Forex Price Action

Hi bud,

Super valid pinbar, what level or resistance is it rejecting at the moment?


Hi All,

Does trading 3 positions a month satisfy you?!
I’m talking about high probability trades here,and an average minimum amount of trades.
I can imagine that if each and every one of you were given a let’s say 100 k account and would be asked to only
trade setups that you believe to be a super trade. On top of that you could keep the profits you’d most likely
come out profitable time after time. Why because you know how to place a winning trade and surely can do
it over and over again. But why doesn’t it happen on your account then?

Keeping a neat trading plan and staying consistent can be a real drag at times as bhops mentioned lately.
But it gets near to impossible if you don’t have an account that is properly funded.Whatever you might think or
however you want to lay it out for yourself, after making consistent correct trading decisions you eventually
give in and mess it all up somehow.
Do you know why? Because if you see the abillity in yourself keeping such a discipline and
making such sophisticated trades over and over You would want the money that you are worth. Do I make sense?
But you will never get a pay rise because your account is limited. And if you think you can get around
that problem with risking more money for any reason than you are lying to your
subconcious. Because you worked at your best by keeping a professional risk managment and
by lifting that acclaimed skill you’ll leave yourself exposed to a sea of fear of loss and many other psychological pitfalls.

Best thing do to is to stay consistent for a few month with a steady grow and a 2-5% return monthly.
And take it from there. It doesn’t matter that this amount of profit will be pennies on your account.
What matters is that you have proof that you can trade and make money!

That will give you confidence to invest bigger in your business and moreover yourself!


I concur. If you are prepared to compound and not touch your account for at least 36 months with consistent returns even a small account will build up.

The problem is people want to be on that sandy beach with their yacht moored in the harbour within 6 months of trading!

very very nice


chart very nice

Hey Kasravi,interesting thoughts especially for those of us who are new to this. I am guessing that 3 positions is roughly the amount of trades you deem as A+, is that correct? I am just interested to know how many trades some of the more experienced traders expect to take over a month period.

Hey everyone, was just wondering if anyone was watching USDJPY weekly, it seems to have reached the previous support, is anyone watching for PA to signal a reversal or continuation? The last 12 months have seen a pretty strong uptrend so if it starts to fall there is a long way to go!

Edit: I’m really new to PA and Sup/Res lines so feel free to comment or make corrections :slight_smile:

The reality is I find around 4-6 high probability trades per month and yes I find that more than enough.

Thanks for your opinion Kasravi

USDSGD Weekly 2BR reversal with the recent downtrend
closed blow round number 1.2500

Any opinion ?

i am looking to buy, pls suggest me entry point…thanks

If people really do the math on taxation, regular maintenance, insurance, and stuffs for that yacht, they [U]may[/U] want to reconsider that dream. :stuck_out_tongue:

Guys what you think of this trade

  1. Price is at support & resistance level
  2. Large BUEB has been formed
  3. PA formed at Swing low
  4. Trend for last 2 weeks looks upward

Only concern is 103.675 resistance has been unbroken since 2008

Hmmm, but many traders are capable of trading under more prosper situations. Where what you mentioned
is more an ideology rather reality.


Hi Wilkens,

I have had month with only 3 trades which I deemed to be super opportunities.
But common is that you’re able to catch more given market offers it and that again comes back to you.


the level of 1.8100.

When do you think?
Should we expect a stronger signal?

Yeah but the reality also is most retail traders that have a crack at Forex fail. The ones that succeed are the one’s that have the discipline I have mentioned.

I never said the scenario was the majority outcome for most traders.

I think it was very important that price closed below 1.8000 and it is a good looking pinbar too, not too big in comparison
to the prev. Momentum but yet considerable.
It’s a ct trade afterall which requires more caution. That said in general a weekly rejection on a vbrn doesn’t happen for
no reason.



thank you for your advice

Thanks so much for that. :slight_smile:
