Forex Price Action

If the pa signal is on the same direction as the trend, yes and the daily .

Thanks Tonyro44

So by the looks of it, the down trend have not been broken and have bounce of the trend line and its still save to take the PA signal on the cad/chf?


can someone please explain to me, why it is important for a pinbar to close within the previous bar? I think I know the basic background of pinbars (price tries to move in a certain direction but the market rejects that move). But why is it important for the pinbar to close within the previous candle?

as Iā€™m learning myself, I canā€™t give you an explicit answer, but I think Jonathon will. Maybe it is to make sure that itā€™s at a solid levelā€¦
I guess there is a good reason for this rule, so I never questioned it, but I admit, at the beginning I also had this question in mind.
Until there is an answer Iā€™ve got something in mind, that you could do: Look for PBs at key levels and distinguish between PBs that close inside the previous bar and the ones that donā€™t. Then find out which of them works out the most :wink:


From my understanding, itā€™s just that little bit of extra confirmation. The rejection of the higher/lower price was strong enough as to overcome the close of the previous candle.

Edit: A quote on the pin bar from a random website, but one that is oft repeated wherever you see a description of the pinocchio bar: ā€œ(in reference to closing above/below the open) If a pin bar does not quite do this, it can still be okay, but be assured that the very best ones will close in the manner just described. And always remember, trading only the best pin bars will offer you the highest probability of trading success.ā€

Iā€™m sure that Jonathon has his reasons for setting this rule, but I canā€™t really see those reasons.

I made a picture for example (please excuse my poor drawing skills):

I donā€™t get it, why the left one should be better than the right one.

Thatā€™s not quite what the meaning is. We want it to close at least within the previous candle. Those are both good bars, and the one on the right is probably a touch better (stronger push down)

What you want to avoid is a downward pointing pin that closes blue, or a upward pointing pin that closes red. THeyā€™ll be outside the previous bar on the wrong side.

The left one is better if you are going long, the reason is that the bar closed inside indicating that it wants to go long.

Thank you! It seems that I just misunderstood the rules and applied them in the wrong way.

Would also prefer the right one because it is a BEEB :slight_smile:

Hey guys,
someone catch the BUEB on AUDNZD D1? Iā€™m always checking my charts around seven in the morning, before I go to university and this one was already far goneā€¦

a question about trade management just came to my mind. I know that Jonathonā€™s members canā€™t talk about this, but sure the others can :slight_smile:
I now have been trading for some weeks and recognized the following:
My aim was to make about 6% of my (demo)account per month. I managed my trades always with multiple TP oders. The problem now is, that my R:R in pips is great, but my R:R in money is not so nice, because i never make as much as I risk because I have multiple profit targetsā€¦
So now Iā€™m thinking about still moving to BE when price reaches the first trouble area (because I definitely want to safe my capital), but not taking profit there. Iā€™m wondering if anyone has some experience with this way of managementā€¦
Thanks for sharing :wink:

Without going into too much detail yes your strategy of moving to BE at the FTA and not taking profit is certainly one way to do it. The reality is there are a ton of different ways you can manage your trades and even on the private forum members do it different ways from each other. The key is to find out what suits your trading personality the best and design your risk management to suit it. This is why demo is so good because you can play around with different strategies until you find one that suits you.

Donā€™t give up though because this is one of the most important parts of mastering your trading.

Do you use trailing stops a lot in the members area or is it used rarely?

Again depends on the the individual but if I feel like price has got a good wriggle on Iā€™m not adverse to using the odd trailing stop strategy to see if I squeeze the maximum out of a trade.

I agree there are times when you really have to use some common sense and let loose a little.

Hey guys,

how do you feel about the BEEB on AUDNZD D1?

Do you think this would be countertrend, or is it in a range? If you zoom out, you can see that the daily trend was/is up. But in the last time price found a resistance 3 times at about 1,1226ā€¦
I would enter at 1.1130, with first TP at 1.1050ā€¦


EDIT: When I look at the bars in the previous up and down moves, I recognize that the bullish bars in the up move are quite clean while the bearish bars in the last are quite unstable. I guess you canā€™t label this A+, so I will pass it, but Iā€™m definitley interested in other opinions.

I marked my levels slightly higher at the more obvious swing highs and thatā€™s where Iā€™d prefer to look for PA.

Agreed. This price is stuck in kind of a range right now and for this method of PA trading we want to be looking for PA to occur at the extreme high or low of said range.

Iā€™ve marked my S/R the same as thetrendsfriend. It seems marking this one is according how far you zoom out and look back.