Forex Traders in South Africa

Hi. I am looking for successful part-time or full-time forex traders anywhere in South Africa who would be prepared to allow me to shadow them to see how they trade. I know the basics and have traded a bit myself. I am looking for traders who make a regular income from forex and are prepared to share their secrets to success.


I’d be more than happy to work and learn the everyday market economy strategies with you.


Hi Brinyvista

I am also a trader from South Africa.

Get in contact with me , just reply on this.


Hi. How can we get in touch directly and share ideas? I am from Port Elizabeth

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Hi There

I see i can send you a link.

Babypips doesn’t allow it.

South Africa, Pretoria

Hi and welcome… :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey guys… :mask:

Welkom I am from Cape Town