Forex noobies NZ

Hello! My name is Gillian, I’m from NZ. I’ve slowly moved uo the ranks in my career and have gotten to a place where I thought I wanted to be and just realised there has to be more to life! I want my time back, my freedom back and I want to be able to leave work at work. A friend of mine has been harping on about this for a while but I hadn’t really paid attention until now and I have to say I’m pretty excited for what the future holds in this space!!

Welcome to the club Gillian :))

Prepare yourself for years of hard work. There is no short cut to eventual success, so ignore social media marketing hype which is mostly fantasy land.

Welcome to the community! I think it’s important to be aware that you will have to put a lot of work into trading to get to the point you want to be at, but it is obtainable. You’d be working just as hard or harder at a regular job, anyways. Good luck!

Kia ora!
Interesting little introduction to the community here.

I benefitted from a vision of a new potential life when I was doing really well in a previous career. I got out and discovered there were many many things I was able to do to earn money, which were a heck of a lot more enjoyable, as well as many things in life that were just worth doing for the fun of it.

Trading was not the earner I imagined it would, but that was my fault, I’m more disciplined nowadays.

Hi Gillian, most welcome to this community. Looking forward to hearing all about your journey ahead! Best wishes and remember, hard work and patience pays off big time. Good luck!