Forex Price Action

Did the answer make sense? If not please say now as it is half 12 here and about to go to bed and watch olympics and then may not be around until Sunday…

Heya Filipl,

can I just say one thing about the course and then all move on. If you don’t have the money to pay for a membership or it will stretch your budget or you will be using the money that is normally for food etc do not buy the course!

There is more than enough in this thread to get you started and well on your way.

More than that if you are risking money on trading that you should be using on rent or food you are not trading any more you are gambling. Scared money is always lost money.

I know everyone wants to get rich quick but please listen to these words.

Safe trading all and have a good weekend,


Hi glenjumilla, Fil,

I really don’t understand a lot of traders saying that they don’t have money to join the course of USD few hundred dollars… If you are foreign student, a university course fee will be more than USD 10,000 per year; if you are working adult, your earning should be generally USD two - ten thousand dollars per months. Your monthly expenses will be easily few hundred to few thousand!

To me, I see trading is a serious business regardless whether you are part time or full time. I would suggest anyone should open an account of at least USD 5,000 or USD 10,000 and trade mini-lot after you are comfortable with the trading strategy that you are learning through demo a/c. AND MOST IMPORTANT : that SHOULD be part of your savings that you intend to use for investment!

With that, you should also think any courses / education is part of your trading cost. Thus I only consider joining a course after evaluating whether it suits my personality or not. I will need to spend at least 1-3 months to do so. Thereafter, I still need to practice it for at least 6-9 months or even longer. Thus to me it is not a few hundred or even few thousand dollars course that bother me, it is a time commitment of more than a year if I were to select it.


Toyo, Jonathon,

For some people few hundred dollars is a lot, for others is not at all (I’m not going into details and revealing which group I belong to as this is not the point). We all have different priorities with home budgets and I fully understand your 5-10k explanation Toyo. I’m simply getting it to get there info I am unable to get in here, mostly some psychology etc.

I highly appreciate your opinion on not compromising food/home money etc, that is simply silly to me and I hope nobody who is considering ANY courses does it. This option should not be an option for any single member, I believe!

Thanks again for words of caution, I assure you I’m safe on that and hope others will take it into consideration as well.

Please let’s make this the last thing said on the other site and get back to the thread. it make no difference what group you belong to but I hope you and everyone else takes note of what I have said.

Ok no more of that! Lest get back to the trading.


I take my hat off to you Johnothan. I can see why you trade so well. You have patience with the market as you do with people.

Sweet dreams

Johnathon has cleared a lot confusion about price action.for my good luck i have traded six with price action this week and made some handsome pips.this is the magic of price action!

price action trading signals trigger after closes,so no need to worry about news.

Is this area something that we should watch for? It’s on EURUSD daily. I couldn’t find good reversal bars until now, even on the 4H.
What do you think?

Oh… and thank you, Johnathon, for making me use clean charts… I always felt that my charts were soooo loaded even when they didn’t have any indicators on it :)…now they are perfect and clean…

Nice bearish engufling candle at a very important resistence zone !

Uploaded with

Looks even better on the 1H chart…the price did not move as expected at the moment and is currently inside the bearish candle…Should we enter one it breaks the BEEB yet again? Or it’s too close to the support ahead?

[QUOTE=nctrades;381809]Nice bearish engufling candle at a very important resistence zone !

This setup looks very convincing!

Also…what do you make of this set-up?

The top and bottom S/R is plotted on the 4H, while the middle one is an important daily level…
Is this in any way a good set-up? I keep getting this mixed signals lately :))

Hi Poseidonn, this is an easy pass for me, although the beeb is nice and big it doesn’t tick an important box for me which is that it has not formed at a swing high, here you will be selling at a low and then hoping for price to move lower, which is not selling at a value area, where price is now at your resistance level would be a much better place to sell from.

Also concentrate on the time frame you are trading from, marking lines from other time frames will only confuse. You only need to concern yourself with the nearest sr above and below where price currently is on your chosen time frame, so you should only have two lines on your chart.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:


Edit : just my advice but I would try and be profitable on higher tf’s such as weekly and daily, the 4h at a push. I don’t even look at the 1h myself at all at the moment.

Hi nctrades my take here is you have picked a nice level to trade from, but personally I would like to have seen that pa closed more bearish and to have formed from a larger pullback.

Just my opinion though mate, I’m getting quite picky now and just do what my trading plan tells me!


My first post with charts. woooooottttt

comments and answers please








There is pretty much one key thing wrong me most of them that is first on my list. I will write more later if I get a chance.



GBPUSD: Ranging and no trade. Look to go higher and test resistance and look to break out higher this time.
USDCAD: Not and engulfing bar and also formed at a swing low to go low and we need it at a high.
EURUSD: SImilar. No an BUEB anf formed horrible area.
AUDUSD: Same formed at top to go high whwn we need to form swing low to go long.

Always remembers buy cheap and sell when expensive. Sounds easy right? If you can do this one thing you will put yourself in front of a lot of others that think they do it but they don’t.

For anyone interested I have just made a new article. I an not going to post the link as I now know it against BP rules!:wink: Everyone knows where they can find it. It is all about PA and thinking like a casino etc

Hope you enjoy it,


so they are not Engulfing bars because they did not engulf the entire previous candle including the high or low. and they formed in horrible areas, not swing low and swing high. noted!

thank you for the answers Jonathan. :slight_smile: