Forex Trading Education

One Questiiiiiiiiiiiion.
I reallllllllllly want to learn forex, can I be a goooood trader like you after passing all courses at babypips???

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I’m a beginner but I found them the best.

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Hellooo! :blush: Hmm. :thinking: I think, in the end, it’s still up to you. :smiley: The school here is super helpful but after finishing the lessons, there’s so much more you would need to do before becoming a good trader. :sweat_smile: Like, checking out other resources and demo trading! But I think you’d already be on the right track.

Depends solely on how consistent, and how deeply you are willing to go for knowledge.

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You are talking about other resources? What did you use?

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YouTube! Haha. :smiley: There was a time when a lot of members here had their own YT channels so I would visit them every now and then and learn from their videos also. :blush: Plus of course, books and online articles. :blush:

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It will strengthen you basics to some extent, but if you want to earn practical knowledge, you should watch videos and implement ideas on demo account.

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The education section is a first step, it gives general look about the forex market and trading. After finish, you will decide what type of trading you like the most and you will trade via this method. Regards Greg


It will show you a path or guidance to improve yourself but you have work on your strategy and renew old tactics to finer one.

Personally I didn’t follow any particular course. What I did is I watched videos on Youtube and took lesson from those videos and applied my earned knowledge on demo accountr.

I think it will increase your theoretical knowledge but to increase your practical knowledge, you have to trade on demo account.


Isn’t it time-consuming to watch YouTube?
I think you have to watch for 2 hours to take one lesson.

Remember, becoming a successful trader takes time and dedication. By taking a comprehensive approach to learning and continuing to develop your skills, you can potentially become a successful trader. Good luck on your forex trading journey!

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Try to learn candlesticks by watching online videos. You can predict the market well by watching the shapes and sizes of candlesticks.

The School of Pipsology is a great resource that can give you a solid foundation in forex trading. But even after completing all the courses, you may still need to practice and gain experience before you become a successful trader.


Yes, it is great.

I would also say it is great, but you would need the practice and to expand your knowledge with actual experience.

The School of Pipsology is an excellent starting point for learning forex trading basics. Practical experience is where the real learning takes place. Keep honing your skills and adapting to the market dynamics. Success comes with continuous effort!

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The School of Pipsology is a fantastic resource for beginners, but it’s the real-world experience and adaptability that truly shape a successfulllllllllllllllll trader.