Brother of a friend could help. In case not, i’ve a plan to do it on my own
and Hey you see how the standard deviation rise dramatically when consiedring hi-lo? from 2,50% to 60% ish xD
Yeah, I cee that!
Whats up with EURCHF though? 125% (maybe those crazy interventions from the swiss )
Yep that’s it, That’s why EURCHF is a too risky pair to trade on !
This is the mathematical confirmation
@ABOWNIAK - I read what you mentioned, and It’s interesting, but I should have to test it… any clue where I could get his data?
in case you are referring to me (ABOKWAIK). Actually no, however you can check his website (
On the technical side, I found an indicator that shows Strength/Weakness of a currency compared to other currencies. 7 out of the 8 major currencies are included (only NZD is not there). This can be used to buy the strongest currency against the weakest one.
I hope this can help. below is the source code.
I like to moving, moving
v1.21s (1.0 + smoothing (+level) + shifting)
by ALeX
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 7
#property indicator_color1 Green
#property indicator_color2 Blue
#property indicator_color3 Red
#property indicator_color4 Black
#property indicator_color5 RosyBrown
#property indicator_color6 Orange
#property indicator_color7 BlueViolet
extern int candles = 100;
extern int shift = 0;
extern int smooth_level = 1;
double bufIUSD[];
double bufIEUR[];
double bufIGBP[];
double bufICHF[];
double bufIJPY[];
double bufIAUD[];
double bufICAD[];
//string names[7] = {“USD”, “EUR”, “GBP”, “CHF”, “JPY”, “AUD”, “CAD”};
int init()
SetIndexBuffer (0, bufIUSD);
SetIndexBuffer (1, bufIEUR);
SetIndexBuffer (2, bufIGBP);
SetIndexBuffer (3, bufICHF);
SetIndexBuffer (4, bufIJPY);
SetIndexBuffer (5, bufIAUD);
SetIndexBuffer (6, bufICAD);
SetIndexLabel (0, “USD”);
SetIndexLabel (1, “EUR”);
SetIndexLabel (2, “GBP”);
SetIndexLabel (3, “CHF”);
SetIndexLabel (4, “JPY”);
SetIndexLabel (5, “AUD”);
SetIndexLabel (6, “CAD”);
SetIndexStyle (0, DRAW_LINE, EMPTY, 2);
SetIndexStyle (1, DRAW_LINE, EMPTY, 2);
SetIndexStyle (2, DRAW_LINE, EMPTY, 2);
SetIndexStyle (3, DRAW_LINE, EMPTY, 2);
SetIndexStyle (4, DRAW_LINE);
SetIndexStyle (5, DRAW_LINE);
SetIndexStyle (6, DRAW_LINE);
return (0);
int start()
int i, j;
int to;
double USD, maxUSD=0.0, maxEUR=0.0, maxGBP=0.0, maxCHF=0.0, maxJPY=0.0, maxAUD=0.0, maxCAD=0.0;
to = candles+shift;
if (to > Bars-10)
to = Bars-10;
for (i = shift; i < to; i++)
USD = MathPow (iClose(“USDCHF”,0,i)iClose(“USDJPY”,0,i)iClose(“USDCAD”,0,i)/iClose(“EURUSD”,0,i)/iClose(“GBPUSD”,0,i)/iClose(“AUDUSD”,0,i), 1.0/7.0);
maxUSD = MathMax (maxUSD, USD);
maxEUR = MathMax (maxEUR, USDiClose(“EURUSD”,0,i));
maxGBP = MathMax (maxGBP, USDiClose(“GBPUSD”,0,i));
maxCHF = MathMax (maxCHF, USD/iClose(“USDCHF”,0,i));
maxJPY = MathMax (maxJPY, USD/iClose(“USDJPY”,0,i));
maxAUD = MathMax (maxAUD, USD*iClose(“AUDUSD”,0,i));
maxCAD = MathMax (maxCAD, USD/iClose(“USDCAD”,0,i));
for (i = shift; i < to; i++)
USD = MathPow (iClose(“USDCHF”,0,i)iClose(“USDJPY”,0,i)iClose(“USDCAD”,0,i)/iClose(“EURUSD”,0,i)/iClose(“GBPUSD”,0,i)/iClose(“AUDUSD”,0,i), 1.0/7.0);
bufIUSD[i] = 100USD/maxUSD;
bufIEUR[i] = 100USDiClose(“EURUSD”,0,i)/maxEUR;
bufIGBP[i] = 100USDiClose(“GBPUSD”,0,i)/maxGBP;
