I want to share easy to use free Forex Copier developed by myself.
Feel free to try it and post your feedback. I want to know if you see any bugs/issues in my software if you find any I’ll try to fix them.
Also le me know what features you would like to see in this program, I’ll consider adding that.
Good that you have a free version. I understand why you have some limitations that are available in a paid version as you’d like something in return for your time. I’d like to support free editions as I have seen too many over priced commercial functions.
Anyway, you’d wanted to know some features people like to see. Here is my wishlist:[Not sure if it is already included.]
Ability to copy variables between instances. [So it can act like an interface if multiple instances running with different startegies. This is more an extention of the trade copy function, but would make the tool usefull to manage multiple instances.]
Ability to “do not to copy trades if”. I am thinking here about excluding crosses, Trading hours, lot size restrictions, when exceeding free available margin, only Buy trades for EURUSD etc. [Added later: I noticed that this feature is already or partly included]
SendMail when a trade is copied.
Matching trades to certain globalvariables, like Do not copy if GlobalVariable Currency_1 is set to 1. So that it can be incorperated with other EA’s I am running.
What can impress users are some blinking text_labels in the screen, like trade 1 is in the profit.
Sorry, cannot understand this request. Please add more details, what do you mean by “variables”?
Now the tool can copy trades between different MT4 instances which are installed on the same computer.
Yes, you are right, filters are useful, for now we have these filters:
[li]Trade type filter (copy/do not copy Long/Short trades, Buy/sell trades, copy/do not copy pending orders, etc…)
[/li][li]Comments filter (so the program will only process trades with certain comments)
[/li][li]Copy only trades which are in profit/loss on Master account
Later we plan adding the following filters:
[li]Currency fillter - but even now there is a workaround how to filter currency pairs (you just need to exclude pairs you do not want to copy from Market Watch window)
[/li][li]Magic number filter (this is helpful if you are copying EA trades)
[/li][li]Lot size filter
According to your suggestions we will consider adding Trading hours filter, this makes sense
Ok, will do in next versions.
Hmm, I’ve never thought about that… And I do not know if this is feature will be popular because it is quite specific…
Yeah, this makes sense but I think that it will be implemented like a separate “always on top” window which will show live copying statistics and will allow changing EA properties “on the fly”, but this requires a lot of development so do not actually know when this will be ready…
Thank you, do not forget to leave the feedback.
Also please tell me if the software is not easy to install and use, I want it to be the easiest Copier on the market!
really, there are so many complicated software which are not user-friendly and unfortunately I recognize that my software is not super easy at this point, but I want it to become easier and easier with each release and your help and ideas will be greatly appreciated, I know that there is a way how to make things self-intuitive without the loses in functionality but I do not know what concrete things are the hardest to understand in the software.
Here is one more case how you can use our program:
Case 2: You want to trade on a few accounts simultaneously.
For example:
you have several accounts with different brokers and want to make the same trades on all accounts
you may manage an account of you wife/husband or friend(s)
Or you are Account Manager so you need to duplicate your trades on your clients accounts
Forex Copier can help you with all these tasks, it will allow you to trade on one account only and all your trades trades will be automatically duplicated on other account(s)
It is not a problem if all accounts are of different size, Copier allows to manage lot sizes easily.