I am new to this forum and have been looking at forex trading for a while now. obviously knowledge is key and i know there is plenty of information on the forum/site however I am wondering does anyone know of any useful books to learn from. Especially for beginners?
Not on pc atm so putting links is a pain, but if you search for lexys on here she is a very good trader who put up a list of the books she felt help her become a profitable trader.
This site has a great school in it that will help you a lot. Investopida is a great website that also has begginer to advance lessons. The best education you’ll get is trading, do a demo to start and then proceed to live once you got at least 2 months of consecutive profits, then after those 2 months go and do paper trading on a live account and go from there.
No problem happy to help! Books are great, Investopedia and babypips school are both great for education, actually putting the screen time on real trading is great, as well just talking with traders like you are now to just build up your knowledge. Like I trade a formula that I’ve made up based on systems I’ve seen combine with my system and trading style to make it own. You never know what you will find out always keep your eyes and ears open!
If you’ve just started you are long away from trading with real money, let alone trading stocks. Of course, that’s your choice. Pips school is really more appropriate for you and I would strongly recommend spending in here at least a good 3 months to a year and practicing on a demo account before you move into a live one.
Personally, I’d recommend to go through the Babypips School in as much detail as you can. If you’re a newbie it will provide you with concise, detailed information about the basics of trading.