bufICHF[i] = 100USD/iClose(“USDCHF”,0,i)/maxCHF;
bufIJPY[i] = 100USD/iClose(“USDJPY”,0,i)/maxJPY;
bufIAUD[i] = 100USDiClose(“AUDUSD”,0,i)/maxAUD;
bufICAD[i] = 100USD/iClose(“USDCAD”,0,i)/maxCAD;
// smoothing
for (j = 0; j < smooth_level; j++)
for (i = shift+1; i < to-1; i++)
bufIUSD[i] = (bufIUSD[i]+bufIUSD[i+1]+bufIUSD[i-1]) / 3.0;
bufIEUR[i] = (bufIEUR[i]+bufIEUR[i+1]+bufIEUR[i-1]) / 3.0;
bufIGBP[i] = (bufIGBP[i]+bufIGBP[i+1]+bufIGBP[i-1]) / 3.0;
bufICHF[i] = (bufICHF[i]+bufICHF[i+1]+bufICHF[i-1]) / 3.0;
bufIJPY[i] = (bufIJPY[i]+bufIJPY[i+1]+bufIJPY[i-1]) / 3.0;
bufIAUD[i] = (bufIAUD[i]+bufIAUD[i+1]+bufIAUD[i-1]) / 3.0;
bufICAD[i] = (bufICAD[i]+bufICAD[i+1]+bufICAD[i-1]) / 3.0;
return (0);
Many thx
Hey guys,
Working on excel issue
process is slowing down due to Uni start of second semester but no worries!
I found 2 interesting videos:
Markowtiz’s Portfolio Risk Minimization with Excel Solver - YouTube
Sharpe Ratio Maximization with Excel Solver - YouTube
And If the calculus gets too complicated, I’m thinking of an alternative which I dislike given the few numbers of assets, but it would semplify it all quite a lot (index-models) but it would let pop up other issues lol.
Stay tuned
We’re are almsot there yay!
@RICHARD: you think you could give me the following datas?
% variation of a pair every 5 days (for whole 2012).
eg: today price 100, within 5 days is 60 -> -40%. within 5 days price is 62->+3,33% etc etc
Note that I need the % change to be calculate on the newest value, NOT the original one (check example above)
Once we have this information I need the mean of it, so eg: (-40+3)/2
You think you can do it? It’s required to estimate expected return. I’m waiting for feedbacks from my Finance Professor but I think this could be a reliable indicator
Hi, Ill take a look at it tomorrow, great to see your still working on it
Of course I am
Thx for your help
Hi, I just started looking at your “needs” So basically you want rate of change from Monday Opening to Friday close?
so you need a matrix of 52 rows, and weekly rate of change for all the pairs? comming upshortly
hope this works, I have used the open for each week…
roc_weekly <- matrix(rep(0,52*26),nrow=52,ncol=26)
colnames(roc_weekly) <- symbols
for (y in 1:26) {
data <- to.weekly(get(symbols[y])["2012"])[,1]
data <- ROC(data)
roc_weekly[,y] <- data
roc_weekly[1,] <- 0
roc_weekly <- roc_weekly +1
wich produced this:
The mean of all the data is:
1.001771 1.000784 0.9994925 0.999854 1.000339 1.000611 1.002887 0.9992206
0.9992427 1.000275 1.002111 1.002279 0.9995754 1.002277 0.9994918 1.001119
1.000275 1.000023 1.002131 1.002552 0.9998566 0.9998314 1 0.9998312
1.000611 1.000362
That’s awesome but I need it in %
Richard you still with me?
Hi! Im still with you I have just had a lot of stuff happening the last week, so I havnt been able to work much forex
But I thought this data was percentage? (I have +1 to every cell to make it easier for my own use) I will look into transforming the data the hard way, but I wont be able to take a look at it before(probably) tuesday
Hang in there, the data is comming!
Well if like this is in % than it’s all good. so example: 1.01 -> +1% ? But then why are they all positive? I’m sure lot of them have a negative mean of return
Take your time