Forex Growth Bot

by the way, has anyone tested the ea on fxopen?

Thats who I’m using for a broker, fxopen live account.

Hello everyone!

Well its back to square zero for me anyway because I just loaded our FGB “Eugenia” onto Demo Accts. on my new VPS!

So, for the record I have two Demo’s officially running.

Demo1-is on FinFX with a Balance of 3,000.00 and has only the Forex Growth Bot (under my watchful eye) making Trades. The only interaction that I will have with Trading this Demo is too make sure no glitches occur that result in crazy losses due to events such as VPS going down etc.

Demo2-is on AskObid with a Balance of 3,000.00 and Has the Forex Growth Bot makings trades AND me making Trades with the Forex Growth Bot Indicator backed by MACD(13,26,9) BOB(10,1) on RSI(7,simple,close)

I have adjusted nothing on the Forex Growth Bot Indicator.

All lot sizes are set to 0.10

When you trade with the indicator MAKE SURE to check the lot size because it will say on MT4 ticket 1.0! You DO NOT WANT THIS! You want 0.10 so make sure to select that due to it not being automatic.

I realize that this may be elementary information for some of you but I just thought I would try to prevent anyone else from making the same mistake I did due to my not being familiar with MT4 Station (I was on OANDA their MT4 is still in Beta stages)

Warmest regards to all,


well…I have been watching for this bot for several weeks, and its seems I will give a try…
I like the wave concept of this bot, and I accept the fact that FGB still have something to fix to increase the performance and I think its getting better…
glad to hear the good faith with this bot with all of you here…will be join soon…

Welcome Duke,

If you are here in the U.S you have less of a good choice of Brokers for working with FGB.

For starting you may want to go with the Brokers that are suggested by FGB Programmer Eugene Lipisky.
For U.S his team suggests FinFX and AskObid which is why I am with them.

Also, you will save yourself a huge head ache if you get a VPS.

Don’t forget to try out the free Forex Growth Bot Indicator that comes with Bot.

On MT4 platform go into Custom Indicators and it is sitting there.

This Forum and specifically this thread is filled with alot of great information and helpful people.

Remember no Bot is perfect but I do feel that the Forex Growth Bot programmers are really trying to improve their product consistently.

They also have a “live” signal service that will be available soon.

Warmest Regards,


Hello Everyone …

I have been following along here for a couple weeks with great interest.
I have not bought FGB yet…but I was wondering about the custom indicator…
The manual trading tool…
How does it look on bigger time frames like 1 hour and beyond?
Anybody look at a multiple time frame analysis of it at London or US open?
Any comments appreciated.
It sure is generating alot of interest…there are two other forums with threads as big as this devoted to it.

Cheers & Pips


Started trading the Bot today. First trade was a 25 pip loss, but now have 3 trades open for 44 pips profit. Let’s hope they will be big ones!

This Ea looks very interesting…I find today this site and I love it here

Hello Lovely Ones,

Thank you all for such a wonderful thread. I just started with Forex and I’m absolutely in love with good mathematics. I activated the EA this morning, so far no trades, but I look forward to seeing what is possible!

Warm Regards,


Hello Geges!

Well, the Indicator has/had 8 Arrrows for BUY and were dead on correct for quick profits on the first four.

What I am trying to understand is why FGB did not open Trades at those times.

Now I know that the Indicator and Bot are different but if I had been up early enough I could have made a killing.

So far out of 4 trades by the Bot I have 2 Trades loss and 1 Trade Open.

I took a risk with the Indicator and entered due to what my RSI and Bolli bands and Candlesticks were indicating so there is an extra trade by me open.

Not a great starting day for me with the Bot BUT you cannot judge on your first official day AND the Bot seems to have some good stop loss parameters for closing Trades WHICH IS IMPORTANT.

As JohhnyKanoo said and I shall paraphrase "A good Trader thinks how much can I lose NOT just how much can I win.

So far I have noticed that if you are vigilant and get in on the first two Arrow signals for Sell or Buy you can get a really nice profit.

I can’t wait for the Signal Service.

Warmest Regards,



Despite this morning losses(3) still a nice Bot Trade(open) that just keeps on clilmbing AND two fab winning Trades for 17.40 and16.00 from our friend the INDICATOR!



welcome to babypips and to my thread. Im glad you guys decided to check FGB out. Today I have to longs open and both doing well. Pipparella I don’t think you need the signal service. Keep doing what your doing. Try new things and observe what is working. You can gain confidence in your approach by doing the following…

Find something that is successful (like your doing right now)
observe and better yet write down the results odf your trades. BTW guys I digress a moment…

The best tool you can use to document your trades is asweet and free program called evernote.
Remember Everything | Evernote Corporation

This program is totally free and awesome. Heres why. You download evernote to your computer, and the evernote app for your phone. You create a free account and take screen shots of your trades. You can have photos, text, html whatever you want to keep tract of your trades. and when you save them in evernote it automatically syncs and keeps your notes on its server which you can access from any computer in the world or from your phone or wherever. This has been a great tool for me and I am at a point where I don’t know how on earth I ever survived without it.

okay back on point. So you observe your trades and analyze your results. there will come a point where you just know you are working with a winning strategy. At this point you will be able to put the trade on and not think twice.

