Very well said…I have been trading for only two years. I have demo traded with 50k 100k and acted like I really had that kind of cash in my bucket…I then went to a live account and traded a system which I thought was great, I obeyed the rules and got my buttocks handed to me with a margin call. I might have well just gone into the ring and fought Mike Tyson and took a dive knowing he was going to kill me. So, I know where yuan83 is coming from…
So what I have done, is on Alpari,US, I opened up a demo account at 300.00 US…You can do this, when you register the new account, you just type in 300 for the account balance…Why 300, that all my live account has in it. So when I trade the 300 demo, Im acting like I only have 300 in the demo(fake live) account and use my MM(money Management) rules…So if I trade a system like this, and I lose my 300 demo, Its no big deal…So my comment on that, why trade a 3k, 5k or whatever, you dont have that amount really, trade what you may have or think about starting an account with. You will learn to trade your MM rules…
In conclusion, I believe this is a good system, It’s well thought out and planned…However, each persons sl, tp or ts is different. I am starting today to demo trade this on a 300 buck demo account as if it was my real 300 account. With Mothers day weekend, it took me all weekend to read every post on this system… I was taught on every trade, you must use a S/L. So what is everyone’s thought on the number of t/s, s/l if you use it and when to exactly enter on this system…
Also in reference to the s/l?, Could you just enter on the cross of the ma’s and use a 250 s/l and just let the wave ride out. Meaning keeping an eye on the trade and not using the t/s. I have looked back and most of the trades, do not retrace on you past a 250 s/l…Just a thought…
Phantom great job btw…I can tell you spent some time on this system. But I finally believe in trading forex, to many indicators on the screen gives me a headache LOL…Phantom, hope you got my email. juan83, good post, I enjoyed the reading of all in this thread.
Good luck to everyone