Forex Price Action

If it works & there are [B]many traders[/B] successfully & consistently implementing the approach based on the technical analysis presented here, then simply step up & provide buster & the other doubters who have invested their time & effort trying to make this work, with the actual verified track records of these successes either via independent means or broker specific results statements.

That is the one true measure of this (& other likeminded) threads worth & there’s a very good reason why he hasnt seen the proof of these successes either here or in the members lounge!

Regurgitating all the usual nonsense these marketers & shills spout whenever they’re challenged isn’t going to cut it anymore.
If you’re countering buster’s doubts with comments such as those in my above quote capture then in order for you & this threads content to remain credible you’re going to need to back those comments up by showing concrete evidence via a verified live track record such as fxbook or specific broker validation.

Buster & anyone else seeking to invest time & effort in this very long thread have every right to request proof from those claiming consistent success.

In fact they shouldn’t need to keep pressing you lot for validation this stuff actually works. The thread starter & his regulars should be providing this evidence voluntarily via links to their live trade accounts on the 1st page of this thread to offer confidence & support to established & potential new members.

But the total lack of transparency tells its own story & should warn newcomers to be very wary indeed of wasting any of their valuable time on this stuff until proven otherwise.

Hi there,

first of all I’m not a member, so I’m only working with the free information in here.
I can definitely understand your doubts, I myself would be much more motivated if a senior would present his balance as proof.
But as I’ve read a lot of this thread, it seems to me that it made a lot of traders who once posted in this very thread profitable traders.
That’s why I’m working on my own proof with my demo account. I will apply this method minimum half a year and I will release the results in here.
Also I would appreciate if some other “newbies” would join this project, to see if there’s a difference when independent traders apply the same method. The only condition is to read minimum the first 100 pages of the thread and to only trade the very setups presented to make the results comparable…
Okay, so who’s interested, just make a post in here.


They’re not my doubts thetrendsfriend, they’re the doubts & concerns of folks like buster who are gradually beginning to wake up & smell the coffee.

These juggernaut threads on here & other forums attract newbies like moths to a flame who very quickly get sucked into the flow & excitement being peddled by these guys & end up investing huge amounts of time & effort being led down blind alley’s.

If there was any evidence this ott stuff actually provides consistent success you would have seen it long before now. The fact these validation statements are as rare as the loch ness monster speaks volumes for the credibility of the participants & the information being presented.

Genuine & worthwhile content will be flagged with evidential proof that it returns value for the time invested & will be presented right up front for all to see.
An example of that would be something like this:

A thread carrying an independently verified record of the posters track record trading information he’s distributing to viewers with complete confidence & total transparency….& no, it isn’t me nor am I affiliated to it or him – it’s simply an example of how instructional threads presenting supposedly beneficial analysis should be operated not only on this, but other juggernaut threads on here.
Simple Uncomplicated (obvious) trading @ Forex Factory

Vendors & regulars, take note!

Very valid points.
Unfortunately they don’t like people stirring up such uncomfortable yet completely logical suggestions, & for that reason you’ll now get banned from the thread. :wink:

Well I am open to arguments of both sides, but for now it does not matter to me who is right, because I have to see it with my own eyes anyway. I haven’t had a losing trade since I apply this method (started in beginning of october). Of course this doesn’t mean anything yet, but it definitely is not a bad sign.
If it works for me after a period of time, well, that would be great! And if not I haven’t even lost a half a year of time, because I still will have gained some experience…
I’m still motivated because you know what they say: One method, two traders, two results. I guess if it wouldn’t be possible to be profitable with this method, this thread wouldn’t have come so far…We/I will see…
Btw I hope my english is acceptable :slight_smile:


Guys honestly if you have doubts that the method work don’t because it works and it is by far the simplest method to trade I came by.

This said it is far from being for everyone because it is a real “slow Joe” and needs a lot of patience and self control to succeed in it.

I am not a “senior” and I am not “consistently profitable” and I am not interested in providing any proof or change anyone’s mind but I can tell you this:

I came to this thread after blowing my first account stuck around a few months then got “fed up” and went on a wild goose chase again for a few months, tried different methods here and there and came back because it is so simple and straight forward.

I like simple things in life and I don’t like to complicate things and this just does it for me, setups are very easy to spot and you really don’t have to do a lot of thinking etc… The key is taking only these setups and this is where I still have a lot of work to do.

I am still learning other methods that I want to add to my trading skills but I guess what I am trying to say is don’t question the method because it works what you need to find out is if it works for YOU. Taking one or two trades a month isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

Nevertheless it is still beneficial to learn the method since one or two extra trades per month won’t hurt your account.


Post some/the setups, maybe I/we can learn something from …


I for sure will take you on, on this offer. I got zero to none experions on forex trading. Only traded on a demo acount for about 6-8weeks.

Safe trading

Not seeing seniors’ balance is actually a good thing and it makes this thread such a wonderful learning environment.

This thread is meant for new traders, those who are still learning.

Say, if I make $1,000,000 a month and post the proof here. What does that accomplish?

All it’s going to do is fueling new traders’ negative mind set. Greed, Jealousy, competing mentality. And it really is the worst thing that can happen.