Good money management is critical! losing streaks happen to every single person on earth who trades. period. You will lose at some point and when you do it will be the confidence that you have developed in your method that will keep you from tweaking and changing things just because you experience a string of losers. This btw is what is stopping me from tweaking fgb yet. I need time to see how she trades before I change her.

Once you have found a methodology that works, with a positive expectancy, you just do it, rinse and repeat. simple.

That is the core of what an ea is. hopefully it is trading a strategy with a postive expectancy and it just trades it over and over and over.

Proper money mangement keeps you in the game long enough to succeed and win in the long term. Never get greedy. trust me this is years of experience talking to you. greed will kill your account.

bulls make money, bears make money pigs get slaughtered. Remember that :smiley:

Hi. I have followed this thread for a few weeks with great interest. I purchased FGB yesterday and installed it with my Oanda FXtrade practice account. The install seems to work fine. I am seeing the indicator arrows, but the EA is not executing the trades that I am seeing show up on FGB’s demo account.

I am specifically missing two trades #387397 & #387268 that executed at 09:30 and 09:45 this morning.

I saw that at least a few others are running with Oanda. Has anyone else seen this problem ?


EU long 1.3793 closed 1.3769 -24
EU short 1.3707 closed 1.3733 -24

currently open EU long 1.3776 +13
Currently open EU long 1.3775 +14

i’ll keep you posted

Hi. I have followed this thread for a few weeks with great interest. I purchased FGB yesterday and installed it with my Oanda FXtrade practice account. The install seems to work fine. I am seeing the indicator arrows, but the EA is not executing the trades that I am seeing show up on FGB’s demo account.

I am specifically missing two trades #387397 & #387268 that executed at 09:30 and 09:45 this morning.

I saw that at least a few others are running with Oanda. Has anyone else seen this problem ?


welcome to the thread.

I wouldn’t call missing trades “a problem” Different brokers will yield different results based on spread and price feed. Some brokers will perform better than others. I’m afraid I don’t run oanda so I don’t know what trades fgb has taken with them.

BTW Oanda must have started offering mt4 right? Otherwise I suppose you would need bridge software. Oanda is a decent broker and offering mt4 seems very interesting to me.

Thank you Johnnykanoo,

For the encouragement and this thread.

I am letting this last Trade that our Bot made this morning at 1.3775 roll along way up and down etc.

Personally I wanted to close that trade out at around 25.00 40 $30.00 but this is my first official day with the new Demo Accountsj and I am pretty happy with my two manuel trades for a Win,Win with Bot Indicator and my indicators(BolliBands,MacD,RSI)



Thanks for the welcome. The thread has provided a great deal of information and encouragement for someone new to FX trades. I’ve lost plenty of $$ via managed FX accounts. I figured that I should be able to do better wtih some education and observation.

You are correct. Oanda is offering Metatrader 4.

Were your current open EU long trades initiated by the EA or manual by you ?


For some reason my last post to you via email did not post so I shall try again.

Hey JK,

EU short 1.3705 closed 1.3731 -24
EU long 1.3772 closed 1.3756 -16
EU long 1.3792 closed 1.3768 -24
the following Trades are me, manual with FGN INDICATOR
EU long 1.3777 closed 1.3794 +17
EU long 1.3788 closed 1.3804 +16

OPEN TRADE from this morning london time from our Bot
EU long 1.37758 went all the way up +30 then down and up again, letting her ride to see what happens.

I have been wanting to close,close, close this last Bot Trade but I am leaving this Trade open due to my learning how FGB operates.



Final open Open Trade listed above EU long 1.37758 closed for profit +39 Pips on AskObid Broker and on FinFX for +41!

Have a good night everyone.


Well my two longs that are still open are +55 and +56. The real question i sdo I let them run or close them, or close partial??? What to do what to do. I will let it go because I am currently bullish on that pair anyway, but im watching closely and I will certainly close them by the end of tomorrow.

Hi JK…its so nice to have you here with all your good and positive attitude…

I"ve been observing some winning trade became lost, so some FGB users keep wondering either they will let robot do the job or just close them manually… so do you guys think that we should drive the robot or just let it run autopilot…?