Forex Weekly Signals make 500 to 3000 pips per month

This is my first post in this forum,i read this threat carefully over the week and trying to study this…i would like to give few my opinion to this treath

  1. Loveislive i think you doing a very good job in this treath,you share your sistem and i think is great coz many people don’t share their system speacialy when it’s profit constantly
    2.i trying your signal last week and it’s my first test and i test in a real account with my MM,and yeah this week i got some profit with your signal,even i see so many in red in 1st but in the end of the week turn blue and i think is good…my opinion is even when my account still in red with using your signal i always keep positive thinking about it coz i now there’s never had been a perfect system in this forex world,and even in the end of this week i closed in red i would never take the blame on you coz all of the trade is my decision,and you just provideing some signal that i choose to follow.
    3.i will follow you and support you to keep this signal still publish here,coz i believed that you have no attantion to bring harm to peoples acc,and beside i think is the trader own decision to keep follow your signal or not,and if their keep follow your signal and suddenly turn in to red i think is the risk the trader have to take.
    4.@metin,i like your attitude and i also read your treath and still keep watching coz i also want to learn and i also have my own filter to see what is right or not

Loveislife I hope you’ll keep this signal on and with some more improvement from time to time,and i’ll pray for your kindness…
Thanks and Gbu

This is my first post in this forum,i read this threat carefully over the week and trying to study this…i would like to give few my opinion to this treath

  1. Loveislive i think you doing a very good job in this treath,you share your sistem and i think is great coz many people don’t share their system speacialy when it’s profit constantly
    2.i trying your signal last week and it’s my first test and i test in a real account with my MM,and yeah this week i got some profit with your signal,even i see so many in red in 1st but in the end of the week turn blue and i think is good…my opinion is even when my account still in red with using your signal i always keep positive thinking about it coz i now there’s never had been a perfect system in this forex world,and even in the end of this week i closed in red i would never take the blame on you coz all of the trade is my decision,and you just provideing some signal that i choose to follow.
    3.i will follow you and support you to keep this signal still publish here,coz i believed that you have no attantion to bring harm to peoples acc,and beside i think is the trader own decision to keep follow your signal or not,and if their keep follow your signal and suddenly turn in to red i think is the risk the trader have to take.
    4.@metin,i like your attitude and i also read your treath and still keep watching coz i also want to learn and i also have my own filter to see what is right or not

Loveislife I hope you’ll keep this signal on and with some more improvement from time to time,and i’ll pray for your kindness…
Thanks and Gbu

I am very happy, having made 90 pips.
Not having managed to get all en, these signs are very good.
exelente impossible without help.
Thank you. :5:

although this week kind of rough week, but still so far so good, and too bad this week in the end my final close is -30pips, but hey this is my own fault as i didn’t close it when still in green. I can say you help us a lot, and thank for the great signal, and of cause will follow you all the way ;).

Thank you.

This week was the first time I tried your signal. Apparently I was kinda surprised with the result. None of the signal triggered on Monday. Few has started on Tuesday (I follow GMT+8 since I’m living in Malaysia).

Surprisingly the result was so good on Wednesday morning till noon. Everything went up and I made quite a good profit. But It was my fault of not trailing stop or break even the SL that’s why when the turbulence happened. Everything turned red.

Nonetheless, thanks again loveislife for such a great signal. I found a good signal and I learn my lesson of knowing when to take profit as well.

Thanks again!!

Hi, I would also like to comment on signals from loveislife786. The system that gives 3000 pips in one month is phenomenal. For this week it was a very good learning process throughout the week. Especially watching 15 pairs is quite challenging. I am so happy that I found this site and hopefully follow this signals for years to come. I don’t understand the negative comments, but jealousy has no limits I guess. I am grateful to be a part of this system and hope to be your follower in the future, and I am welcoming the daily signals too! I am also hoping to get my friends into this system, I think they will be grateful too! Take care of your health loveislife786 and enjoy life as much as you can. Regards, Matt

I have been following this thread for three weeks, but this is my first comment. I know i can’t get rich all of a sudden in this industry, but ur signal give me hope of getting a better living condition. Hope keep the thread alive.

