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I’ve started watching a few Youtube clips on Stoicism. I’m just taking my first steps. I wonder if anyone here would describe themselves as a Stoic and how the philosophy has impacted their life?


Have you read the Chimp Paradox before? Some good information and pointers in there on how to try and achieve this, if not mentioning it in name.


Thank you. I’m allergic to self-help books but I’m Youtubing to get the core at least of the guy’s ideas.

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This is less self help and more a book helping to understand the way aspects of personality interlink. Steve Peters was a criminal psychologist who profiled people like Ian Huntley. He’s worked in professional sport as well. It’s a very interesting read and concept to explore.


Tnx Peter. I find this website so useful

Lots of free staff always in youtube, but you normally cant find big ideas in there

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Youtubing to get an idea of stoicism is okay, but like @Soheil77 said, you can’t find much useful information there. Youtube will only give you an abstract idea about what stoicism is. In order to know more, I think you should read academic psychology books, and refer to interviews.


Nobody said anything about in depth academia

Sounds really interesting.
Going to download it on Audible I’m terrible for reading of late .

I think it is very useful even while not being being specifically about trading. Same with Atomic Habits by James Clear.

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Nice thanks for the suggestions maximizing my time is something I still struggle with .
Once I’m up at 6 bells all is good if I sleep in until 8 I’m on the backboiler