Before i introduce myself i want to give all the Fx-men and everyone one else, that contributed their time, knowledge & skills to the School of Pipsology big props. You did a great job,. Your course was very helpful & even big fun to me. Well written, good explained and good humor hrhrhr. Even tough i am not an native English Speaker i had no hard time following the course. You gave me a good holistic view on the Subject and also found out what type of trader i am (day-trading, mean reversal trading, range trading, 30 min tie frame, hybrid). i managed to spot my weak points (stop loss to tight) but also where i already have potential . I know i am still a Noob but i am ready know to dive deeper into the matter and start developing my first trading plan but first i m gonna have few days of from FOREX before i am gonna crack my knuckles again. You Guys really earn big Respect, i am not Kissing asses, if i say things i mean them. I tried other courses they all put me to sleep ;-). I know getting free courses at this quality level is nothing that can be taking for granted and you Guys certainly put a lot of effort in this project. Therefore i want to say thank you.
Now a little bit about me. I am 33 years old and live with m fiancee in Vienna/Austria. I come from Cryptoland, yeah Bitcoins, Ether, Zcash, Dash, Potcoin & Co made me come here. I like to watch crime docus with my Girl. i like doing sports also, mainly MMA. My IT-Skills are Web-development, Online Privacy & Anonymity (tor,tails,deep-web…). I am free thinker, & tolerant… libertarian as well. A little bit a conservative Rebel hrhrh i studied nutrition science. these i think are the main thinks to know about me. So these are the main thinks to know about me. I hope to meet new people with same interest & help each other in order to make good FX-trading Business.
I will be back soon (and will ceratinly hammer you with Noob questions hahahaa)
Greetz from Austria