Imagine newer traders without any proper training seeing that amount of $$$ and started going omg this method works why do I even need to demo I WILL TRADE LIVE RIGHT NOW and start making money!!!1111

Psychology break down WILL RUIN YOU IN A BLINK. I know, I’ve been through it and you can read my story here. Losing self-control even for a few hours can devastate your trading account.

@thetrendsfriend. Forward demo really is the best way to learn. I believe in spending time and see charts in real time much more than back testing. I took a whole year demoing this method and anyone wanting to learn should spend 6 months of demo minimal.

People are different. You’ll never know what works for you until you sit down and spend enough time with it.

And once you move on to live trading, make sure you only trade the smallest account possible for a few months to truly understand how much psychology can affect you. 0.01 lot yes.

My two cents, we all have different ways of learning and learning curve , with that said , one needs to go through the whole cycle of trading before adding to your positions and that means one year or more as needed. When it comes to demo trading , its really about learning to navigate the platform your using and getting hooked to the broker your using.Panupat pointed out to start with a small account and that’s great idea, a .01 pip value is excellent, then work your self up. Never be in any hurry to get into a position .

You just contradicted yourself. Either it doesn’t work, or you are profitable and the method truly works.

Unfortunately a lot of you have an emotional attachment to this thread (you’ve paid money for membership, sunk cost fallacy, and Fox makes you think that you’re “buddies” and he wants nothing but the best for his little students).

Nobody cares about the dollar amount. All we want to see is that somebody in here is making a positive ROI on a consistent basis, or at the very least is accumulating pips. [I]A single one[/I] of the posters who have contributed to the 20,000 posts in this thread offering even a tiny morsel of evidence that this method works.

This thread is only a good learning environment insofar as it’s one of the best examples on the Internet of gurus with no credentials making a killing in membership fees.

No it’s not. You should be trading on a simulator with historical data. If you have your rules and just need to wait for set-ups to appear, you might as well accelerate the rate at which set-ups appear in order to determine more quickly whether you are wasting your time or whether an edge exists that is worth pursuing.

Well the simulator might be one way to do it, but:
That way we would not be able to discuss setups in this forum, so there would be no possibility of training your S/R spotting skills for example
Also an important part of the method is to learn to sit in your hands. You won’t get used to that situation by speeding up the chart of a simulator…

One question to those who already are applying this method.

After I look for those 2 important levels on D1, S and R, above and bellow the price, I’m going on H4 to trade between them, but isn’t the trend from D1 also important? From what I’ve learned/read so far only the H4 trend is important, or the first/most important.
I mean, if the D1 says up and H4 says down, and I trade on H4 between the levels pointed on D1, it’s better to look only for short entries?

@ thetrendsfriend and not only - don’t forget to post some setups. of course if I see something I will too.


TheTrendsFriend I am a newbie…I have a demo account and still going through the first 100 pages. I have done the first 50. I will post my results as and when I take a trade on my demo account…anyway I have a question…I am using MT4 charts provided by a broker with NY close charts, however if I see a setup I will make the trade on another platform like etoro as I prefer their order method. Is this ok or not a good idea…any feedback is welcome.

Hey utalk,
when you have marked your level on the dailys you don’t have to go down to H4. When price reaches your level on daily and no signal is forming, then you can drill down to H4.
Now here is what I do:
I look at the daily chart, if trend is up I only look for long, trend down only short, in a range I do both. Then I go down to H4 and follow the desicion that I’ve made before.
That is for entries, but of course for trade mgmt you only have to look at the timeframe where you entered.
About posting the setups:
I will definitely post all my setups, I like the idea that we work on this method together in this thread. Unfortunately less occured so I didn’t have anything to post, but be sure I’m still around.

Actually this is a great way to do it. It is recommended to use one Broker for charting (because of the NY Close charts) and then for trading you use the broker with the best conditions.
You just have to watch, that you only post the NY-Close charts in here :wink:

Well said Trendfriend ,having been around forex for some time I don’t necessarily take for gospel peoples claims that something works or doesn’t work, at the end of the day as triendfriend said do your own research over a period and work it out in your own mind and its all good learning and good for getting the feel of the markets and charts if nothing else As for your bit about "One method, two traders, two results. I guess if it wouldn’t be possible to be profitable with this method, this thread wouldn’t have come so far."I personally think newbies get drawn in because it sounds so easy, but notice how most of the old timers have moved on.PS Trendfriend your English is great, and certainly better than my German.

May I ask how did you find them contradictory ? this method is pretty simple and it has nothing to do with me being profitable or not.

I have no idea about your trading experience but the “method” you use is really secondary to the fact of you making money or not. you could be “consistently profitable” with just flipping a coin as a method

and where did I say I paid for any membership ? and what “cost” are you talking about, do you really think < 300 usd is a “cost” if you have already blown an account you would know that’s peanuts and if not well I really hope you will never blow one.

This is actually true, I agree with you for once. This method of trading, works, if you are happy with 10 trades a year, as thats all you will get… as picture perfect setups rarely occur…

I also agree with the emotional attachment to this thread. People believe Fox is profitable (yes, he is profitable, but not from trading, from taking money to teach), and therefore people stick around here to try and become successful… which, the hard line of the story is, that will not happen. You have to develop your own style of trading, something that works for you. This thread is very helpful and does highlight the importance of PA, but it doesn’t tell the full story.