Free long term signals

Hi ,i`m going to give dayly signals every day betwen 8 pm and 9 pm est .i have been usin this estrategie for te past 5 months with great results (betwen 1000 and 5000 pips per month )again are long term signals so sometimes transaccions are open for weeks . ok lets start
todays signals:
buy aud/usd stop 500 pips
buy aud/chf stop 500pips
sell gbp/cad stop 500 pips
sell eur/nzd stop 500 pips
the 500 pips stop is just in case of a crazy move .

why a s/l of only 500pips?
why not go to a full 1000 or even more - don’t want to be taken out by any “crazy moves” now do we?

Buy AUD/USD? Seriously? Are you blind? Look at the charts!!!

Don’t give out signals if you don’t know anything about trading! :mad:
It certainly seems like you should be learning instead of giving signals.

I know a place that “less” profit signals, but they are accurate. They give them free if you open a Forex account. Try going to Fx-Megaforex and good luck with your signals.

Hi 099… relax please ,i just have a sistem that meke me profit and i want to share it ,and not im not blind i just trust my sistem that all and i only look a the daily chart once a day did u look a the daily chart a the time that i post the signal??.why i use 500 pips stop ?because i feel confortable with that and im having good result with that .and yes i learn every day somenting about forex and i think that u have to do the same .so please nex time dont get upset just because u dont agree with another person signals give it a chance because u can be wrong .by the way aud/usd +45
aud/chf -25
gbp/cad + 220
eur/nzd +160

Yeah, so +45 on AUDUSD huh? Well done. Now you just need the pair to ascend another 455 pips and you’ll have made as much money as you risked.
I can’t see what on the daily chart from when you posted what would make anyone want to trade long, but so far it’s working out for you. Good for you.

If you think you have a good system, just share it instead of giving out signals.

Whats on the AU chart why you were against buying it? The trend is clearly bullish, only thing I see “wrong” was that he bought at the top, better you had say buy after a retracement.

Yeah, exactly. Not very smart to buy at the top after two weekly doji’s IMHO.

Crap system. You don’t just toss out a flat 500 pips on various pairs just for the sake of having a number. That tells me alone that you’re not heeding any market conditions whatsoever. And if you can’t adapt to the market, how can you possibly survive in a constant evolving market.

And I’m also not convinced that A/U is a buy here either. It’s too soon to make that assumption. I see it as ranging at the moment. Today might tell another story when the candle closes.

I agree with you on the system but not on AU. Au is pretty much bullish its just that he was buying at the high. It has been making higher highs and higher lows over the last couple of weeks.

Hi mastergunner99 ,tanks for u comments ,i use a 500 pips stop but good for me i have never use it the worse case that i close a transaction was -363 pips on gbp/nzd 2 months ago i use 500 stop but if the sistem tells me that the buy or sell signal is not valid anymore i just close the transaction .so the 500 pips is to give room .and it is probably a crap sistem but for now is giving me good results so why change it?adn again thanks for u contribution to baby pips ,the same for 099… thanks a lot ,i just wanted to share my results didn`t work for u guys and that all .again thanks!!! have a nice day !!!

Ok, we get that your stop is a PCI stop, fair enough. But you still haven’t told us what your ‘sistem’ is!

LOL, it appears Nico knows a little something about trading after all…

You can’t base a single trade and equate that to any form of expertise in the market. He clearly has no regards for proper money management, market variance and fluctuation.

Successful trading is much more than just taking an educated guess at price direction.

Yeah, he was absolutely right about that trade. But - I maintain that I was right in my view that it was an extremely stupid place to go long.

Lucky guesses don’t mean you have talent. (Not saying I do, just saying he hasn’t shown any)

Hmm I dunno - all the trades he called are in profit by 200 - 300 pips right now. Definately think he knows a thing or two about trading, and as he says the 500 pip sl wouldn’t actually get hit as his system would have taken him out of the trade before then (lol, where have we heard that one before!!). Not my cup of tea personally mind you.

Lets see when he eventually closes them, and see what the next signals bring. And he may even show us his system! That’s if he hasn’t taken his ball home of course…

Yes, I may very well have to eat my words, but I’m not going to do it yet. We’ll see.

Could nicofx’s method be as simple as paying more attention to the world commodity trade, gold copper, silver, etc than the currency charts? Worldwide commodity strength trickling down and moving the CommDolls? Maybe trading on the fundamentals works with the Dolls??? Worth a second look…

…but don’t even think about asking for my email address cause I ain’t paying nothing for signals