Friends still not talking about bitcoin

Despite bitcoin reaching ATH, I feel like the “normies” still aren’t talking about crypto the same way they were all talking about it in 2020/2021… How about you and your friends/people you know? :open_mouth:


If someone’s not already involved in it, or already investing, I don’t talk about anything financial-related. I’ve come too far to argue with someone who’s trying to convince me I shouldn’t be doing what I’m doing.

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Most of my friends have asked me in the last two months “hey, do you still have any Bitcoin? I sold mine at a loss” to which I replied “think long term, act cautiously”. I tell them the story of Dennis, our learned colleague who has posted about the dollar cost averaging strategy and ask them if they know that BTC has returned a compounded 200% per year ROIC for all of its history how difficult would it be to stop drinking 10 Starbucks coffees a week and start investing $50 a week in BTC. I once read a book about psychology of trading and investing. Fascinating. The human brain is wired to sell a profitable trade too quickly and to hang on to a loss making trade for dear life until it is zero. I think that summarizes why 70% to 98% of forex traders fail to make any profit. It is not the market - it is the continuous act of overusing margin to try to achieve goals then complaining that the big boys took you out of your trade. I have not used margin for over 5 years now. That is not to say I do not trade currencies. I do. But very long term. :slight_smile:


They all got in at 60 and got out at 30. I don’t expect people like that to keep talking about its hype. :smile:

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Why would I chat about BTC with people who are like, a decade out of the loop? And for my friends who are on the same page as me, it’s nothing exciting; just the usual ups and downs of the market.

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Why are you describing me lol

BTC and Crypto have gained absolute world recognition and are the word on the street, bigger and better everyday. Everyone around me are talking about it on the daily basis.

It’s true! Hard to escape the buzz now.

FOMO on this one is just real, get on board and don’t miss out on more gains, it’s never too late to buy BTC :slight_smile:

Yeah, everyone I know are waiting to make their money from the “pump”, and always babbling about it.