Forex Price Action

Same for AUD/USD pin bar …

[QUOTE=“Kasravi;534153”]Wait there a second.
You all know that Aud/Cad’s Pin has closed in goats bum, literally.

The market has gapped, therefore the Pin Bar didn’t close within prev. candle’s range.[/QUOTE]

Good shout

Thanks for all of your help guys! Damn why didn’t I realise that! I knew the gap was there and I still checked that the pin bar closed with in previous candle but never put the two together so thank you for the heads up. On this info I actually decided to cancel my pending order. I really appreciate the feedback. I am still in on the NZDCHF pin that formed on the Friday daily, so far order has not been triggered.

Ouch I am just thinking about this more :0 did Johnathon ever mention how to deal with a gap in this scenario as I don’t remember reading about it and going with the KISS ideology, technically speaking the pin [I]did[/I] close with in the previous candle??

Cutting the sh*t and getting straight to the point.

If you don’t know how to trade a gap, why bother trying to trade it, if you don’t know if something is a valid setup, why trade it.

Only trade obvious setups, not tiny pin bars that close upside down… not engulfing bars that nearly engulf the previous candle, not 2 bar reversals that are nearly 2 bar reversals…

I think some people here could do with reading the first 100-200 pages of this thread as there is a lot of rubbish being posted lately.

Please feel free to ignore all the crap that I post but I will not stop posting it until I learn to identify them correctly. in the meantime just skip my posts

The purpose of the thread is, I guess, to help learn PA and not a trading signal system. I might be wrong though it wouldn’t be the first time

Cheers adamjn, that is a fair comment and point taken, I am going to head back to the beginning of the thread but will no doubt be back at some point with more questions and dodgy mistakes as I feel ultimately this is the way I will learn.

That post wasn’t to discourage you from posting setups, but what I was trying to say is, does the setup look like setups posted in the first 50-100 pages?

You are right, it is to learn, take a read through the first few pages again, or PM me and I will send you the notes I made on this thread, a word document, 108 pages of examples, explanations and other important bits :slight_smile:

[B]Sorry, need to delete this with the direct request from Coach J himself.[/B]

What I think you need to realise is that what is being posted is no different to what has always been posted it is just your level is beginning to slowly raise.

We were all beginners once, every single one of us! Whilst there are some rubbish posted, it is because they are new and they are wanting to learn. Go back and look at your first few posts. I remember helping you when you first came in here and those posts were exactly the same as what is being posted now. It would probably serve well for you to go back and have a quick look.

The point is; your are now becoming a batter trader and you have a really great opportunity. The reason traders such as Krugman and Bryce and Dudest etc hang around is because they realise that teaching and helping is where you can really help your own trading. This is where you cement good habits and lift your own trading to new heights.


I most say Johnathon you are really gifted in articulating your thoughts. Thank you.

Hi, i’m new to price action and i’ve read through the first pages. I’m wondering if this is a valid setup on the daily aud/jpy daily pinbar close? Formed at previous s/r,closed within previous candlen, with the overall trend.

Good job with your first steps, mate! I suggest you continue reading the first 50 - 100 pages to even solidify your understanding here. Then we’ll talk. Deal mate?

PS: A little hint. Does that pinbar scream ‘pick me, pick me!!’?

2nd that…This PB is buried in no man’s land. The best reversals to play are at key swing points. This pair recently made a double bottom around 87 level, so it may be heading up. What that means, is that price was initially coming down, bears were in control, and that 87 zone was tested (2BR formed). Price swung up, but there wasn’t enough upward pressure to blow past 90. Price fell back down to retest that key recent level (87 zone), bulls came in, and price was then able to move up past recent resistance @ 90. Profits were most likely taken around 93. I’d keep an eye on that key level (the top HL "horizontal line) for PA signals.

Nice clean chart though.

I’m sorry to do this, but I’m compelled. I’m not trying to be selfish, but this is something that I’ve struggled with, and have seen similar questions/issues arise regarding key levels. May someone with some weight please comment on this? (If you feel compelled as well)… :54: (I know I just posted this today, but wanted to give it a bump and add some additional thoughts that have crossed my mind).

When trading PA signals, from what I’ve seen so far, it seems like most positions are not held for longer than a full business week. When looking @ charts, what level of relevancy does a swing point from 1, 2, 3 years ago have? I understand the major highs/lows are crucial…but, when we chart our support/resistance it appears that most people are going back 9 months max. From your personal experience, how much relevancy do you place on action occurring 9+ months from the current trend/setup in play?

Even-more-so, with one of the major stipulations of the PA methodologies preached being “old resistance becomes new support”. If a market is in a definable uptrend, and a bread and butter setup presents itself to go long, are traders looking 9+ months / 1, 2, 3 years back for major resistance to ensure the proper TP levels are set?

Sorry this is winded.

I checked my notes and i’m deleting the message to avoid misunderstandings.

Mate, those pinbar does not open within the previous candle. Looks invalid to me.

Thank you. I reviewed my notes and you are right. The PB must OPEN and close within the previous bar. I was considering just the closing.

Im really curious what top secret you have leaked haha :slight_smile:

Anw good to know that you are reading the older posts!

LOL!! Well you know, when the Godfather himself made you an offer you can’t refuse… :smiley: