Forex Price Action

CADCHF - anyone still in this short trade based on daily pin about 10 trading days ago? I’m.
One question, with the benefit of hindsight, was it proper trade? Or at least OK? :slight_smile:

It is trade with the trend
PA was good enough I think
But trade was into some traffic…

I would like to say something! I was testing Johnathon’s trading system for last couple of months and I finally stopped losing money, but I am not earning it. Why? The first problem is that sometimes I mark wrong S/R levels, but I am becoming better and better. The second problem - I made a few “NOT A+” trades…that was for the purpose of testing. I realized that there are only a few A+ trades per month and that’s more than enough to make money from trading. Soooo…this system is great! It’s simple and it works!!! My plan is to trade PA signals for at least 2 more years before investing real money…I think most of the people should do it to! Johnathon, Dudest etc. are great people with great knowledge and they love sharing their knowledge with us. We have to learn from them, we have to thank them and we have to follow their “trading plan”. Learn how to mark good S/R levels, find those A+ trades and you will have a nice life. Thanks guys! Johnathon, you are the best!!!

I do not know if I missed, but I did not find references on PIN BARS with trend treatment.

I guess you could of personally I don’t take trade with RR less than 1:1 and this is on the line.

Congrats anyone who made a buck though.


Hi Juan,

If you are looking for references regarding pinbars with a trend,
then I suggest you have a look at the first page.


Hey dude I was thinking the same thing, even though its starting to pay off now it still doesn’t make a A+. I’ve learnt recently that less than A+ trades sometimes payoff but more often than not they will tease you then drop you like a bad habit… and no one likes a tease.

Congrats to anyone that had the grit to see it through. $$$


i’ve a question!

graph below shows eur/usd d1. obviously we’re not even half way through the day but i want you to assume that it closes exactly as it is at the moment. now would you say that the trend is down, bounced back up and is now looking for a reversal to continue it’s downward trend or would you say the trend is up. reason i ask is that the trend over 4 months is up and the trend over the last month has been down. is the trend over 4 months relevant at all?

Hello mate I recently asked the same question. And what I was told is here in this thread we are short term swingers. So recent trend is down we are going to look for shorts.

By the way that candle has to close lower and form a big beeb for it to be a good trade atm ( for me at least) as even if it closes a little lower as a PB it would be too small a PA sighal to jump in that and its the wrong side of 1.35 (KHL) we need a commanding PA to get involoved and trust me I’ve learnt this the hard way of recent.

Good luck trading


I’m at a similar stage to you in that I am learning the method. What I have understood from everything I have read is that you need to base your plan on the “current” trend. For example, if the trend is up on the daily chart but you are taking your trade on the H4 chart and the trend there is down, you should be looking for opportunities to short.

We should always be looking to get into the prevailing trend of the time frame we are actually trading from.

:slight_smile: You mean you have not lost money and still have not started losing money?

…and that is why for over 10 days price has struggled to move lower.


Eur/USD daily

That pair is one of the most anticipated in the fx market. I believe it’s popularity goes
In this thread too.

Eur/USD has been caught up in a massive housing candle lately,that’s why we had so many
IBs following up. Interesting fact was that most those daily candles had longer lower wicks
resembling pinbars. Nothing tradable since they were in no mans land.

Now the high of the housing candle has been taken out in the form of a small false break
suggesting that it was a weak break and simultaneously a weak rejection. That leads me
to conclude that we might have the same scenario like we did have in june with a weak
break and a slow and steady move.

Of course only time will tell,but pa story wise there is nothing really to do.


This is a very interesting question and I am struggling with that issue to. Well the basics to measure a trend as far as I have understood it are to look for the highs and lows.

Higher Highs + Higher Highs = Uptrend
Lower Lows + Lower Highs = Downtrend

But then there is always the question what qualifies as a High/Low. In your example one might see it like this

in this case we can the make it more complicated by asking is this one Lower Low allready a downtrend or do we need to wait for a Lower High to offically call it a downtrend.

Another opinion might be this:

My approach at my point of learning is to keep it as simple as possible. I am really not sure about the trend so I wait for the PA to unfold and if I get a great signal in such a situation I might take it but I ll be a bit more picky than in a (for me) very clear trend.

I am sure that with more time infront of the charts we will see very much clearer on this issue.

I hope that makes a little bit of sense…


Darthfrancis and Dudest thank you for your answers. So, trade was not a good setup because of too much traffic in the direction of a trade.

NZD/JPY. If today candle is BUEB, I will short. at key support level.

Chart NZDJPY, D1, 2013.11.20 13:40 UTC, Multibank FX International, MetaTrader 4, Demo - MetaTrader Trading Platform Screenshots

Maybe I’m not understanding method correctly. I see the trend like you do.
If trade would be off your daily chart, for me the trend is up and trade would be against the trend.
If seasoned members here say that this potential trade would be with the trend, then I need to look at trend differently, more locally in order to properly use this method.

Looking forward to answers in which direction we have trend on your chart

Thank you for sharing your potentially setup. For new to this method there is nothing better than setup posted in advance so one can watch it as it develops. One quick question. Would you qualify your setup as against the trend?
(p.s. not important anyway, but you got a typo, PA would be BEEB) :slight_smile:

Thank you veleje, for your appreciation.

To shine some light on this subject I took a walk through the first few posts of the thread
& found this post highlighted.

Take a look at what Jon says about the daily A+ trades which were shown.

You will need to scroll past the weekly chart.

Nice beeb on 4hr chart for those that caught that move unfortunately on the daily if it does form a beeb it will need to close below the purple line which is acting as support. Anything can happen from now till daily close though.

Hope that helps.
