Free pattern trading webinar

Most people starting out in forex trading lose their accounts in about 3-4 months. I thought I would give back some help to people, many people helped me out when I started, so its no skin off my nose to do the same.

I post on other forums as well and I would not be where I am today without some of the help I got when I started. I got a free webinar going on, its the 7th April and its free no charge.

What I will be doing is trading live, and showing folks how to anticipate where the market will turn. I am limited to 100 places, because its a free webinar software I have. I don’t mind sparing some time to help people out, but I don’t want it to cost me a packet either. I am sticking to currencies, as thats what I trade day in and day out.

I will be looking at all time frames from 5 min to the daily.

Everyone is wecome.

All the best
