Forex News: Australian Retail Sales and German Factory Orders Unexpectedly Fall

Fundamental Headlines[/B][/U]

• [B]AUDUSD [/B]– Australian Retail Sales unexpectedly declined 0.1% in February, falling for a second month. A 12 year high in interest rates, record energy and food costs, rising inflation and a slowing global economy has weigh on consumer confidence and spending. The RBA which has keep its benchmark rate unchanged this week may be at an end to its tightening policy. For more news and resources, visit our Australian Dollar Currency Room.
• [B]CHFUSD [/B]– Swiss inflation rose to its fastest pace in 14 years rising 0.3% from February bring the year-over-year figure to 2.6%. Record oils prices and rising food costs is making it tougher for Swiss households to heat their homes and feed their families. The SNB has kept rates at a six year high of 2.75% in an effort to battle inflation, which may become difficult to maintain with the global economy slumping. For more news and resources, visit our Swiss Franc Currency Room.
• [B]EURUSD [/B]– German factory orders fell by 0.5% in February. Despite the decline the year-over year numbers improved to 9.0% from a revised 8.9% the month prior. The majority of the decline was a result of automobile orders declining 1.4%, as global demand suffers. The ECB may be hard pressed going forward to refrain from lowering interest rates, despite their inflation concerns Discuss the topic and your trade ideas in the EUR/USD Forum.

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