I managed to join the Forex Factory Forum but I am unable to post.
When I hit <<< post reply >>> I am able to type in the title of the post but the cursor will not activate in the message area. I have never had this experience with any other forum I have joined.
Can someone please explain this ananomaly and how to over come it or failing that…please PM me an email address of a moderator so I can explain my problem to them.
Mmmmh??, you’re asking for advice on how to use another forum, not sure about that
, I’d guess it’s probably your browser, try another.
dude, babypips and forex factory are enemies, you oughta know that…
I’ve been a member at FF for some time now but if I remember correctly your first posts are monitored by admins to prevent spam so it may take a while to make your first posts.
Although it sounds more like a browser problem, have you tried posting with another browser?