Fresh Pipsology Graduate Student wants to say thx & introduce himself

Before i introduce myself i want to give all the Fx-men and everyone one else, that contributed their time, knowledge & skills to the School of Pipsology big props. You did a great job,. Your course was very helpful & even big fun to me. Well written, good explained and good humor hrhrhr. Even tough i am not an native English Speaker i had no hard time following the course. You gave me a good holistic view on the Subject and also found out what type of trader i am (day-trading, mean reversal trading, range trading, 30 min tie frame, hybrid). i managed to spot my weak points (stop loss to tight) but also where i already have potential . I know i am still a Noob but i am ready know to dive deeper into the matter and start developing my first trading plan but first i m gonna have few days of from FOREX before i am gonna crack my knuckles again. You Guys really earn big Respect, i am not Kissing asses, if i say things i mean them. I tried other courses they all put me to sleep ;-). I know getting free courses at this quality level is nothing that can be taking for granted and you Guys certainly put a lot of effort in this project. Therefore i want to say thank you.

Now a little bit about me. I am 33 years old and live with m fiancee in Vienna/Austria. I come from Cryptoland, yeah Bitcoins, Ether, Zcash, Dash, Potcoin & Co made me come here. I like to watch crime docus with my Girl. i like doing sports also, mainly MMA. My IT-Skills are Web-development, Online Privacy & Anonymity (tor,tails,deep-web…). I am free thinker, & tolerant… libertarian as well. A little bit a conservative Rebel hrhrh i studied nutrition science. these i think are the main thinks to know about me. So these are the main thinks to know about me. I hope to meet new people with same interest & help each other in order to make good FX-trading Business.

I will be back soon (and will ceratinly hammer you with Noob questions hahahaa)

Greetz from Austria


Hello, Pipschmitt. Welcome to the forums. :blush:

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Excellent intro post and thanks for the wonderful comments! Best of luck and ask away with your questions. There’s a great community here.

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Hi Pipschmitt and welcome to the forum. I enjoyed your post very much, thank you for it. I totally agree with you that the Babypips school here is great and perfect for newbies. Make sure to go thorugh it again while practicing on demo so you can expand your knowledge even more and build a better trading strategy. My advice is not to open a live account immediately but to trade on demo at least 6 months so you gain some experience and be well prepared. Good luck :slight_smile:
P.S I like to watch crime documentaries as well when I have time :smiley:


Thx for the great Feedback. After two Weeks off, I crack my knuckles again to develop my Trading plan. Wish me Luck and cu in the forums.