Forex Growth Bot

Another short trade opened 1.4696, currently +57.5 pips…
Corrected: now it is +93 pips :30:

closed 2 of the 4 shorts at +92 and +84

there have been 5 open sells and now I have locked in 312 pips and my remaining to shorts are at +76 and +58

Basically I can turn this ea off for the month and she did her job today alone a little over 17% locked in and +6.5% floating

This is why I love this bot

Hi Johnny,

Do you sometimes manually close out profitable trades on FGB?

all the time.

BTW FGB opened a long (at the bottom for once)

Growth Bot Killing !!!

FGB made a killing today. The markets trended very hard today for an extended period which is exactly what this bot likes. It delivered. My $500 penny account on Alpari went up nearly 20%. It rattled off 22 trades all of which were winners. Everyone should realize this does not happen every day. This was a good a day as it gets. There will be a lot of days (nearly 50%) where we will have some small losers. We have to be able to accept them and sit through them and wait for days like today to keep us moving up the profit ladder. I also closed every trade manually each time I saw the market looking like it was losing a little momentum. As I did so the bot just kept openning new trades. I just wanted to bank profit as I went. I didn’t want to go to lunch and find out when I got back that some event cause the markets to dart against me and give back everything I had earned. I’m a profit miser and will close trades, or paritally close trades at predefined pivot points or wave levels. Today was fun, I close trade, put money in the bank, bot opens another one and repeat the process.

I didn’t get the long trade JK got. Not sure why but I’m still countdemoney to worry about it. :slight_smile:

Pls help…

There’s no trade at all in my demo account. I just dun understand why?? I’ve referred to the manual again, double checked everything, restart my laptop - on screen shows ACTIVE, smiley face appeared, my status is valid but yet still no action from the bot. What should i do?? It’s in default settings. I did nothing except added the FGB bonus indicator. sad-sad

Folks, thrustvps web site looks terrible, live chat is always offline, and when trying to order, I keep having the ‘out of stock’ message…!? Anyone got the same?


Replying to myself :frowning:
Please ignore my earlier post, I have been able to talk to them and seems I can order online (it still seems that surfing their web site with I.E 7 is not the best).
Fyi, their mystic package is about 15€ / month, which is indeed ridiculously cheap :-). Ping to FinFx Server is about 39 ms, quite good too.

Bill I have never had a support issue even during setup so I don’t know about customer support but what I do know is they have been excellent and I have yet to have a server interuption in over 3 months. I get my vps for like $13 a month with that recurring coupon code. If your bored go on DF and see what others have said about thrust.

Also they are using new version of windows (server) and it looks and feels like windows 7 which I like because it is very easy for me to use.

Anyway I highly recommend them I couldn’t be happier and in the past I have used swvps and forexvps. I just think they are ultra reliable, ultra fast, and easy to use.

Growth Bot Killing !!!

FGB made a killing today. The markets trended very hard today for an extended period which is exactly what this bot likes. It delivered. My $500 penny account on Alpari went up nearly 20%. It rattled off 22 trades all of which were winners. Everyone should realize this does not happen every day. This was a good a day as it gets. There will be a lot of days (nearly 50%) where we will have some small losers. We have to be able to accept them and sit through them and wait for days like today to keep us moving up the profit ladder. I also closed every trade manually each time I saw the market looking like it was losing a little momentum. As I did so the bot just kept openning new trades. I just wanted to bank profit as I went. I didn’t want to go to lunch and find out when I got back that some event cause the markets to dart against me and give back everything I had earned. I’m a profit miser and will close trades, or paritally close trades at predefined pivot points or wave levels. Today was fun, I close trade, put money in the bank, bot opens another one and repeat the process.

I didn’t get the long trade JK got. Not sure why but I’m still countdemoney to worry about it.

Read more: 301 Moved Permanently

The 2 longs that got opened are a mistake in fgb’s logic. When you manually close a trade it causes FGB to open another trade. I suspect this is what happened to you. 20% in 1 day is awesome.

I had a net total of about 500 pips!!! Not bad :smiley:

Thanks for the note Johnny, for my info, if you have the mystic package, I am assuming this is the one that comes with 1 GB of RAM, right? Now, how many MT4 platforms are you running simultaneously, how many graphs opened simultaneously? Just asking as I am hesitating between several packages, depending on my RAM usage I guess… Thanks ahead


Make sure you have the bots internal control set to True. If it is set to false it may not work.

Also, make sure you have the boxes checked for allow DLL imports and allow import of external experts. Also make sure the box is unchecked for confirm DLL function calls. Box for Manual Confirmation of trades is unchecked.

Thanks for the note Johnny, for my info, if you have the mystic package, I am assuming this is the one that comes with 1 GB of RAM, right? Now, how many MT4 platforms are you running simultaneously, how many graphs opened simultaneously? Just asking as I am hesitating between several packages, depending on my RAM usage I guess… Thanks ahead

Read more: 301 Moved Permanently

The Mystic package is there “medium” offering. I currently have 5 different instances of mt4 running and anywhere between 3-6 charts on each. I have never had a problem and I don’t even restart my vps accept about once a month when I think about it. Reminds me maybe I will restart it this weekend. Can’t hurt my FGB trades that are opened. I think I am going to write support. I don’t understand why does this robot do stupid things sometimes like opening longs when clearly all the volatility is to the short side??? I’m going to open another instance of mt4 just for fgb so I can shut the whole platform off when I decide to close my trades this way I don’t have to give it all back which is whats happening thanks to these 2 longs that are both -200+ I’m waiting for a retrace but I may have to bite the bullet and close them for a huge loss next week. Only time will tell.

I would like to use the mystic package with this ea. But when I tried to order the server, I had to enter a hostname to configure my server. Is this hostname my choice, or do I have to enter fxopen´s server (real3.fxopen…)?

Thanks for your help!

i believe the host name is your nickname for the server but your best bet is to contact support they are very helpful. you never need to add any broker info for the setup. The only time you would need the broker server is when you are logging into your account after the vps is already setup and mt4 is already installed.

I’ve been getting my education at the school of pipsology, but I’m definitely still a newbie. Could I be successful using forex growth bot? Do you let the robot run its own course, or do you actively change settings and close trades? I’m wary of robots because I’ve heard of the inumerable scams…Any advice is aprecciated. Thanks!

Seems that no more coupon can be used, at least I have tried several including “ukblowout” with their “Metropolis” package and got the answer “The promotion code entered does not exist”… Anyone the same?

I would never give my money to someone and say trade away, let me know how it goes, nor would I do the same with ANY robot. Robots need to be monitored and fine tuned to stay in sync with current market conditions. No bot thrives in every market.

I would also suggest you read the thread from beginning to end and you will find a lot of different ways the bot is being used and manipulated to suit various trading styles. If you don’t read through the thread and learn the history and performance of the bot to know what it does and why, and then you ask me if you will be successful with the bot I would say no. However if you read through and learn the pluses and minuses of the bot and based on that decide it will work for you and your trading style then the answer is maybe. From there it depends on your money management and risk/reward levels you use. NO bot or trading method will survive bad money management. I learned that lesson the hard way.

I recently purchased FGB, and it started off okay, but has made some really odd choices lately - as Jonnykanoo mentioned, it’s opening up longs which should clearly be shorts, then closing them off on me before the market has a chance to trend back (maybe a setting I can change?? - I’m using the defaults).

Anyone else had similar issues, and can anyone suggest some custom settings to avoid this from happening? I know it’s a bot and you have to take the bad with the good, but just wanted a little advice if anyone had any on this. (Using V1.4)

Thanks in advance!

Didn’t know there was a version 1.4, I’m using version 1.3 and not seeing any issues.

What criteria are you using when you say the bot should clearly be taking shorts? The bot looks for breakaway higher highs or lower lows then tries to jump on the trend, sometimes when the trend is near exhaustion. No follow through and the bot calls off the dogs and exits the trade on a broken retrace. If this is what it is doing, this is what it is supposed to do. It is not a counter trend trading bot if that is what you are thinking.