Forex Price Action

Old people!? LOL :slight_smile:

Well Jack, it’s the same old truth of S/R being a zone.

In the case you’ve highlighted, I believe Fil was using the MOST RECENT highs of the zone to mark the S/R [ all good ]

If you draw the same zone which a box line (instead of the usual thin line), you’ll see the zone lines up. E.g, USDJPY below



This is great!

On its own, the pin was not a great counter-trend signal. The level is very key though.

I’m already long the AUDUSD, but only because I have touch-trading in my trading plan. Means that if I think a level is super-important, I can buy-low or sell-high without a confirming PA signal.

Price hasn’t breached the area around the 0.9400 handle for close to 3 years (see Monthly chart). Had pending orders set at that level.

Is it a reversal? or merely a retrace? Only time will tell


Jackson…all the old people liked it hehehe:18:

very informative

To get signals from the PIN bar, u need to see the next candle and that is on 9th June, further confirmation on 10th June, I was just 1 day late to pick it up and share it! After your response ‘what is the point’, I am feeling that daily charts are not giving me correct and timely signals…what doyou think?

lol…nice words from you. yes, definitely not! I just replied above that I am late to pick it up and the daily charts are not good enough to give timely signals and I am working on it which time frame to choose…

With full respect to you, my question is why should we draw box line this time! So that they can be lined up? Things need not to be exactly lined up as long as we understand, isn’t it?

Not related but I would like to note that I am surprised to see a lot of newbies understanding and posting charts on price action right from the beginning! Good sign…

Uhm, I didn’t say we should draw box line… I’s just saying it’s the same zone, and was trying to explain it graphically (using thicker ‘line’)

Don’t be surprised to see guys understanding and posting charts; Johno’s method is simply elegant

Too bad you feel that Daily is not giving you timely signals. The pins you showed were caught as soon as they closed on Fri, and discussed at length before Mon open, so I don’t understand what you mean…


Thanks I appreciate

Is it really advisable to buy at swing low without considering trend?

I’m not Edmo, but in my opinion this is risky and i would prefer to look for signal on the bounce back down off a retrace.

Or if going long i would have a very tight TP which has probably already been hit :slight_smile:

It’s counter-trend, of course; no problem, coz it’s in my trading plan; just means it’s managed tighter

NB: I donno where you’re at, but (as Johno says) stick with the trend if you’re learning the method


Nice going sensei :slight_smile:


Thanks I appreciate your comments. Based on AUDJPY daily chart, if the bar closed as pin that following down trend is it good to place sell order?

Hi guys,

I have finished reading the first 100 pages and I am still learning at the moment but I just wanted to jump in and say hi.

I found this post very useful and the PA method is easy and clean which is what I like.

Hi sirkay,

I think the AUDJPY daily hasn’t got much room to trade as it is not at a swing high.

it worked, but the price come back now, if we dont exit at right time, it will be a trouble. trade against strong trend is always include high risky.

I cannot explain what happened here. Boom, all of a sudden bullish reversal. Are we ever gonna win this battle? Who can explain this chart to me pls. Overall trend baerish, the candles looked ok and still a losing trade. Just check out the last 2 Pins.
I joined the trade with the first Pin, singing Hosanna and the Cumbaya… Then it happened, all gone up again???

Yeah this is actually quite easy. You weren’t trading that Pin from a swing high, you were trading it from no-man’s land so really it was always gonna be a 50/50 trade.

See that thick black line marked up around the 0.8580 mark? THAT is where you would want to be playing the PB from. And if you look at it you can see historically how price has sold off aggressively from that point.

By taking the trade from such a relevant zone you are stacking the odds in your favour, taking Pin’s from no-man’s land and the results are far less certain.

Hope that makes sense.