Freshly baked Indonesian PRO trader wannabe is in the way to wealthdom

Hi guys/gurls/moms/pops/pros/cons all over BABYPIPS universe …

I’m an Indonesian citizen with a high hopes to make it BIG in the forex trading field. I know some of you would probably sarcasticly smile (or laugh …) and says … " yeahh … good luck to that! i’m looking forward to hear your pathetic cries next time around … ".

But … i’m not gonna back off to that because i have already made a decision and leave my day job to devote myself in this business. So if there are anybody out there who has a little bit of compassionate heart out of many years of experience being slammed by the market would like to give me a sense of wisdom and share their knowledge … I would be all ears.

Thanks for the click by … and may every entries reach TP’s.

Market bless us all,


Greetings Giez and welcome to the community! Quitting the day job? You’re a brave man and I hope you’ve planned well for going all in! Have you had a chance to check out the School of Pipsology yet? If not, that’s a great place to start to learn good analysis and risk management practices, and get practicing to develop good habits. Trading is a skill that takes a lot of consistent effort, so never give up and keep a good attitude!

You do sound brave. Make sure you know what you are doing. Check Pipcrawler’s comment. If you have questions I would be glad to help answer them.

Best of luck!

Thanks … Mr. Pipcrawler.

I’m on it. Couple of things i know … much more that i don’t … some made me knock my head in disgust because it costs me capital and i would be able to avoid it if i learn it earlier in babypips school.
but …
Thats the risk of jumpin’ in head first …
It would be an honor for me if you could share some advice on things that i’ve questioned, Mr. Pipcrawler.

Market bless us all,
