Free forex demo contests with real cash prizes to win

i only will list here forex demo contests that dont require to pay a fee nor you need to sign up for a real account (like fxcmmicro contest). I also will not list contests like from etoro, because they only rate the absolute profit and not the relative profit you make. Thats ridiculous. That way a newbie never is able to get anything, though he might triple his little account in one week, and a high funded account with many years of just trading demo with limited success wins in the end. Thats very biblic, those who have, will be given more and those who dont have, will be taken the little what they have (lucas 19,26), but not the sense of a demo contest, at least thats my view. Last, not least, I also will not list contests where you may win a trip “spring in mongolia” or a ebook for a free trading course with paris hilton.

FX Euro Club Forex contest - Weekly competition with $2,500 virtual funds. $100 bonus prize. The competition session starts at 00:00 GMT on Monday, and continues through the whole week till 7:00PM GMT on Friday. - High Street Networking - Practice Competition* - Demo contest - Broker promotion - Forecast And Win

As always, updates to cash contests, no deposit brokers and more in my blog or send me a message. Happy trading!!!

I would like to add Deltastock. I think that their forex demo contest is pretty good. The first ten get bonuses:The first three win 100% bonus over the initial deposit and the others to the tenth place take 50% bonus. Good luck guys!

We do monthly demo contests. $1000 USD in cash prizes.

Check us out!

I visit your website It is looking good. However did not test it. Can you share your brokers list which are associated with you?

Hi Haley12, is independent. However, each month contestants trade from one of our preferred brokers. Currently it’s IBFX-US.

Adding Forex Club. They celebrate the 15th anniversary by holding a bunch of contests (including demo).

Are you affiliated with brokers, one broker each month?

Currently, being independent really does mean ‘independent.’ But, be that as it may, who knows how will evolve. Our main focus is, and always will be, providing a safe environment for people to practice forex with the added bonus of cash upside.

it really is great.I will be successful with it, but I do not like what totally free.

[B] Ikon markets[/B] is running a demo trading competition as well. You can check the details from