Free Profitable trading system AvantEdgeFX

Hey guys, I just stumbled upon this system the other day. Looks like it might be legitimate. its called the AvantEdgeFX trading system. Looks like they also offer a pretty comprehensive trading course as well. Has anybody heard of these guys or used them before?

You have made 2 posts on this system. In the other one you claim to have been using the system a while and making profits.

I am reporting this and the other thread to admin as it is obvious you are trying to get free advertising for this system.

Anyone reading this thread beware. The poster is NOT genuine and is in effect promoting this system.

The most profitable trading system is the one that performs for you, the one you comprehend and trust day in day out, the one that creates you laugh when you generate profits. You will get different answers but I assurance if you try all of the techniques that are presented via this thread you will not get the same results.

James, here are several illustrations of the performance statistics of my account since I’ve been using the AvantEdgeFX system that you claim will bring me sadness and will not “creates you laugh when you generate profits”. As you can see from exhibit 1, I have been using the system since the beginning of this month.
You can see that at first I lost a little bit of money because I didn’t follow the rules of the system very well since I didn’t know them all yet. About half way through the month (approx 2 weeks after beginning), things clicked and the system began “creates you laugh when you generate profits” for me. As my cummulative profit will show, I’ve been laughing quite a bit.

The second exhibit is a listing of winning and losing trades with trade number on the X-axis and profit and loss and the Y-axis. The green triangles are for winning trades and the red triangles are for losing trades. You can see that at first I continued to trade normally and you can see the distribution of wins/losses and then towards the end you can see where suddenly things clicked for me and I completed the training for the AvantEdgeFX system. Notice that the past large number of trades I’ve taken are winners? haha, as you can see this system is generating many laughs for me…and dollars as well. In fact you can see that I’m on a pretty big winning streak right now.

I comprehend and trust the trading system I’m using day in and day out and as you can see it is one that performs for me and it is “creates laughs” when I generate profit so by your definition this system is the most profitable trading system

hi Thesseneated,

the question is not if the system works, the real question is, why are you asking peoples idea pretending that you dont have much idea about avantedge…while clearly you are using it for a while succesfully (or atleast thats what you claim)

This kind of contradictory posts, makes you seem dishonest or at the least a spammer, pushing people away from the very thing you are trying to promote.