Free Excel Trading Journal

Hi, thank you very much for sharing your journal.
I am new to forex trading and still learning, was looking for a journal.

Thanks again mate.

So many thanks for the simplest spreadsheet I ever saw ! :relaxed:

Thanks for sharing the journal.

Thanks so much. Very helpful.

anybody have the Version 2 of the spreadsheet? Doesnā€™t seem to be a link.

I am not absolutely sure this was the latest version of that spreadsheet. I never actually usd it as such, I only downloaded it ages ago to see how various aspects were formulated in it and stripped out the best bits to fit in my own spreadsheet! :slight_smile:

But I think it probably is the Version 2 and, in any event , it is a good model. Just take care to check that the calculations and formulas are working correctly before relying on them!

Trade JournalV2_1.xls (4.1 MB)


Thanks, appreciate it.

Hey, Stray! Thanks a lot for the hard work on the journal. Iā€™m new and I would like to use it. However, I canā€™t find version 2. I see the original one at the top and I see your post that says youā€™ve uploaded it here, but I canā€™t find it anywhere. Was it taken down or am I looking right at it? Can you reply with the file?

Greetings All. Rowen88, I thought you would be the best person to ask this question. Im building a SpreadSheet app to analize my FX Trades but i need to know how do i get the CSV. info from MT4 ?

Very good trading journal :wink:

This looks pretty neat. Iā€™m looking to build my trading journal actually and your sample is definitely helpful! Do you guys have any suggestions on what to add for FX beginner traders?

Does anybody have a screenshot of how this spreadsheet looks like? A bit worried about downloading from random links on the internet.

Thanks for posting it up and sharing it

Hi Manxx,
Beyond new to all this, trying to figure out what, where, when and how.
In the trade journal [your version 2 which I downloaded], in the headings [I1] Take Profit. What must I enter there, yes, no or something else or leave it blank. Havenā€™t got a clue what to do there.

Thank you, will await your response.

Have a great day! :sun_with_face:
P_B [Puss & Boots]

Hereā€™s an example trade input. Your entry price goes in the G column. You then input your stop loss level and Target level in columns H and I respectively. This will then calculate and display your R:R in column K.

Hope this helps. Just ask if anything is not clear! :slight_smile:

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Please accept my apology for this late reply. Router problem left me high and dry for quite some time.

Thank you for your reply. Will apply your advise accordingly.
And yes, with my new found booties in Forex Trading still have many questions, and not afraid
to ask for help, want to make money, not lose it. Tredding on egg shells rather than a bull in a china shop.

Till later, and have a great day!

Puss & Boots.

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Nicely put @P_B! :slight_smile:

Glad you like that one. :wink:

Thank you so much for sharing your work! it made easier for newbies like me to start our own trading journal!

Just make a log, use Evernote for a journal