Fresh Start, No Quiter!💪🏾

Hi ya’all,
Glad to finally join this family.
I’ve know about forex for years. Traded on and off, built and blown a few accounts
BUT haven’t given up!
What brings me here is; to learn and pocket this trading knowledge and skill and hopefully become a profitable :chart_with_upwards_trend: trader.
My biggest dream is to eventually quit my job and stay home yet earn and fully support my family etc.:blush::muscle:t5:

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Focus on your strategy process and keep cool, calm and collected while trading. That’s all you need to become successful.

It has taken me two years to understand that.

Welcome to the community! I hope all goes well for you this time. Enjoy your stay and good luck.

Hello and welcome!
I’m glad to see that you haven’t given up. I also started trading to help my family and it has become something that I couldn’t dream of NOT doing. The extra income is a big help, especially with the rising prices that we’re all dealing with today. I’m wishing you the best of luck, keep at it!