I tried the signals for the first time this week clearing around 100 pips. Even in a not so good week I managed to make profits - Well done loveislife, keep up the good work!

Loveislife, You have helped a lot of people here and i feel you are an asset to Babypips. You really have nothing to prove to others about your character. We can follow or not. People need to learn to trade on their own as well and not blame your signals if they go in the negative. Keep up the good

This week I earned 343 pips and lost 122. Of which 194 were gains from this method and 67 were losses leaving me with 127 as gains from the method. 149 pips from my own trading as gains and 55 pips as losses from my own trading. Giving me 94 pips on profit from my own inexperienced and sporadic trading methods following the trend as well as selling when highs are met and buying when lows are met.

I have my own little method that is far from perfect but hope to perfect it soon! All in all the week was slow but a 221 pip gain is great considering I am not a pro and have only done this since May of this year.

No complaints here!

Please keep going as you did since you decided to share your trading strategy on babypips.
I and many more newbies are eagerly waiting for your updates on this thread.

How’s your health now? All good?
Take good care brother!

Thanks loveislife…I will continue to support and at ur side:5:

I am still following ur signals! This week was rough and I lost a few pips but it’s ok! It was a good learning experience for me.

Did u ask ur partner what to do about the low and high spreads. Because some people got more signals triggered remember?

Its more work but sometimes I cancel the orders (the ones close to being triggered) when the US market closes and then re-enter about an hour after the Asian market opens. This helps to avoid that problem. If the spreads are always high then its time to reconsider ur choice and find one with lower spreads.

Hi. Loveislife. I have followed your signals in a live account for the past four weeks. The account is small so I couldn’t do all the signals at first but week one I made 400 pips week2 was 200+ pips week3 930 pips week 4 -400 pips.thia last week I seem to have very different results fro you other followers.
The problem last week was every signal triggered immediately went into reverse. Euraud triggered a buy when the market opened on Sunday hit the sl. On Tuesday it triggered the sell order and reversed again and hit the sl. Other traders following your signals do not seem to have had this problem and I am wondering if you have any ideas. I use IgIndex. I am really grateful for the signals and even with the loss for last week am up around 1100 pips for the month which is phenomenal. I just want to avoid unnecessary losses if you have any thoughts on what may have gone wrong at my end. I have shown a screen print of the trades showing the opening and closing etc.
Cheers and good health

Dangerous openings expected tomorrow, but hope it will be a good one.

Trade wisely :slight_smile:

I had the same problem, The solution I am going to try is to wait at least a couple of hours to set up my entry orders until the market settles down. If you feel you missed a good entry you can always enter it manually

Thank you gor the acknowledgement of the phenomenal potency of the signals. the problem you talked about may be connected with spread as brokers feeds and spreads affect the price of pairs at any given time. We are currently working to address the disparity issue of prices by designing an automatic signals generator that can automatically generate the weekly signals on any chart irrespective of timeframe. It is expected that this will compute and generate the signals according to the briker s price feeds and charts. so keep your fingers crossed as i and Loveislife complete the final phase of this project.By the time it is completed all a trader needs yo do is to drop it on the desired chart and the weekly signals for that particular pair is displayed making it. very simple for one to do one s trading.

Thank you for the
acknowledgement of the
phenomenal potency of the
signals. the problem you
talked about may be
connected with spread as
brokers feeds and spreads
affect the price of pairs at
any given time. We are
currently working to
address the disparity issue
of prices by designing an
automatic signals generator
that can automatically
generate the weekly signals
on any chart irrespective of
timeframe. It is expected
that this will compute and
generate the signals
according to the briker s
price feeds and charts. so
keep your fingers crossed
as i and Loveislife complete
the final phase of this
project.By the time it is
completed all a trader
needs yo do is to drop it
on the desired chart and
the weekly signals for that
particular pair is displayed

Dear forex1, thank you for your acknowledgement of the effectiveness of this signals. I am loveislife s partner you enquired about. I am happy to inform you that an automatic signals generator for each broket/ chart is being developed by us as i write and very soon be made available for anybody that needs it. It is expected that it put behind us the problems associated with lack of unniformity in brokers price feeds and spreads and it generates broker-specific signals. Just keep your fingers crossed.