Forex Price Action

Me too.

Well done to those who cleaned up!

Hey Darth!

EURAUD: not a bad pin, but would rather have had something BIGGER to go against that uptrend. Thus looking for longs ( D1 and intra-day )

AUDCAD: same story here. Waiting for shorts instead of going against the mighty downtrend



Hey Marcus,

I’ve actually been waiting for longs at the marked zone; donno if they’ll materialize though…

If the zone gets broken, will switch to looking for shorts after pullback to same area.



Anyone else get a piece of these?

E.g: DJ30 D1


Hey Marcus,

Hope you stuck to your plan, support zone held pretty good :slight_smile:



I know talk about snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. Go team canada! You bunch of ice hocky playing, clamatoe juice drinking, snowmobiling lunatics.

… this was my biggest blunder and missed my chance.

Me too but alot of pips to be grabbed before it reaches that point. so CT till then.


The problem is, we donno if it will (reach there) :slight_smile: And even if it does, we donno in what fashion (e.g choppy that takes out our SL, or straight down ?)

But best of success if you are in! ( are you? )

Cheers :slight_smile:

I went ahead but it was a heck of a ride as it traded pretty close to my SL (which was the low of the BUEB with 10 pips buffer) and my constant ‘battle’ to want to ‘cut loss’, thankfully i won the ‘battle’ and held on.

Anyway to everyone on the forum, MERRY CHRISTMAS in advance to all, though i have recently followed this forum only, i have learn a lot from the discussions and advice from all. A big thanks to Johnathon!

Hi Friend actully i was confuse in the pin bar setup…The closing price must be located within the length of the preceding candle (i.e. not gapping). in pin bar which one setup is best or powerful within body or withn in length in some strong key level…Thanks

with regards to EUR/USD, I think we already formed a double top and the price action has formed a Bearish Engulfing pattern. I see more move to the down side and will keep shorting until I come across a pin bar or a bullish Engulfing pattern. Sorry I used your chart but next time will use better tools

I can only see EU coming down to 1.36 area, then continue the upward move breaking the highs.

(Sorry for volume indi, but I am not removing it every time I post here, I think it benefits my trading)

I use volume too but I’d respect the rules of the forum as it’s come a long way. I have no say in that matter and cannot show otherwise as I do not have my own thread. Just my opinion.

This is true, I decided the AUDCAD wasn’t worth it but stuck to me EURAUD CT, 50 pips in profit atm but not sure if i’ll manually close it later. does then market stay open over the whole of christmas holidays?


Depends on what you’re trading. forex is only closed for I think 2 days. Christmas and new years. Equities is a little more but it also has half days which can be a pain if you forget and think, I’ll close this out at 5 and the market is shut. You should have gotten an email from your broker about opening times. If not the specifics will be on their site.

A few of things.

Don’t remove it from your screen just crop the photo before you post it. Wow, much simple, very picture. wow.

Also the rules are not there because this is a autocratic regime. The rules are there to not confuse the sh1t out of people. Its like all the re-trace b/s that has been going on. It’s not that it is not a good thing, its just more complicated and can get confusing.

This is off topic but I would also be careful mixing strategies or tweaking them. By including volume into this method, how do you know if a trade goes bad if its this method or because you made a tweak? Sometimes you follow PA and sometimes you don’t. How do you really know if volume improves things? How do you know that this method doesn’t work? You should test this method completely in isolation following the rules to the letter (or best you can). Do this for a year or as long as you can make some statistically significant conclusion. Work out how much in terms of pips per month you expect to make. Only when you know this can you start building in re-traces, volume etc and making any solid conclusion.

I can say this from experience, if you try to do this heuristically and at the same time as mixing ideas then you will be subject to a lot of psychological biases. Its not that you will never make money, its that you will never know why, and then you are just at the mercy of the winds of time.

I hear you man, this method works a charm, and ok, I will crop it next time lol, I removed the EMA, so getting there haha.
I know what you mean by confusing people, but, really I think there is more to the market that horizontal support and resistance lines, other things come into play, such as trend lines, dynamic support from EMA’s and so on.

I have been trading for quite a few years now, and only really the past few years have I started using PA and only a few months ago i discovered this thread.

As for volumes, the way I traded before was by using VSA (Volume Spread Analysis), therefore I know for a fact that volume works if you know how to read it, which is the tricky part haha.

This method is a good method to begin with, and not confuse things, only using horizontal S/R lines, but if you want to take trading seriously, and make an income from it, like I have been doing for 3 years, then you need to realise there is more to the market that these areas of S/R, the markets move in phases, and it is important to understand why it does this, and how smart money thinks.

My method of trading is solid, PM me if you want a link to my MyFXBook.

Here is a screeny of this week, if anyone says I am risking too much, I will slap you lol, I got money in the bank to back up my account…

All trades done on H1 to Daily.

The only risk you take is not knowing what you are doing - Warren Buffet

Cheers for the heads up. Appreciated.


Wow, that is ridiculous for a week of trading! How much are your risking per trade?
