Forex Price Action

Hey guys,
does anybody know what’s happening with the JPY crosses? A lot of huge bullish bars today…

Hi trendfriend,yes that would be the Japanese announced quantative easing so the jpy shot down.

Thanks for your input . Never knew the lower wicks plays a part too . Thanks alot


did anybody see something today? My charts look pretty boring at the moment…
I hope the JPY Pairs will pullback, so we can jump on the trend train on H4 or so…
BTW: Does someone also use H8 H12 and D2 at the moment? I’m thinking about doing so and I’m wondering if it is really a help…I’m wondering because I read in this thread, that we only take obvious signals, because others will see them (especially the big players) and take them too. But I guess only few a trading with H8 H12 and D2, so wouldn’t that mean it’s riskier?


“It’s a basic fact of life that many things “everybody knows” turn out to be wrong.” - “Jim Rogers” :wink:

Well as this a Price Action Thread and not a poetry slam, clear answers to help each other would be more appreciated, I guess :wink:

You’re right.
Sometimes I appreciate more clear answers too, rather than some “poetry” (I made a bad habit from other threads).
In this stage at the moment I am at the “poet” level, but still learning.

Anyway, I saw something on AUDUSD (also reading other threads, which helped me to complete the key levels)
Waiting for a reversal pattern to retest the R level.

If anybody has some ideas about it to improve it please let me know.

You’re already using H1? Even Jonathon uses it merly. I will stick to D1 and drill down to H4 when it comes to an important S/R…
On which timeframe do you mark your levels?

I use D1 to see the big trend and D1, H4 and H1 to draw S&R levels, depending on the chart.
I tried also M15, M30 and M5 but there is too much emotions there, for me.
On H4 and H1 the signal is faster than in D1. But I must say I’m not so profitable … yet.

Sometimes I can’t see the TF here from other users, so please for other users too would be helpful to capture also that info into pictures.

I don’t know who is Jonathon, maybe you are referring to Johnathon Fox (google it) but still don’t know who he is (I will study some of his work in the future, maybe). I saw some S Nison’s presentation and he uses all TF, but still too much for me.

At AUDUSD lines are also confirmed in D1 and H4.

What pairs do you follow and on what period of time are you trading?
What about your analysis, when do you make them?

Read the first 100 pages of this thread and I promise you that you will see it is the greatest thread about forex ever written :wink:

Now I saw that this thread is started by Johnathon Fox :34:.
To be honest, I just read the last pages only since is one of the fews with updated PA setups, and just finished another interesting thread which looked good but … 2500 pages are a lot.

Looks interesting, just finished the first postings.


Hi trendfriend.I can tell you like this thread but lets not mislead people, your never ever going to get rich using this method alone ,its a good forum to get to know the basics of price action for sure ,but not rich on it alone . A while back I said I have been using it for two years and only ever broke even, I asked others to tell us how they’ve done long term and apart from one person nobody came clean not even the OP, who could you ever believe anyway really. The problem being a+++ signals are just too few and far between. But saying that when really good ones turn up there’s a reasonable chance maybe ,and as I’ve said its a good basic for adding extra to your final strategy. I know others will jump up and down saying its not so but that’s how I see it, Good luck and happy trading.

might be that I’m a bit too optimsitic. Actually I planned to test/train the strategy, work on my trade management for half a year and then either go live or join the members area…
Did you buy the course?

I was worried you might take offence as none was intended so glad you didn’t.No I didn’t take the course,being a skinflint I’m of the opinion you don’t need to pay for anything.I will try to PM you with another forum on babypips that is worth a look and might help you which includes a slightly different angle and you might find it worth a look.


Hy, can you share also with others that forum? (anyway I can’t use the PM to ask it due to low number of posts)

I am also interested in that forum.

So long

today it seems like most JPY pairs are forming PB so let’s hope they work out and the pairs oull back to resistance where we can go long.

Didn’t se signals on the daily at key levels that one could take right now…Except a countertrend PB on GBPUSD but I won’t burn my fingers with CT setups :wink:

I see that an important R wasn’t broke yet on Daily and on Monthly are 2 important R, but the second it’s far.

I rather consider it as a Pinbar reversal on Daily.
Isn’t it better to wait for or brake (close candle above that level) of the 143.6 R, retrace at that level and wait for a reversal pattern for long?
Also 143.6 is an important psychological level.
On monthly it’s more clear but slower.

I will consider that. Let’s see how it closes…
But if it forms a strong PB at the former resistance that you mentioned… I would not call it counter trend any more but range trading, so maybe one could short that too. I will decide tomorrow :wink:

Hey Buster,

Glad to see you still stick around this thread even though you don’t believe the method works :stuck_out_tongue: I agree with you! Let’s not mislead people. The fact that you are not around in the members forum gives me understanding of why you feel the way you do. There have been many others like you who have doubted if these techniques actually work simply because you did not see the profits yourself, admittedly I was one of them at one point. I would just like to end this argument once and for all and tell you that this system does work, I have seen it with my own eyes by many traders, including myself. Just because you can’t seem to make a profit doesn’t mean that the system does not work. Give 2 different traders the exact same method and they will both come out with completely different results. It’s all about mindset and application which is exactly what Johnathan teaches the members and so much more. After going through the courses, talking with members in the forum, and receiving guidance from Johnathan directly, I can tell you I am a completely different trader than I was before I joined. If the method doesn’t work out for you and you want to look elsewhere for something that suits you better, that’s great! Just don’t ruin it for newcomers by telling them the system doesn’t work simply because it didn’t work for YOU, especially since you have not been through the members courses. I’ll be honest, I stopped following this thread because it stopped being a helpful tool to me when everyone stopped believing in it and all they wanted was proof. I’m sorry to go off like this, but I want to set the record straight.

Respectfully yours,