Back is bought through Click bank and if you don’t like it after 1-2 months (please check it may be only 1 month) you can get your money back.

If you use a Demo Acct. and get more confidence in manual trading and observing Bot then perhaps it won’t seem so scary!

Warmest regards,


Hi JK,

You have trades open right now?

I don’t which is why I am asking.



Thanks Johnny and Piparella for the responses, very helpful :slight_smile:

I don’t even know what a VPS is, so I’ll look into that, but do I absolutely need a VPS?

I agree with the “expert assistant” comment. I’ve been trading for just a few months and only making like 100 pips (profit) a week, which is not that bad… but I definitely want to explore different strategies and I’ve been really curious about bots.

Anyway thanks a lot for the help and I’ll look into this VPS thing haha

A VPS is a Virtual Private Server. It’s basically a computer hosted in a remote datacenter that you can leave on 24/7, which will reboot automatically if it crashes, and you can assign profiles for software.

You can usually get a better connection response for trading servers, and are usually guaranteed 99%+ uptime.

It’s up to you - if you foresee a problem with connectivity and continuity, and want to ensure a separate, safe environment for your trading platform, then go for it.

yes the virtual private server is great if you can’t keep your computer on for 24 hours a day 5 days a week. Especially with fgb it is necessary. Also I live in the usa but my broker is fxopen all the way in the Arabic Empire. For me latency is an issue.

My vps is located in the UK and therefore it is a lot closer than USA so execution (latency) is much better.

Thrustvps is like $15 a month and it is excellent! Also don’t buy without googleing coupon codes. I found one that is recurring 30% off. It is by far the best deal on the internet for reliable vps.

I used to have a forexvps account. They were great and for a beginner I would recommend them but the cost starts at $30+ a month and it may even be like $39???

Another cheap alternative is swvps. They are okay but they are cheap.

Keep in mind that you can get help from there technical departments and I have a great vps guide if anyone is interested. I got it from ckowyoung’s blog (if I spelled that right). It has been a huge help.

Hi JK,

You have trades open right now?

I don’t which is why I am asking.



yes i do have to open trades right now. EU longs. They were +50 but now are -50 and the vps has not lost connection. From now on I am going to manually exit at +48 and I will run demo and let it gho but enough is enough. i have seen to many winners turn to losers. I will keep a close eye and if I am making a mistake it will become evident and i will stop but until then. Average sl seems to be -24 so at 24 i will move to be and at 48 i will close, or i will close 80% and let 20% run???

Hello JK,

I realize that my expertise regarding the FGB and Forex market is modest at best(compared to you) but I think that your observations seem to be dead on regarding closing trades at +48.

I was thinking 40-50 pips and I will take it!

As you know or perhaps have observed that when I am trading manually with the FGB Indicator that I take my 20 pips and bail out.

This has been profitable so far and made up for that losing day which was this last Thursday(my first official day) where MANY BOTS and not just FGB had a bunch of losing trades.

Thank God that FGB closes out at around -30 pips and not some sort of maniacal -300!

Yet, I will always keep an eye out.

The economy and the world, and life are always constantly changing so my attitude is to always keep a wary eye out.

My dad grew up under Nazi occupation so you never know when some crazy calamity will befall you.

One day you are a child and next day you are on a Train.

This also is true of Global economy.

Warmest regards,


I can imagine how the feelings when the good trade end up in bad trade, and the bad thing is if that is happen often…so its better to put an eye to every trade…, even though its sound ridiculous because we buy the bot for automatic trading…

Well I closed the two EU longs at +61 and +62 pips. I definatly keep an eye on my trades. It has been a tough couple of weeks when my main computer crapped out on me but overall i am constantly watching my trades.

I have a recap for last weeks trades… I left my risk account %s there. These are not recommendations just what I ended up with for myself.

This week we already have three EU longs open all about break even atm. Here’s toa great week trading :smiley:
2.24 BUY 1.3793 closed @ 1.3769 -24 -1.8%
2.24 SELL 1.3707 closed @ 1.3733 -26 -2%
2.24 BUY 1.3775 closed @1.3837 +61 +4.5%
2.24 BUY 1.3776 closed @ 1.3837 +62 +4.4%
2.23 BUY 1.3786 closed @ 1.3762 -24 -1.8%
2.21 SELL 1.3588 CLOSED @ 1.3611 -23 -1.8%
2.21 SELL 1.3619 CLOSED @ 1.3612 +7 +.5%
totals: +33 pips +2.4%