Forex study tips

Any tips and tricks with studying? Or any videos that helped you to keep going? Thank you:)

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Your inquiry is quite broad; it might be helpful to narrow it down. I strongly recommend investing time in selecting a broker, conducting thorough research on aspects such as regulation, execution model, and potential conflicts of interest (especially if they operate on a B-Book system). This diligence upfront can prevent many issues down the road.

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It might be obvious but give attention to technical analysis, the use of price charts to determine your trades. try out a simple strategy on a demo account: use the most objective simple strategy you can find.

When you are confident with charts, the broker’s platform and a simple strategy, focus on risk management - there are many ways to win at trading but the only way to guarantee you will never win is to get wiped out by losses.


I believe everyone has their best method of studying.

I for one prefer video materials, but some times I just put aside my preference if the material for which I need to acquire a particular knowledge isn’t in video format, just like the school of pipsology.

For videos, I recommend you befriend YouTube, it’s a great place to get informed.


I gather most of my trading knowledge from forums like babypips and i also interact with pro traders on social trading forums.


Come up with a plan for when you’ll study and how long. Stick to the plan. You have to go through some trial and error to figure out what works best for you. You have to create a routine and gain momentum.

This is what I’ve been doing for going through the School of Pipsology to give you some ideas. I only do one lesson a day while taking notes. Sometimes I will do more if the lessons are short. This takes about an hour. I take a short break after 30 minutes. I do this the same time every morning.

I recommend the videos from Dr. K’s YouTube Channel about studying, motivation, and discipline. There’s a lot of great videos there about those things. Here’s one of them:

How I Only Studied 2 hours a Day in Medical School - YouTube


I actually really like this post.

Most especially being on a forum for trading you see people talking all about different trading styles, formats, time frames, indicators etc. and for people who are learning it can be overwhelming just simply not understanding the basics.

Learning forex, and trading in general can be difficult.

Currently I find myself still struggling with just basically understanding what everything is and how it all computes to making money. :rofl:

Consistency at its core my friend. Regardless of how you improve your studying, consistency.

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Thank you so much! have a great trading week! :slight_smile:

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Omg yes, it’s overwhelming! thank you friend may you have a great trading week!

In my opinion, firstly, go learn the theory. How you learn the theory is up to you. Some prefer reading some prefer in a video format. It’s okay for as long as you can understand the material then good enough.

Personally, the best way to learn is still in practical format:

You practice > You made mistakes > You cried on you bed > Do reflection > Repeat.

Along side with this, upgrade your theory when you’re not practice. Learn and then try to apply it in real world. You do it again:

You practice > You made mistakes > You cried on you bed > Do reflection > Repeat.

At least this is what works for me. This is based on my personal experience. :grinning:


LOL thank you for sharing! I appreciate everyone who took the time to reply to my question! everyone have a great trading week.

Keep it simple to start with. Best to choose a Forex pair and watch how the price moves over time. Then when comfortable add a simple indicator such as RSI and learn how to understand it’s operation. Never trade with real cash until at least 6 months of experience.

Best of luck.

P.s. I only use the RSI on my charts even after 5 years of trading.

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Begin with testing out different trading strategies on a demo account, use the time to try to discover what trading styles you are most comfortable with, then look into getting a firmer grasp of the market and the trends that work best with you favourote trading strategies. Practice a little more, allow yourself the odd loss here and there for the learning experience and go on from there. I do think you can cut and play around a bit more to find a more tailored approach that suits your time and energy and even interests so there’s a lot you could be taking into account that coudl help you adopt a very enjoyable trading experience for yourself wirh the trading strategies that work best for you.

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Stay organized, break topics into manageable parts, use visual aids, and seek educational videos for a dynamic learning experience. Good luck!

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"Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent."

-John Maynard Keynes

So manage your emotions.

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Practices as you study. Make sure you are trading on demo while studying.

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